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Imasuky Lomae

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Everything posted by Imasuky Lomae

  1. Her Store Is A Big Success?....in my pants i have a lot of gamesoundtrack cd's
  2. Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Wolf?....In my pants Don't worry call it's just the game i'm not cheating on you with anyother lupine
  3. burn What will happen as i rain down Hellfire upon all below me...Nya....Nya..Nya XD
  4. I don't need a bouncer....when i wear pants Sancturay in my pants
  5. hot dog wolf...in my pants By the way there's always room in my pants but the fee to get in is higher than you could ever hope to pay
  6. Residue Stain and i like The Rats In The Walls more than any of the Cthulhu stories
  7. Hey wolf did you see my pic on the last page "sold your soul" in my pants
  8. I have no delusions of Godhood I was Blessed by Cthulhu join us now or be driven mad when the great old ones rise. And as to itty bitty pieces I have Great Big Chunks
  9. "could you bite the hand?"....in my pants
  10. Yeah and i have something to say
  11. "sleeping wolves" in my pants I think the Wolf was talking about Femslash since your in my guild
  12. Whole if I'm struck down a thousand shall rise in my place and by that i mean I'll burst into a cloud and a thousand smaller copies of me will from and for each one of them that is killed another thousand so before long I would rule the Earth
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