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Imasuky Lomae

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Everything posted by Imasuky Lomae

  1. The Girl Scout troop there's so many of them and they are so cute and harmless looking no one would ever see it coming Pico from Boku no Pico vs. Bridget from Guilty Gear
  2. Original series Kirk because he was the best period Hisoka from HunterXHunter vs. The Joker
  3. I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth but what kind of chessey puff is that?
  4. Motoko from Love Hina, Suzuka from outlawstar, and just about any girl who's good with swords.
  5. Ok keep in in mind it's plunder THAN burn and just as important rape THAN kill not the other way around.
  6. Wendy from Fairy Tail bothe versions of her are so cute in thier own ways and Bel from pokemon she's the best girl ever in the series
  7. Kidd cause Vash is more of a lover than a fighter Winter from Girly vs Diva from Evil Dvia
  8. it's the one with the Rock Lobster running around Gloomy Sunday Wolfy i think you'd love it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WBZwLkvpFI
  9. Real Folk Blues now fav episode by the way (Toys in the attic)
  10. Only If the opening of Cowboy Bebop does cause that's what i'm hearing right now
  11. Right now the song puts my in mind of just how i feel not killing you (Stress) P.S. to take care of the boredom i've been watching a lot of porn:rolleyes:
  12. The Revenge Song (it made me think of the Wolf)
  13. All the reasons I aint queer it's rather funny
  14. Katy Perry is who sung that anyways I'm listening to Willy Use A Billy Boy by E-Rotic
  15. Boku wa Lolicon and Little Girls Cause lolis are the best
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