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Imasuky Lomae

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Everything posted by Imasuky Lomae

  1. Fire what would happen if i treied to put something back to gather....even if there were no moveing parts or anything flameble
  2. Sephiroth is over rated and needs to die off and anyways my word is Break what i've done to you so many times
  3. glasses you should read all of my love hina fics than and be sure to leave reviews they make my write more
  4. Shinobu(Same show and the best girl for Motoko)
  5. Snake (MGS) When i was a baby my grandfather gave me coffe and I was anemic so i had to eat a lot of spinach so i got a taste for bitter stuff that i never outgrew
  6. Yum i love bitter stuff and as my personal quote goes I like my women like i like my coffe....cold,dark, and bitter
  7. No need to get huff and puffy and blow away all the fun wolfy anyways LITTLE MARY SUNSHINE....In My Pants
  8. I Like Chinese....In My pants and it's supposed to be song names
  9. In regards to my gender I'm called gender fluid male, female, or something inbetween all depends on my mood in my mind as for the body that's a secret and as for what's in my pants Ask a Fool in Time of Need....in my pants
  10. Pray all you want yuor words shall fall onto deaf ears...by the way i killed you after i wrote this B)
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