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Posts posted by Daye



    Very unhappy that you wrote a story with no intention of finishing.  This is why I have started not reading stories till completed.  All 3 stories I'm writting have a start, a middle, & a finish.  Just filling in the interactions of the characters.


    Well isn’t that just a lovely review.


    I had every intention of finishing it when I started it, years ago. Things don’t always work out.


    It’s clearly marked as abandoned and was last updated over seven years ago. So that should have clued you in as to the state of the fic

  2. Just the other day. I got three reviews on It's Not Just Sex despite its long dormant state. All from Bob.

    I've got no sympathy for Hermione whatsoever. Not even a little bit. She's one of 4 people trying to stop a genocidal maniac who took over a country and is trying to kill everyone she cares about, and she's too caught up in her insecurities and teenage angst to act like something resembling a semi-mature young adult. Pathetic.

    Wonderful, Hermione goes off and leaves because of her idiocy, gets caught and taken to Malfoy manner, making everyone else risk their lives and any chance to beat to the badguy in order to go save her ass. Perfect. I'd almost forgot how much I can't stand such stupid decision making. Good chap.

    God I can't take it. Harry let them live. Whyyyy. Enemy combatants, rapists, terrorists, people who tortured him and his friends... And then the Harry Pansy issue. Christ. I wish this story would be updated because it's one of the few good H/P out there, but damn if I don't fucking hate where it's gone. Writing itself is good.

    Thanks for these reviews! Especially on such an old fic. I'm not totally sure if you liked it or not though. Certainly I can believe my characterisation of Hermione is contentious as she's very much the source of tension and antagonism for some chapters. Though she appears stupid; issues of angst, insecurity do have a powerful effect on people, especially teenagers and especially when under the influence of the Horcrux. (Like Ron in canon) So I hope she is at least understandably stupid.

    Harry canonically is unwilling to kill. My version is a bit more pragmatic. He ignites one guy, and blasts another with a body full of splinters just after Bill & Fleur's wedding, he's willing to do potential lethal damage to people while in a fight but the point of the last chapter is he does not want to kill or murder people who are defenceless and already defeated. For moral reasons basically. Again perhaps not practical but still fitting his character and the need for the hero to be better than the villain.

    These reviews come while I'm listening to the Deathly Hallows audiobook and am remembering ideas I had for finishing this fic... so long ago. But at this point it might take bone of the father, flesh of a servant and blood of an enemy to get it going again,

  3. Fucking Halloween Party

    I really enjoyed this fic, JayDee. The characters are fun and well described and the sex is awesome. I really liked how each time Shannon's expectations about the killer were proved wrong. 'oh its the nerdy guy! oh its an angry jock!' Turns out not to be either. And she saves the day through understanding and seduction. Not say pulling off limbs or sexing people to death. The redemption and helping people arc on all parts was great.

    All in all, a very enjoyable well written fic.

  4. Very well, has she seen every thought he has had of Jubilee and the other girls during his dry period? and has she been turned into a psychic voyeur because of it?

    unf. Regardless of DS's fic. that on its own would constitute a good excuse plot for a smut fic. Jean picking up on all sort of naughty goings on, real and imagined.

  5. Yeah Ultimate Wanda does pretty much nothing that I recall. 'Cept get pissy when Thor zaps Quicksliver....

    And yeah, Evo!wanda has sucky luck/life. I'm not sure being able to fight all the x-men to a standstill really makes for having Toad as your love interest. So hurray for Risty! Sort of. The scenario does have its under lying squicky component with it being Mystique shagging her under false pretenses. That's can't be good for Wanda's self esteem.

  6. Well, I was hoping to reply to all the regulars at once, but Daye's usual review is conspicuously absent. Here's hoping that he's just busy on vacation or something.

    Whoops. Yeah, I have been away on holiday for a week and not really reading stuff. My bad.

  7. hahahaha. That's a good point. i'd never thought of it.

    for some reason I actually forgot Wanda had been a part of the brotherhood aside from the flashforward sections in the finale. Probably due to the fact I read her as an x-man in evo fanfiction may times before I actually saw her episodes and the third and fourth seasons of Evolution on Youtube. (on the official marvel channel i hasten to add)

  8. I got to say. Not only am I not interested in this challenge I'm surprised anyone is.

    Because entitled much? You demand that someone write your long complicated plot, (incredible a-canonical and ooc plot that someone has to try and make it work for you) and then you demand it has to 50,000 words long. (Are you any kind of writer? Because that's a freakin novella)

    And then you whine about how unreliable fanfic authors are how you must totally promise to finish it if you start. Because people don't have real lifes or anything. They can't start something in good faith and then not able to finish it.

    so... yeah, No.

  9. There was a Lucius/Draco/Hermione fic by SoftObsidian74 called 'Two Much' But it wasn't that plot, wasn't complete and didn't have a sequel.

    Soft has taken all her fics off the internet though, which is why you couldn't find that one.

  10. more reviews for Morning larks:

    that's a cute and entertaining beginning, and it takes the majority of canon
    personality and makes it work together while being very believable. they come
    off as two people, one in the 'wtf did I do last night' mindset and the other in
    the 'i'm going ot live my life and not wallow' mindset who've crossed

    and of course he has to see her again to
    get the shirt back, because he's so attached to the shirt.

    Must... Have... MORE

    I'm so glad you enjoyed the fic. But again I feel compelled to point out that it was a oneshot story.

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