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    CloverReef reacted to Sonny_Summers in help with dialogue punctuation   
    Thanks C.R, I was thinking of looking for someone like that actually, I will have to have a careful think about what I ask for though as I’m very possessive of my work haha.
    @D.P: Could well be it will work then, TBH really in word it's probably a matter of learning keystrokes. I've just never taken the time, especially as I've been unsure of correct usage, and of course worrying about this kind of thing tends to cramp my creativity. Generally I take the attitude if the spell checker can be made happy I consider it done. That's probably a bit lax though I know. Given the nature of the story, I have of course always been very careful in the past who I show it to. I don't know any sighted person personally who I would feel comfortable giving it to. I may well ask officially on here when I've got my thoughts properly together. And on that note... bed! Thanks so much everyone you've made me feel really welcome.
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    CloverReef reacted to Desiderius Price in help with dialogue punctuation   
    Practice, practice, practice, and find a good beta.
  3. Like
    CloverReef reacted to PenStoryTeller in help with dialogue punctuation   
    Thing is, with creative writing, one must understand the risks. See. Stylebooks are based off widely read publications, in short they’re based on something most readers will have read like the newspaper. Publishing houses have their own internal styles based off the major one and if you’re going to work with them, you’re going to have to follow their style guide. They do this to ensure some preidctability and familiarity.
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    CloverReef reacted to Sonny_Summers in help with dialogue punctuation   
    As is being aptly demonstrated here, one problem with grammar talk is conflicting advice/rules. I’ve researched tonnes of grammar questions and no two sources seem to agree on anything but the most basic rules. Currently I’m using the elipses as a pause indicater where someone’s either trailing off or else nervous or unsure. As in: “But I… I can’t sit there.” It’ll be staying that way whatever anyone says because changing it now would be a humungous chore. I have an exceedingly shy unsure main character haha. In any case I’ve never seen that done any other way. Same with two spaces after a fullstop. I was taught to type that way and when writing something official I can’t break the habit. Again it seems changing that would be an utter nightmare, even though some now seem to be saying don’t do it. Another question that comes to mind is how you show that a character is emphasising a word or phrase. Usually I just use a tag, though sometimes that is clumsy. Some people use all caps, “I NEVER cook!” But I’m not sure if that’s amateurish, but I can’t be doing with italics and bolds and stuff I never worked out how to do it using the keyboard. I was supposedly taught word processing at school, but it was over the transfer from DOS, and with all the trouble getting the new Windows to work, and the early screen reader, our teacher spent far more time troubleshooting than teaching. As a result I’m still picking it up as I go along. Appologies also for the lack of paragraphs, as I can’t see what my writing looks like I do tend to forget, especially as some boxes don’t allow them. Too often I’ve pressed enter only to find myself posting before I’d finished. I’m more careful when I write, I like to think I’m improving slowly.
  5. Like
    CloverReef reacted to PenStoryTeller in help with dialogue punctuation   
    Proper grammer indicates that you use a period to indicate a pause. Ellipses are when things trail off.  Like when someone ‘s voice drops to a mumble or you’re starting the dialogue in the. Example of the first.
    Paul turned on his heel, a hsi jaw firmly clenched as he stalked towards Rachelle. “If you come near my daughter again I swear I. Will. Kill you.”
    An example of the second.
    “...And that dear fellows is how I I lost my finger in a game of CHess with the Padishar of Iran”  said Sir Reginald. ,, proudly displaying his maimed hand for effect.
    Tehcnically speakingyou can use whatever but the idea is to keep your punctuation style close to something the reader has already read. You can use whatever styyle uits your fancy but if it jars the user’s sensibilitries you’ll have a hard tiume getting them invested.
  6. Like
    CloverReef reacted to Sonny_Summers in help with dialogue punctuation   
    Oh wow! I’m so going to enjoy all the debates I can start here LOL. Seriously though again thanks all for your thoughts. I personally wouldn’t use the exclamation marks unless the person was shouting or particularly angry. It is a hard one to call though. One feels there should be some kind of pause indicator, but with it being every single word it really looks and sounds very odd if you do it that way. On the other hand, without them it’s sort of… not very effective. It’s an unusual situation anyway as in this particular instance it’s quite a long speech. 23 words! ATM I’ve changed it to no abnormal punctuation as per Bronx and Melrick’s advice.
  7. Like
    CloverReef reacted to Desiderius Price in Unattractive, but Redeemable Flaws   
    It’s the example I point to as where my database helps, so I can track these things, because I had ages ago, listed a more generic shellfish allergy.   This was after cursing Google for pushing diarrhea cures when I wanted to trigger it… go figure.
    When I do want to bring some significance to a character, I’ll roll the dice, effectively, and run a utility I have that picks random lines out of a file.  I’ve got files for personality traits, hobbies, allergies, occupations, and phobias.  So, I’ll pick, say 10, and see what makes sense, and create a character for that.  I use the random thing, since although it’s easy to say “I want the character to have flaws”, trying to pick those traits while also not overusing a few favourites, that’s tougher.
  8. Like
    CloverReef reacted to Desiderius Price in Unattractive, but Redeemable Flaws   
    An allergy to oysters, but eats them anyways because they’re so delicious, that comes to mind.
  9. Like
    CloverReef reacted to PenStoryTeller in Chekov's Gun: Does Anyone Still Use It?   
    That’s a good way to look at it. Just don’t front load. The last sentence of a story is immeasurably more important than the first.  It’s a bad thing to turn the reader away at the begining. But, and I can attest to this, the worst thing you can do is end your book in such a way as to make the reader regret the time spent reading.. The first , the reader will think it’s just no their kinda of story and move on to something else. the latter , they get emotionally invested and follow page after page only to be met with  a disappointing ending.
    Imagine if Tolkien had ended The Hobbbit with the whole adventure being just a dream in a sleeping Bilbo’s mind My own point of view is that you should give the reader an honest picture of what kind of story they’re in for so they can opt out.
  10. Like
    CloverReef reacted to SirGeneralSir in Rape in Literature: Thoughts?   
    To me Rape is like any other element, it has a place and should be put in these places because it fits.
    You use it as a means to either ….
    1: haunt them (hes still out there somewhere) torment them (I can never love again) and generally shatter the person they were, but thats not to say the person can not become stronger in spite of it. its about the how and why.
    2: give another character as the rapist, motive, revealing hidden parts of their personality if needed, expressing the kind of monster they are/are not and just painting the picture of the level this “bad guy” would go to.
    3: explains why a character is where they are now, if it happened in the past and is a driving force, give a character a traumatic experience that is used to drive them.
    4: TERROR!!! mostly used when dealing with actual monster monsters, demons and aliens, that this THING did THAT to me and now im …... 
  11. Like
    CloverReef reacted to Desiderius Price in Rape in Literature: Thoughts?   
    Only if you’re writing a how-to-guide with the intention of carrying it out…. imo.  I’m on the fence when it’s confessional, because this is one of things you shouldn’t fully act out in the name of “research”, like a bank robbery or something equally sinister.
  12. Like
    CloverReef reacted to Desiderius Price in Rape in Literature: Thoughts?   
    Careful with the mulch, it ran an arm and a leg!
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    CloverReef got a reaction from GeorgeGlass in Rape in Literature: Thoughts?   
    Yeah, people suck… Not me personally of course, but everyone else. 
  14. Like
    CloverReef reacted to Desiderius Price in Rape in Literature: Thoughts?   
    Rape is part of human behaviour so it certainly can have a legitimate role in stories.  It happens in wars, on the streets, in intimidation, in business, and in families.  To deny it is to restrict to only one side of humanity.  Rape is more than plot, it can simply be a person’s character, if they’re isolated with another in a vulnerable situation….or, coping with a character’s past (ie, the victim).  And how the story’s society responds to the victim/perp, that can illustrate the world.
  15. Like
    CloverReef reacted to SirGeneralSir in Shocked woman wants sex/babies   
    as an example, this could be something she might say.
    “HOLY OVULATING OVARIES I WANT HIS BABIES” then a few seconds pass and she realizes what she just said. 
  16. Like
    CloverReef got a reaction from Tcr in Cold Snap (Original M/M)   
    ** This Story has be PULLED **
    (Mods: feel free to burn this thread)
    Author: Clover Reef
    Title: Cold Snap
    Summary: A lifetime of bad experiences has left Idal homeless and wary of shelters. It’s hard to survive when the temperature plummets, but this winter he has more to worry about than just the cold. Something big and hungry is hunting the city streets at night. Every morning the body count rises, and whatever it is, it has him in its sights.
    Feedback: Absolutely!
    Fandom: Original
    Warnings: Anal Fet MiCD MM Oral Rape Rim SH Violence WIP
  17. Like
    CloverReef reacted to mastershakeme in CloverReef's Review Centre   
    Hey! I'm the author... You may have found it elsewhere but it's back on AFF. Sorry about that! Lol
  18. Like
    CloverReef got a reaction from Tcr in Shocked woman wants sex/babies   
    LOL I may be a little unsophisticated about this kinda thing, but I always like the direct approach. “Oh fuck, I wanna have your babies!” Or a sleazier version: “I bet you’d make beautiful babies!”
  19. Like
    CloverReef reacted to Shunskitten in How do you name the characters of your stories?   
    I usually use a random name generator. Behindthename is my absolute go to. I can pick not only the gender, how many, a last name, but it lets me pick where the name originates. Helps so much with Japanese and other names. I tend to use his or her partners name as a reference, so like, if they’re name is Japanese, or Arabic, or even Russian, I can plug those in and get the characters name. I’m a bit lazy, I know, but honestly it’s helped. 
    Used to make them up, then I found out one name I use, that I thought I randomly got, happens to be a actual name (Thanks Saki...)
  20. Like
    CloverReef reacted to Desiderius Price in Genres   
    I’ve tried writing PWP, but then a plot formed, and, well, I’ve got my series of stories still chewing on those!
  21. Like
    CloverReef reacted to JayDee in romantic sex scene   
    probably best to leave out a Dirty Sanchez / donkey punch combo. And certainly no ass to mouth.
  22. Like
    CloverReef reacted to Desiderius Price in Chekov's Gun: Does Anyone Still Use It?   
    Maybe it’s just my attention span, but I need the story to draw me in quickly, because otherwise, I’ll put it aside.  In the era of you-tube/TV/movies, perhaps the attention span’s shorter and thus the publishers are well justified in wanting that early hook.
  23. Like
    CloverReef reacted to PenStoryTeller in Chekov's Gun: Does Anyone Still Use It?   
    NO problem. That’s the thing about writing. Keep your eyes open and you;lkl always find something interesting to play with.. Even the story structures we see so commonly aren’t that way because that’s how it’s done, they’re that way because that’s what publishers can easily package and market. Inb fact you’ll find that accounts for a lot of trends.
    Take the old gem that you need a strong opening paragraph, chapter, page. That’s not something the readers decided. Nope. In truth, readers re quite okay with stories that take their time to start slowly and build. That rule is basically there to make it easier for publishers to comb through their submission piles. They can’t afford to waste time reading 3 chapters in. If you don’t grab them wiuthin 10 pages, they toss your manuyscript to one side and grab the next one in the pile.
    As for literary tools. Well , nowadays people call them tropes but i call them tools. The same way, grammatical constructs and punctuation are in fact tools It’s why they say a goiod writer is well read. Reading and thinking about the works of others, gives you insight as to how the various tools are used to different effect and how you might use them in your own work.
  24. Like
    CloverReef reacted to sweetmamajama in Inspiration, writers block, co-writers, feedback and idk...some other crap too   
    Well I guess I can try. But the emotional impact wouldn't be there as if ur actually with the characters the was it is in writting
  25. Like
    CloverReef reacted to SirGeneralSir in Genres   
    I can only speak for myself, that if the story, plot etc are not engaging enough, I will walk away from it and not think twice because I got board.
    You can have some of the most intense sex in the top 10 stories, but if I dont care about the characters, why its so important that they have the sex, its just another Tuesday to me, its nothing special.
    BUT if they were both long time in love, did everything to keep away from each other only to be constantly drawn back until they admit their feelings that leads to the sex, I will probably stay and read more.
    but thats just me.
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