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  1. The idea is that Daenerys never made the mistake with letting the woman use magic on Drogo, he and her unborn child live and so she stayed as his wife with the Dothraki. As a result the slave cities are not sacked by her. In Westeros Cersei is victorious early and not needing Sansa for political reasons anymore decides that as the daughter of a traitor Sansa should be stripped of all status and be made to be used by others. As such Cersei sends Sansa to Meereen with instructions that she is to be made a permanent slave and trained as a whore who will spend the rest of her life working in the most depraved of brothels. The story would follow Sansa as she goes from a virgin noble girl to a slave whore and slut who’s mouth, cunt, and arse are near free for use by the dozen each day.
  2. I am trying to find a Pirates of the Caribbean story in which Elizabeth Swann in the “He also said that if that be the case, then you’ll be dining with the crew. And you’ll be naked.” scene is actually gang banged by the crew of the Black Pearl after refusing to dine with Captain Barbossa.
  3. This is the E-mail I receive when I use the link you provided. This is the result when I use the reset link.
  4. Okay, I can log onto the AFF main page but I can’t seem to replace my password with a new one.
  5. Just thought I should mention that I have a similar issue with not being able to log onto the main site and password reset E-mails coming from the “postmaster@adultfanfiction.net” address and not resetting my password.
  6. The one thing I have always wanted here is the ability the search the full text of the stories themselves. On fiction websites that don't have this feature I usually do a site specific search via Google or DuckDuckGo, but with Adult-FanFiction.org this never worked as the only thing that would be searched would be titles & summaries, reviews, and the forum. However I have noticed that since the server upgrade has been going on that situation has been changing. The search engines still can't find everything but I am now getting results that include chapter pages of some of the story text. When the server upgrade is complete will it make it possible for search engines to search the entire fiction database and will such a full database search be enabled for Adult-FanFiction.org's own internal search feature as well?
  7. Something I think the Buffy section is in need of is more Tara centered stories. I would like to see some stories which are centered upon Tara Maclay and have her, depending upon the story type, as ether the submissive or the victim of the story. Both F/F and M/F interaction are fine but please limit any M/M slash. Also the story can be Con, Reluctant, or NonCon. Some things I would be interested in seeing in such a story. 1. Anal sex. I rarely read about Tara taking a strap-on dildo up the butt or wearing a butt-plug. 2. Metal bondage devices such as chastity belts, scolds bridles, spreader bars, inhibitor bars, collars, cuffs, chains etc. 3. Magic sex toys. Think of all the stuff that you could do with magic to make sex toys and bondage gear more interesting. 4. Public sex, remote controlled stimulation, forced orgasm, orgasm denial, etc. Given Tara's shy nature I think such things would be interesting to see. 5. Fetishes. Costumes, uniforms, slutty clothing, diapers, latex/rubber, leather, satin, etc... use your imagination. No need to use all of these suggestions in one story, also feel free to go beyond these items, be creative. If you are interested in writing something like this PM me and start a thread in one of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fan Fiction forums so we can discuss it.
  8. I am glad to hear that you are going to be updating the search functions of AFF. The present one always gives me fits. I do have a question about the search upgrade. There are times when I am trying to find stories or chapters within a story that contain a specific word, phrase, or act. On some sites I can do that by just pasting the site address into the "Search within a site or domain:" box in Google Advanced Search and then enter my search terms in to the appropriate search box and get the results I am looking for. That does not work with AFF however. So, will the new search feature allow for the ability to search the full text of the stories in addition to Title, Author, and Summery?
  9. Warren Mears we have already considered due to his fetish for French Maids and Cordy's fate. We also are going to be showing a number of characters who were secondary to the main cast as the story develops, for example Kate Lockley.
  10. Hope you are feeling better soon. I got the draft of Chapter 6 and read it last night. I think I can see how this illness has been effecting your writing. I will try to send you an E-mail tonight with my impressions.
  11. I am going to see Avatar in a few minutes but I will look at it tonight. Did you get my E-mail attachment?
  12. The Flu? I had two family member come down with it a few months ago. I hope you get well soon. The "iron mask" might be a good idea for Aura. I was also thinking a WAM fetish would be fun for someone who is vain or a neat freak. As for the Cordettes. I went looking for some more info and got pictures of all the named ones in addition to Harmony. That is, Aphrodesia, Aura, and Gwen. There appear to be a few unnamed ones beyond those four. The girl in the miniskirt and blue top is Aphrodesia and the one behind her in the red jacket and pattered shirt is Aura. In these next two you can see Gwen who is I believe on the far left in the first and and on the far right in the second with Harmony in the center. The blond other than Harmony I think is the same one in both pictures.
  13. A thought that occurred to me is that some people Faith will redraw as drastically different than she started with while others should be relatively permanent. Of the later category I though Buffy,Cordelia,Willow, and Kate sound like they fit while Joyce, Dawn, Xander, and Oz are likely to be regularly redrawn. What is your take? Another point since you are doing the Willow chapter the top picture here http://www.sfbrain.co.uk/sf/sf-ah.htm made me think that maybe Willow should be a collage student who dresses like in that picture with the miniskirts and add a blouse in a why that shows off her body while not looking like a slut when she is attending class but works her way through collage by dancing and whoring at the Bronze at night. P.S. I noticed that Aura the one member of the Cordettes who was an actual friend of Cordy's was not in chapter 5. Interesting.
  14. I had not noticed the PM. I got it now. I am using a secondary e-mail address for this site. Oh, and by addendums I was referring to my Jan 16 2010 post here on the board. Feel free to send me the chapters you should have an E-mail in your in box for my address by now.
  15. I have never been into the music scene so I can't help you there. Did you catch my post from yesterday? It had some addendums to my Ch 5 review. Edit: Just another thought. You should do some more chapters like Ch 5 periodically because it was neat to see the victims fate from their perspective.
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