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Ayato last won the day on May 15 2014

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  1. This is actually now published under the title “Five Years Dead” pen name Alex Irving. But you can private message me for more information, if you’d like.
  2. I feel it necessary to note that the server may not be the AFF that you desire. That aside, the MODs are responsive.
  3. I know people have asked about this for several years and I’m finally getting on the ball and getting things moved! Adaptation was first published on AFF years and years ago. It’s been through extensive edits since then and will launch in January 2020. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XZB146M Thanks for your patience!
  4. Adaptation’s publication was put off due to conflicts with the pen names I had. After much consideration, I’ve considered a third. Alex Irving, where the ‘wordier’ books will be published like the Haven series (including Adaptation, the half-completed Foundation’s Promise and completed but unedited Wanderer, along with two or more unwritten books) Court of the Youngest Son, and an unpublished sci-fi story called Seed4. Possibly another whose working title is Cloud. All are m/m besides Cloud which appears to have no romance, smut, or the like, but it could do with this pen name’s style, I think.
  5. Crazy is really based on perspective. What’s ‘crazy’ for you? Tentacles? Incest? Incest with tentacles during an apocalyptic orgy involving underaged sex slaves? Cannot help you with that suggestion, if that’s what you consider crazy.
  6. I have a new, experimental story! Check out The Others if you need a little something from me to get you through. 

    1. JayDee


      I can’t look. I was banned from wordpress after an incident involving a large jar of peanut butter, a mutated horse-man, a piece of the true cross and the last wafer thin mint in the box.

    2. Ayato


      Ouch. I’m only using that format to remind me to keep it more like journal entries and less like writing a story from first-person perspective. Maybe I should consider posting it here too… 

  7. Ayato

    Post apocalypse

    Yes, it’s still being published. Having a little struggle with some edits but I still have plans to get this done. Maybe I should do that since the words are dried up and I have no other story to work edit...
  8. I’ve got half a page of almost squat. Yay… slowest writing time ever.
  9. my spoilers aren’t quite spoilers anyhow. So there’s that. Mr. Beard is off getting drunk because it’s St. Patty’s day so I don’t even have him to talk to.
  10. I saw you posted a chapter. I posted my chapter, went to make certain it showed up all right and proper and your story was above mine *pouts* I’m kidding, of course. Apparently, I enable AFF forums to push notifications to me, so for me this is kind of better than Babble. I can tell when someone posts, it pops right up on my screen.
  11. I’m trying to write angels and I’ve been stuck on page one for … about two hours. Because I’ll get stuck and wander the freaking internet instead of just bouncing between the work and Babble.
  12. We should make a forum thread to wander into in the mean time, I just don’t know where it would go…
  13. ah, see I just made an assumption. It’s apparently been out for 24hrs. Or at least, that was the last post.
  14. I actually thought it might be down for repairs.
  15. I’m trying to think of alternatives in the mean time to give DA some of that good chat drug she needs, but all I’ve got for ideas at the moment is making a thread in miscellaneous or something and “chatting” away there. So I’ve tried on my mobile phone, not certain of the browser as it’s just titled “internet” and then on my desktop with Chrome. Both just pop up with that cannot connect to node, I saw no bug report button. I tried the pop up window through Chrome and nothing changed besides having a new window telling me that there was no connection.
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