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Everything posted by WillowDarkling

  1. Hi, Danielle... I am not a staff member but I hope I can help you with this. If not, someone from staff will delete this and answer you properly For question number one. Yes, Original fiction is very welcome in the archive, there is a whole archive just for that. Just make sure that you put your story in the appropriate section. (i.e. slash in slash, fantasy in fantasy, het in het, etc.) But to answer question number two. The only restriction to stories is, that the site does not allow real person fiction, about people who are under the age of 18. So fictional characters under 18 are fine, just remember to tag the story appropriately. Nothing is really taboo, save for that one bit. No real person fiction about people under 18 years old. And to your final question... no... chapters can be long. Very long. Far more than 2500 words. I think the longest one I've ever posted was close to about 7000 words. The 600 limit is for Author's notes. And I think it's supposed to be 600 characters. Maybe it's 600 words, I can't remember at the moment. But the 600 words (characters) limit, applies only to Author's notes, which, just to be clear, are the little tidbits of information some authors like to give their readers at the start, or end of a chapter. But the chapters themselves can be quite long indeed. I don't even think there is a real limit on the length of a chapter. So, welcome to the archive and the forum, and hope you have a lot of fun. (and sorry if I stepped on anyone's toes. was just trying to help out. )
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