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Everything posted by WillowDarkling

  1. I agree whole heartedly with BronxWench. Open handed on the butt is acceptable, and I draw the line at implements, like paddles or belts. That I would see as abusive. I do not have kids, so this is solely based on my personal experience. I grew up in a home where the parents never, ever raised their voices at each other, or let us witness any kind of disagreement between themselves, and the only screaming that went on, was between me and my sisters when we disagreed with each other. I was spanked once in my life. I was probably about six or seven, and was refusing to eat my food. My father has always been a stoic man, but that evening he grabbed me by the arm, gave me one open handed smack on the butt and threw me into my room, and told me to stay there until I could be more grateful. And an hour later I went back to the kitchen and ate my cold fish, and never refused to eat again, no matter how much I hated fish. And I was never spanked again, ever.
  2. Using only a naughty part, a funny part, dramatic part, and a sad part from the RP, I got Anne Rice, L. Frank Baum and Lewis Carroll. Will edit when I've tried some bits from my stories Edit: So... BronxWench's favorite part of my Celebrity fic gave me H.G Wells, but the entire fic gave me Edgar Allan Poe. Both of my HP stories, as well as one chapter of the rough draft for my big original story gave me Margret Mitchell, while the first chapter of my silly little stream of consciousness original gave me David Foster Wallace. And six chapters of my big original all gave me Margret Mitchell as well. So, does that make me a diverse writer, or am I consistent in one genre-ish?
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