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Posts posted by SilverMyst

  1. DSC - Life has been hectic, and I'm going out of town on Saturday. I HOPE to update Sunday, but I can't make any promises...

    Wynter- Great to see you! And you have some very valid points as well :) I can't help but enjoy reading your debate/banter. But there is one thing you can agree on, if your comment about Theodore is anything to go on, you both enjoy "under-appreciated" characters. You both like to see them get some attention and see the spotlight, and I think that's really great! I love those types of characters too! :3 ~

    Another thing you two have in common... You spelled my name wrong :P lmao But I don't mind *^.^* Silver works fine, because the Myst is kinda confusing because of the Y and you're probably thinking of the fairy character (Silvermist) from Tinkerbell @.@ lol ... Which has a personality similar to my own XD lol So if you think of me as her, that is fine as well *^.^*

    ~ Silver

  2. Well if you need help maybe you should check out some stories I have at least one story so far with a lemon for Harry and an anthro Greyback in werewolf form it is moonlit gardens on ff.net and it is a HP/Ouran High Host Club crossover

    also are you aware that only members of this site can vote so guest like me can't which is because I believe I don't have an account for forums

    Oh, another anime I can't help but enjoy! I'll be sure to check that out, hopefully sometime this week when I get time. Right now I'm working on the next chapter, so I'm not allowing myself much "playtime" except to chat here XD lol

    I was informed earlier today, yes. But it is possible for guests to post in this thread so I don't think it'll be much of an issue. I prefer to hear why someone is voting for a certain thing anyway XD lol

  3. I can understand that and am happy about the fact you won't let the polls rule your decision. I can also understand what you mean about your muse and stuff since that is exactly how I am to

    As for the humor I always love fics where Harry's mates (or at least some of his mates) would at first be arguing and fighting over Harry before he some how stops it (Like if Harry was with both Inuyasha and Kouga in a Inuyasha/HP crossover) and sometimes it might lead to the two said mates mating with each other.

    Also I wasn't suggesting making this into a PWP like you I sometimes read them but I can't write them and I don't always want to read them

    Polls decide for me? Yeah, that's going to work as well as me keeping to the original challenge. Oh wait, I couldn't. So... But at least I can feel out what other people think and perhaps allow it to influence some of my decisions. Doesn't hurt to try, right?

    His mates will probably bicker, to a point, regardless of whether or not they screw around with each other as well XD lmao (More than likely they will) And I'm an Inuyasha fan as well, so that was the perfect example to give *^.^* Inuyasha and Kouga are awesome, though my fave will always be Sesshomaru :3 ~ Evil bastard actually had a good heart XD lol

    Oh, I knew you weren't suggesting that XD lol Though there will be some hot scenes with little plot to appease my me... I want to ask people what kinks and/or toys they would like to see, too. Hopefully it'll help to get my muse's mind in the gutter for me XD lmao

    Not if giants can change their size like in Harry's menagerie, which I felt made sense because how else could Hagrid's giant mum who stands over twenty feet in height ever be impregnated by a short man?

    I also can see other creatures such as goblins have similair abilities considering it is hard to imagine a goblin and witch or wizard having sex and Flitwick is 1/8 goblin

    though I always say beauty is in the eye of the beholder and since I like chubby bears who am I to judge though I think HP/Dobby is just wrong as well as HP/ old man Albus or anyone with either of the two but I just don't read them unlike some who seem to feel the urge to flame pairings just cause they don't like them

    Though if I were you I would just have the giants change size and maybe the whole intelligence factor but keep them more like a half giant size and form and only do it for full blooded giants or close to full blooded and not like half giants like Hagrid and Madame Maxine

    Hmmm... I'll have to keep that little "trick" in mind *^.^* Though I would have to add some intelligence X3

    Er... Muggle "Little People" don't have that ability, and they seem to manage XD lol I love meeting them too! I know they probably don't like to be thought of as cute, but I can't help it and I just love them! How they do it, I have no idea. But I remember this one episode of "House" where the little lady gave a graphic, and rather humorous, explanation.

    I believe love is love, regardless of age, gender, race, and all that. But there are some times when I just have to draw the line. Don't worry, Dobby might get a little girlfriend or something, but I wont write anything intimate. And Albus... yeah... *shudders* Okay, I'm officially traumatized methinks XD lol

    Know any good shrinks? Oo; lol

  4. oh and if you want to do kitsunes why not make the twins into kitsune, lets face it it's not hard to believe. If you do that then the twins tails should be more like in myths

    also anthro doesn't just apply to creatures who look mostly like animals but with human characteristics it also applies to humans with animal ears and tails, though I prefer the more animalistic anthro's

    The term I've heard for animal ears and tail is Kemonomimi... Might just be a term used for the one site though. Before that, I don't recall ever hearing a term for it. I believe mild-anthro would be an appropriate term for it, and that I can handle, but full out anthro? I dunno. Not making any promises, but we'll see *^.^*

  5. well I am glad that this is more then just sex, though I do enjoy lemons, but when doing a multi chapter I personally think that there should be more then just sex in these type of fics unless it was a PWP like slut Harry and whore Harry fics which is also good but this one should definitively have romance before Harry goes and sleeps with most of his mates and some of them will be harder to accept or be accepted I am sure.

    I still think Hagrid would be an awesome one with Harry since there is very little of that pairing and even though you are asking for votes I hope you don't just go by the votes. I can understand that the opinion of readers does matter and is helpful for the pairing decisions but it is your story and you make the final decisions.

    The votes are more to see what people think, for my amusement, and maybe help guide the story a little bit. You understand how it is when a story starts writing itself. You have a plot, minor guidelines, and all that good stuff. But your muse, and things which you find entertaining/worthy of being added, are what help to fill in the in-between.

    Oh, and Harry's reaction to mates will vary, depending. I can tell you one thing though... I love humor *^.^* (As you've probably gathered from Snipsickle. Honestly, I don't know where he came from Oo; One minute I'm typing along, going to have some random goblin help Harry out, and the next *BAM* there's a smart@$$ goblin prankster helping(?) Harry XD lol) Go figure.

    I find it really fun, actually! PWP is nice and all, and sometimes a plotless porn is all I want to read. But as far as writing goes? I don't think I can write without some type of plot. I've tried PWP, but there was always a plot of some sort in the back of my mind.

    By the way if you want another gay bear suggestion but want room to work on their personality I would suggest Golgomath he was the leader of the giants but he never really made more then a mention in the actual stories

    That would be interesting, but I'd be afraid he'd tear our widdle Harry in two T_T

    Also what did you think of my other creature suggestions for Harry?

    I forgot to mention that the Lamia and Succubus would also due to explain his parseltongue ability like the naga.

    Lamiae are said to be beings who have the upper parts of a beautiful woman and the lower part of a serpent and they would seduce young men to feed on them, basically they along with empusa's were the greek versions of vampires and succubae

    I also suggest the Succubus because if you think about some say that Lucifer or Satan however you look at it turned into a snake to trick Eve into eating the apple so it is possible that some demons can talk to snakes or certain type of animals.

    also both male lamiae and succubae would be able to produce a type of pheromone that would cause even straight men to lust after them and can you imagine Harry constantly having to deal with horny men trying to get in his pants only for them to find themselves being threaten by Harry's mates.

    Also the pheromones can be controlled thanks to occlumency but the stronger the succubus is the harder they have it with Occlumency and even if they have barriers up the pheromones leak out causing men to drool over them

    By the way I know you said you don't know if you can do anthro or beast but if Harry is with Werewolves and he is a creature on his own don't you think the wolves will still want him while he is human and they are wolves if you have trouble writing it you can read other werewolf/Harry fics or you can look at furry yaoi

    I really do enjoy your suggestions *^.^* And I love the thought you put into them! Though I can't say much, I can tell you that we are on a similar wave length when it comes to awesome creatures! *^.^* (I've been researching for this story. You know I'm into it when I do that XD lol) ...Though the twins as a couple of kitsunes would be hilarious, and oh so appropriate XD lol...

    I already know what Harry, Fred, George, Charlie, Bill, and Ginny are and I'm sticking to it for reasons I'll reveal later... it's going to be funny though XD lol Especially Ginny *^.^* lol


  6. This Thread is for Responses, Contests, Polls, and Interaction for the Harry Potter story "Within the Lies"... Though we tend to get off topic often.

    More or less, this is just a fun thread where you can hang out and interact with the author. Why? Because Silver loves to talk with people! <3 lol If you want to see my Review Responses, hop over to http://www2.adultfan...the-lies/%3C~~~ Thank you! <3


    I'm STILL waiting for responses T.T lol Do people not like polls nowadays? Or is everyone "non-registered users"? XD lol


    Contest 1 (closed) ~ Guess what Harry’s Creature is. Leave a comment/review stating what you believe him to be. I will list those who guessed correctly next chapter, and I will use my sophisticated sorting method (aka put the names in a hat) and draw a winner. Said winner will then tell me a pairing and a minimum of five prompts for me to choose from. I’ll create a short story/oneshot as the prize *^.^*

    Example form of what winner will fill out:

    Pairing: Harry/Snape

    Preferences: Harry Dominate Uke (bottom) while Snape is a Submissive Seme (top)

    Prompts (minimum of five): Bondage, Roses, Whips, Toys, "Suck it", "Slut", Park, DP (there can be as many prompts as you'd like, but note that I might only choose two or three. Though the more choices you give me, the more I have to choose from, and the more likely I am to use as many as I can <3 lol)

    Contest 1 WINNERS:

    Dark Serpent Cat ~ You’re the only one that guessed Dementor… but since I’m writing something for you anyway, this doesn’t really count :P lol But I’ll give you an honourable mention *^.^*

    summer ~ Your answer was close enough and I feel like there should be a real oneshot winner here, so... You're it! Please fill out the form above (like the example) and post it here in the forum <3 *huggles*

    Contest 2 ~ I’ll give you clues about Harry’s next Mate. It’s kind of a guess who game…You can guess once per chapter, from the chapter the game is started until said Mate is revealed. When the Mate is revealed, then I’ll start up the next “guess who” clue and state those who guessed correctly.


    1) I'm long and hard 2) I have an amazing filling 3) I make magic happen ...

    The answer to these clues, when one is thinking of the Wizarding World, would be Wand... So get your mind out of the gutter, you perv :P lol

    The method of choosing the winner, as well as the prize, are the same as Contest 1. Good luck everyone, and most of all… have fun! Now, here’s the first “Guess Who.”

    1) I am pure 2) I'm red on the head 3) Be careful should you enter the dragon’s lair…

    Contest 3 ~ Guess what George and Fred's Creature is! Winner(s) get to give prompts and kinks for some wet dreams Harry is going to have about his next mate! <3

    Again, good luck you all! <3


    Alright! Let's move on, shall we? :3 ~

  7. I can help with Power Unleashed if you want (it's still on my favs list from when i actually read in the Inuyasha fandom). The others, ergh... :) i don't know the fandoms at all but i can check for spelling and that but i would be no help with anything else since I've never watched them. Just e-mail me at Danyealle@Gmail.com.

    Seriously? *blushes* That's a little embarrassing *^.^* Hope you're not mad at me ^^;; lol *hugs*

    I'll e-mail you now <3

  8. I need beta(s), please!

    Hiya! I'm SilverMyst~

    I need a beta, or betas, to help me out. I can't catch everything, and I know that I have a tendency to get ahead of myself while writing, so I need someone who can help me catch these mistakes :)

    I write for several fandoms, so if you like one and don't like another one, that's fine! I wont ask you to read something you wont enjoy *^.^* I currently have some chapters in need of beta-ing already up, so if you'd like to see what you'd be getting yourself into before hand, be my guest.

    Before we start, here is a little about me. I'm ADHD, we're pretty sure XD lol I get easily distracted. If you'd like to ride me about getting things done, you are more than welcome to! I need someone who can tactfully keep me on track ^^;; lol Because of this little fact, however, know that I'm a little slow on the chapters and to be patient with me. I am also working on several at one time, and hope to get a chapter out each month (at least) but I'm hoping to get at least one chapter a week *^.^*

    What I'm looking for?

    I need a beta, or betas, that can put up with me. Plain and simple. Think you can handle an easily distracted, ADD author, then please continue *^.^*



    Gundam Wing


    Avatar: The Last Airbender


    (that's all for the moment)

    What kind of fics?

    Naruto ~

    Take Me... Vampire AU/AR fic with Itachi, Naruto, and Sasuke. Warnings? Yaoi (Slash), Incest, Threesome, Vampire, possible bloodplay or biting (again, vampire XD lol), Oral, Anal, can't think or anything else at the moment. Did I mention Yaoi? lol

    Gundam Wing ~

    In Your Dreams Wufei had a dream and decided that he's either going crazy, or just needs to get laid. (I'm hoping for option two, what about you? *^.^*) Currently no pairing, but there will be and it will most likely lead to Yaoi

    Who Said I'm Uke? The g-boys are in Quatre's terrioty and things heat up, in more ways than one! Yaoi, anal, sex, and everything else that could probably fall under those categories. 1x2 and 3x4 are the main pairings.

    Yu-Gi-Oh ~

    Incubus Meddling An Incubus decides to play/feed on our favorite "puppy" and only one blue eyed CEO can help... Or rather, the Incubus has decided that the brunette should help and has made plans to see that he does. Yaoi, abusive father, hetero, demons, sex, foreplay, wet dream, soloM, I can't think of any more...

    Avatar: The Last Airbender ~

    W.I.P Currently an idea. It will be a Zukka (Zuko x Sokka) story when I get to it *^.^*

    Inuyasha ~

    Power Unleashed Yeah, after years I plan on trying to redo/revive this fic. What if something happened when Kagome pulled the Tetsusaiga out? What if she was deemed the master of the sword? Why are Inuyasha AND Sesshoumaru looking at her so strange? Warnings? Hentai (hetero), possible threesome, sex, demons, and all that good stuff.


    This is everything that's in the works at the moment, more might be added later. As of now, these are the one's I'm looking for betas on. With Power, I'm going to be completely redoing and reworking that one so it's going to take some time, though there are technically already chapters up. Incubus Meddling might suffer a similar fate, but I believe it will all be worth it in the end as my typing skills have seriously improved (I believe) since I first created those stories XD lol

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