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Posts posted by SilverMyst

  1. good news (well for me) the storms passed my town and we still have power

    Good to hear! We managed to maintain power as well, which is somewhat surprising. I'm glad Irene wasn't as bad as they were predicting, even if it was still pretty bad.

    Sadly I've been rather ill today and haven't had a chance to type up the chapter T.T Now that I'm feeling a bit better, I'm going to try and be a little more productive XD lol Can't make any promises about it being up tonight, but I can tell you one thing...

    The first game/clue will be in the AN <3

  2. By the way I live in a state by the east coast (I am not saying where) so with the hurricane my town is expected to get major lighting storms later tonight and all of tomorrow and our power is likely to go out so I don't know how long I will be able to stay online or when I will get back to you I will try and visit here as much as I can for now but I don't know when I will get back to you after today

    I live on by the East Coast (completely understand the non-specifics) as well, but further inland. We are expected to get storms, so I feel you on that one. I hope you're safe DSC and hope to chat with you again soon <3

    *~.~* My prayers are with everyone in Irene's path. <3

  3. Just so you know, I have dibs on Voldemort!

    Speaking of him... how are you writing him? You're still keeping his short-tempered genius Dark-Lord!Mind right? (and just for the record, he does NOT have a propensity to throw around Crucio on his followers (Harry's 4th year being a highly unusual circumstance and thus, an exception))

    Of course, because he is :D And I'm having fun imagining his interaction with the twins XD lol Can't wait! :D But I gotta for a little while *sigh*

  4. Have you ever read the fic A Life of Lies it is a really good fic where sometimes Harry quotes literature and stuff and it got me thinking of how funny it would be if when Harry gets really fustrated with the Order in a discusion singing is one of his coping methods or he ends up quoteing songs making the Order go WTF and think he's crazy

    For example

    "Now Harry please listen" Dumbledore says

    "No you listen Dumbledore," Harry interrupts "I'm done with you all of you and this war."

    "Oh and where do you plan on going," Dumbledore asked "after all you have no one else to turn to."

    "So What I'm still a rock star." Harry yelled before slamming the door shut and leaving the gaping Order

    "Wait a second," Ron said ending the awkward silence "when did he become a rock star?"

    This caused Hermione, who was giggling in the corner, to burst out in laughter understanding causing the whole Order to look at her as if she was insane

    That would be too funny! XD lol

    And I'm all for different perspectives on things, so I'm not getting into the book vs. person debate ^^; After all, isn't imagination and different opinions/ideas what fanfiction is all about? <3

    The contest? Oh! I got this new game called "Dirty Minds" and it got me thinking. I could give, like, 3 or 4 clues. Ex. 1) I'm a four letter word 2) I'm a name for a woman 3) I end in " u - n- t " ... If your first thought wasn't "Aunt" then you have a dirty mind XD lol (Everyone will give their pairings/prompts when they make their guess). Those that guess correctly will go into a hat and I'll draw out the winner to gift with the oneshot :D Thinking about doing a game per chapter, or maybe every other chapter... What do you think? :D

  5. Not that I am aware of no

    That's all fine and good but I would like to point out that unless he has already married them then this wouldn't matter to the law and the prejudice of the wizarding world would pretty much make it so that Harry can't talk about his mates as well as the fact that Harry is still underage in the wizarding world and as such need capable adults plus who is in control of the Ministry at this time because depending on who it is can you really see them not causing Harry trouble

    Oh and what did you think of my theory?

    The Wizarding World will be prejudiced against them, but the Wizarding World will be able to do nothing about it. There is a law in place (at least in this story) that was actually meant to limit those of Creature blood, in a way, but actually ended up empowering them and allowing them to properly protect their mates. And the Wizarding World, whether they like it or not, are forced to accept the unions. It'll be explained in the next chapter, so no worries on a long wait for details XD lol Though the Ministry is trying to destroy said law... ><; lol I really am limited on what I can say/give away though XD lol

    Oh! That reminds me. Katy Perry songs "ET", "Who Am I Living For", "Hummingbird Heartbeat", and "Peacock" have just about been my playlist for this fic so far. They all make me think of Harry Potter related things XD lmao Haven't an inkling as to why, but I'm willing to flow with it.

    And I hate to ask this, but which Theory? You have several :D tee hee

  6. If you do animagus forms then some of his mates can call Harry after it like if Harry turned into a feline they could call him kitten or if he turned into a canine pup like Fenrir and Remus already tend to call him in fanfics

    However I would love to see a more unique animagus or the ones that are less used since most fanfics tend to make Harry either a panther or wolf (oddly enough I haven't really seen that many fanfics where Harry was a snake animagus not that I haven't seen any)

    Do I know you IRL? Because the fic I'm working on with animagus Harry is with Harry taking on snake form Oo; And that's one heck of a coincidence that you've brought up that particular animal XD lol

    By the way can Harry call one of his older mates Daddy either in bed or both in and out. I really don't know why I just have a love for Daddy/Son relationships even if they aren't biological and I would like someone else paired with Harry to have him call daddy besides James, Sirius and Remus (not that I wouldn't mind Harry calling them that to)

    I think Voldemort would die if he heard that XD lol

    I can also see Harry having the same type of fetish what with how he was raised he probably wants a father he knows will love him and who better then his mates especially if some of his mates are similiar to werewolves in Twilight and adapt to what their mates need at the time.

    Members I would suggest doing this for are Remus though I rather there be someone else to, Rodolphus because I think he would always want a child but Bella wouldn't allow it, Hagrid though I don't know why except that he was there for Harry through thin and thick, and Fenrir just because I have the idea stuck in my head, oh and maybe Kingsley though I don't know why

    Also may I suggest that since Harry's mates aren't going to just jump out at him that one of his older mates ends up adopting him first because of Voldemorts influence unless it is Voldemort himself. That is after Voldemort learns Harry is a horcrux and needs to have Harry protected plus I have seen fics where Lucius adopted Harry before Harry is with Voldemort which is on here


    I was going to mention something here, but then realized that it would be giving away a BIG secret... You'll just have to find out later :P lol

    Oh and also with the Dursley's dead Harry will have to go to his next of kin, wait this is six year right not seventh I forgot, and since James was a pureblood he must have some cousins, heck there is a strong implication that Sirius is a distant cousin actually since James mother may have been Dorea Potter nee Black so if the next of kin that lands with Harry happens to be his mate, well I'll let you put the dots together

    Actually Wynter I'm a guy not a girl

    Harry's mates are old enough and they'll take real good care of him *wink wink* XD lol

  7. lol, I dare say that you just might like what I did with Umbridge ;) the second one is more innocent (sort of) though they both have hints of MPreg.

    I have to agree with her on that, bold is odd for speech pattern, might I suggest you save it for mental-talk or parseltongue? o.o

    MPreg is fun! :D And yes, this story is more than likely... No, scratch that, knowing what I have planned it will be MPreg XD lol And with an interesting explanation/birthing method too XD lol

  8. And there's nothing saying that they weren't magical, or that they had no special abilities. I mean, where would their magical core go?

    Anyway, I've got a question for both of you: Have you ever been in love with your own fanfiction? Here I am, reading my own stories again, and absolutely smitten with most of them!

    PS: A better source of information, imho, is HP Lexicon.

    Agreed and no.

    No, I do not fall in love with them because usually when I read them again I have improved upon my writing style and think they are crap and want to redo them ><;; ... Yes, I am my own worst critic XD lol And a bit of a perfectionist... Ah well. Though I'll admit, I still love the plots and the concepts when re-reading, the actual style is usually what irks me XD lol

  9. By the way since Silver hadn't put it up yet I thought I should let people know that the new Chapter has been added though it is Unbeta'd for now

    Also Silver I reviewed but didn't say much since we have been discussing most of the story on here but I have a question

    Why is it you always bold normal speech I personally find it harder to read it that way, don't know why, and would appreciate it if you stopped bolding it

    Thanks for giving the notice about the update DSC! I fell asleep right after I posted XD lol

    That's fine <3 I just appreciate that you review <3 Though I really enjoy chatting here too <3

    Seriously?! (note: I loved your "not talking to you, Sirius" comment when you said this XD lol) I've been doing it to try and make it EASIER on people XD lol I guess as along as the thoughts are in italics it will make it easier... I'll go back and change that when I get some time <3 Thanks for pointing that out *^.^*

  10. I saw some Harry/Percy there...

    May I recommend some of my own:

    Taking Chances:

    A poor choice of a marriage partner turns out to be the best thing to even happen to Harry as they take a chance at happiness.


    Red Hair and Green Eyes:

    Harry's worried and Percy notices. Unfortunately for the redhead, he has always been weak when it comes to his obsessions.


    Of course, there's more than a handful of Harry/Voldemort that you're, obviously, more than welcome to read ;)

    Yeah... I've been reading the first one in my spare time :3 ~ (which is very little and it takes away from my writing *ducks to avoid incoming objects* ^^; ) I like what I've read, the Salamander thing was brilliant! I haven't finished it yet, but I think it'd be best if I wait until after I'm done typing the next chapter XD lol

  11. By the way if Ginny will side with Harry can you put her with Luna and/or Bella in the fic as well as make her slutty and suggest Harry, her and her mate have a threesome or they all just have one big happy orgy which Harry says no to

    I saw this in a fanfic but I can't really find it except I think it was a twilight/HP crossover

    I know an author that did a Twilight/HP crossover, but she adopted it out... might explain why you can't find it. I don't know, but I'll ask her *^.^* And once Ginny finds out what Harry is and the... responsibilities that come with it, she'll be understanding and supportive. Besides, Harry's her brothers' mate, she wouldn't touch him sexually with a ten foot pole now... though I can see her suggesting that as a joke just to rile her brothers XD lol

    Interesting playlist :3 ~ I think Bad Romance is quite appropriate as well XD lol

  12. Uhg I forgot to ask earlier but will Harry, his friends and his mates be able to gain animagus forms or at least allow their creature blood allowing them to turn into animals because it always upsetted me when J.K. never made them animagus

    Animagus are AWESOME! But I can't make any promises in this fic... Funny you should mention that since I've been playing with the animagus idea for another fic XD lol When I get plot bunnies, it's usually several at a time XD lol

  13. Also! Harry is going to have to do some school shopping, regardless of whether some revelations will shock him to the core, so I was wondering if you guys thought an OC contest would be cool? Give people a chance to make up some shop owners and whatnot for a chance to have them make an appearance in the story...

    Just an idea. I can make them up myself (or rather grab them from my drawer full of versatile OCs) but I thought the interaction might be fun for readers. What do you think? Maybe have a small RPG type character profile form for people to fill out... Dunno, thought it sounded like fun *^,^*

  14. Happy Birthday :bday: Wynter-chan! Sorry I'm not getting a chapter up today, but you will have one Tuesday! (unless something drastic happens IRL) And I'm working on the next chapter, so we might see that one posted soon after :3 ~ I'm really working my beta XD lol But she is amazing and I know she can handle it <3

    Is there a line or something you would like to see in one of the chapters? I might be able to arrange it as a belated birthday present or something <3

  15. actually when I suggested seven mates I wasn't counting Harry as the seventh but I can understand your want for balance but does this mean each of Harry's mates will have another who are in his harem?

    basically what you are saying is that Harry will be neutral but more alligned with the Dark which means he will stay out of the war unless it becomes a personal matter, correct?

    I'm a sucker for balance and meaning :P lol Even though the pairing is technically and odd number, there are six to give Harry balance because Harry will be the gray... Yeah, we'll go with that XD lol There is only so much I can say without giving things away too soon @.@ lol

    For me the Golden Trio and most characters except Umbridge and Dumbledore are toss ups but with me leaning closer to Ron bashing

    For example Ron and Harry are friends so like in all friendships and any relationships they are bound to fight however what annoys me is that the type of fights they have

    I mean Ron is suppose to be Harry's best friends as such he should have known that Harry would never have put his name in the Goblet and that Harry didn't want fame or glory or money but instead he accuses Harry of cheating and not telling him how. To me this is not something a true best friends would do then I believe that their relationship was tense in the second book due to parselmouth, I dislike how Ron even as he got older accused every slytherin of being evil since I personally love the Slytherin house same goes for the whole Dark stuff but that can be changed due to events that may take place in fics

    Personally though I would love to see Ron's whole jealousy thing during the fourth book be the result of his subconcious crush on Harry and he doesn't realize it but he feels like with Harry being a champion Harry will spend more time with Krum and Cedric and one of them will steal Harry from him

    so yeah basically I would love to see Ron have a crush on Harry :D

    And it's for those reasons that I can get mad at Ron! ... For a time. Then I know he realizes his errors, to an extent, and apologizes. He's a lovable prat no matter which way I look at it. And there will be reasons why he's jealous, not all due to Harry, and he'll just be taking his frustration out on his friend.

    *imagines Ron trying to snuggle with Harry and the twins tearing into him* Yeah... Crush is okay, as long as he doesn't act on it Oo; lol

    Wisdom is hard because being smart or a genius doesn't make you wise however my guess would be Firenze because he always seemed wise in the books, at least to me through the very few encounters we've seen. However the chances aren't looking to good for any centaurs with you are they

    Nope, still not into the anthro scene ><;; lol But good point about the Wisdom thing! I'm glad we're on the same page there <3 Even if my mind can't wrap around anthro at all yet Oo; lol

    Also I get you don't want to reveal the mates even if I beg but the reason why is because I have suggestions to make and I need an idea for whom to make it

    That is true, sorry. But because I'm only about 90% decided on his mates, and I keep on asking for guesses, I'm not going to post them just yet. Besides, I keep on encouraging people to come to the forum and check things out, it would be unfair if I gave away the pairings too soon.

    Though I might post them as they are "revealed". And dont worry...

    Basically I want to see one of Harry's larger mates wear the leather strap outfits you sometimes see in BDSM pics but I want the part that covers the dominate to also be adorned with spikes on the outside. I think I saw a picture of a guy wearing something like it but I can't finds it so it could have been a dream

    ... THIS will be happening! Strength is so going to be into the Bondage scene *drools*

  16. I knew it! :yahoo: But Ron is rather lovely when he goes back to apologize, at least I think so.

    You better! I need a birthday present to look forward to! Just reassure me that there's no Draco in here and it'll be great!

    Yes, blushing red heads are nice <3 tee hee And your guesses to the song are good. Wisdom is a tricky one though. One can be wise at one thing and completely clueless in another. The song is just meant to give Harry clues so he can better find his mates. It's like a prophecy... they are vague, with hidden meaning and a lot of possibilities.

    Happy Birthday! Since I haven't got the chapter finished up (RL, gotta love it!) I'll give you a present, some reassurance... Draco will be in the story, but not with Harry... at any rate <.<;; lol I kind of feel sorry for the little guy if everything goes as planned XD lol

  17. See, that's why I stop reading when I see either Draco, Lucius, Severus (more recently), Remus or any person whose cock just has the potential to tear Harry apart x.x or any story which has a crappy plot, whichever comes first.

    I actually do like Kingsley and Viktor (hell, I've beta-ed for a Harry/Viktor fic) I just don't think they might be relevant in this fic, though I wouldn't mind if it was Harry/Voldemort (for example) bringing Viktor to their bed for a one-night stand.

    Kingsley... that's be hard, It seems like Harry's going dark (correct me on this if I'm wrong Silver) and since Kingsley is an auror I don't quite see how he could consent to that...

    I honestly don't remember McNair's description... but of the DEs I tend to prefer Rodolphus (after Harry or Ron killed Bella), Rabastan and Barty Crouch Jr.... (though with him I always tend to think of David Tennant, who I think is incredibly cute/adorable)

    I really don't see why the votes would cause controversy, Silver, just a difference of opinion is quite healthy... as long as there's no name calling/character bashing.

    Speaking of characters... are you sure about Ron? There's no reason why you couldn't make someone else a villain... say Umbridge? She's very much alive as far as we know, and Ron is always lovely when he gets all protective of Harry. Maybe have him jealous in a first part, and then make him discover something or other that puts Harry in danger?

    I mean I could totally see Ron going: "Yeah, I was jealous of (such and such), but you know I'm a prat anyway! Doesn't mean I want you dead! I mean, I'm jealous of (such and such) and you're jealous of my family... for some odd reason... it's a neverending circle of jealousy! It all works out!" And then him blushing the famous Weasley blush...

    Just an idea!

    Harry's going to have too many mates to need any one night stands XD lol Actually, he'll be lucky to get a night off XD lmao!

    Going dark... er, can't really say much on that because it'll ruin the surprise... but he wont exactly be "dark". More like he'll understand the shades of grey and there are some secrets he uncovers which proves the line between good and evil is very blurred... Yeah, I can say that without revealing too much I think XD lol It's not like he's going to go on a killing spree... well, unless there is that one scene, but it would totally be justified ^^;; lol

    I like healthy debates, I think it's good for people. But I don't want there to be character bashing (unless I'm doing it XD lol) and fighting (unless it's in the story) just because of pairings. And yeah, there will be some fighting. I can just see the Twins terrorizing the DEs now :rofl: lol

    About Ron... I'll let you in on a little secret *whispers* he's not really a bad guy, and his need to protect his family/family's mates come will win out. My muse can't stay mad at him, and though his actions are all due to jealousy, it isn't just because of Harry. He'll just take it out on Harry for a while. *ends whisper*

    Oh~ There is going to be a song that will give Harry clues as to who his mates will be... sort of. That's why I really love this forum thing, I can give you and DSC a sneak peek as a thank you for hanging out in the forums with me! Think of a soft tune, like Voice of the Sea or something :D

    Child mine, do not regret,

    The powers you've obtained.

    Child mine, do not denounce,

    The powers you can claim.

    Si~x mates, for you to take.

    Si~x mates, for you to claim,

    Their powers then your own.

    The wisest one, your Wis~dom,

    Your protector they shall be.

    The strongest one, your strength will come,

    Your offense they shall be.

    The faithful one, will show their loyalty,

    Your defense they shall be.

    One of Grace, will find their place,

    They'll bring humor to your world.

    Compassionate one, emotions aglow,

    Your feelings they'll always know.

    Your Power piece, your rivalry,

    They'll keep you on your toes.

    Si~x mates, for you to claim.

    Si~x mates, for you to take.

    Their powers then your own.

    Child mine, do not denounce,

    The powers you can claim.

    Child mine, do not regret,

    The powers you've obtained.

    I've been singing it ever since I came up with it XD lmao Too bad my singing sounds like a dying cat T.T Anyway, hope you like it *^.^* Maybe it'll help with guesses/votes, and maybe not XD lol There are still several who can fill those spots XD lol And it keeps my mind somewhat on track and narrows it down for me XD lol

    Can you tell which one is Fred and which one is George? :D

    Okay, back to typing the chapter now...

  18. Now I know I probably won't get a reply until tommorow after you post the chapter but which ones are you personally leaning towards right now because not only would I like to know but I would also like to suggest some things for the characters and it would be better to know who else is in the harem

    By the way I also support Bill or Charlie Weasley though to be honest I like Charlie more because of his muscles and being a dragon tamer I am sure he has plenty of whips and other tools he can use in bed

    I also want to suggest some people closer to Harry's age if only a few years older

    1) Marcus Flint- personally I didn't think the movie version of him was that ugly and a trip to Hermione's parents or some potions could probably help with the teeth and people make him sound so much hotter after all people do change over the years and he was in his teen years when we first saw him

    2) Oliver Wood- I liked the movie version of him and I am sure that he and the twins would be very appreciate if Harry ride their brooms or if they could use Harry as their broom holders plus think of the shower scenes or if madame Hooch brings on a teaching assistant and it is him then you could do a lot of things with Harry and Oliver like detention though this stuff could work with Hagrid or Firenze to since Firenze was a divinations teacher

    3) (well technically 3) and 4)) Crabb and Goyle: I know they aren't the brightest of people but there really aren't that many of Harry and them and none of their fathers and Harry also if brains were truly apart of a relationship then Hermione and Ron would have never worked out in the books and even if they aren't book smart doesn't mean they are completely stupid. As for the fathers well I really can't see complete idiots being apart of Voldemorts inner circle even Bella, though insane, wasn't an idiot

    5) Graham Montague: There really are none of him and Harry and he is bound to have at least some chest hair

    6) any other creatures like minotaurs and Satyrs

    Now though I am suggesting these my biggest concerns were the ones I picked earlier so I much rather see the ones I picked before then these but it is just in case

    By the way I know that you are unsure about complete anthro but what about making one of the creatures who are mated to Harry like the centaurs only with another creature as a bottom like a lion or leopard though if you use large cats I would suggest making their manhood more human because, I check this for my own idea of a fic, feline penis are only the size of a human finger at best but I would prefer combining a human cock and animal one to make it more unique like giving it the animals sheath while having a human shape

    Yes and no to knowing all the mates thing. I am undecided on a few, but others I'm sure of, but I can't tell you because that would totally give it away XD lol But I will say one thing, I've got a thing for the Weasleys too! That's why I just HAD to have the twins in here.

    Oh, and he wont have 5 mates. Harry will have 6 XD lol My whole star center changed from a normal star to a star of David design because I like the idea a LOT better. The fact that there will be 7 mates altogether was too tempting to pass up, and it works out better because there is more of a "balancing" act going on *^.^*

    And I think you just gave me an idea Oo; lol Though it isn't due to the last paragraph really... I'm still trying to come to terms with anthro and it's just not working ^^;; lol

  19. The negative votes amused me, but if they will cause controversy then they aren't worth it. I will remove them and make comment that they won't be accepted as a "vote". I'll also reiterate that the votes don't really count and they are for my amusement and is a way for the readers to try and persuade my muse to change course XD lol

    Also, I have be up early and will be out of town tomorrow... I will most likely not have a chance to type up the chapter until Sunday at the earliest. If I finish, I will post it unbetaed. If not, then the soonest it will be posted will probably be Tuesday T.T Sorry about the delay, but RL comes first right? *^.^* Though if I get on a roll, Sunday is looking good *^.^* tee hee

    ~ Silver

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