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Everything posted by SilverMyst

  1. Okay! Added some more review responses Now I'm going back to working on the next chapter. Again, I hope to have it up either tonight or tomorrow <3
  2. Fixed the poll And I have thought of something similar, yes But you'll just have to wait and see on that one XD lol
  3. My muse is working on a plot, so currently the plot/porn ratio is looking like it will be rather good XD lol My muse is very some happy right now, but I'm going to make it focus on WTL so I can get chapter six (my favorite chapter number, because it rhymes with "sex" XD loL) done and then start on this project Though be warned, if Harry is going to be a good little slut for the Dark, there are probably a few pairings you might not like... Though I have this mental picture of Voldemort giving Snape to Harry as a "pet" XD lmao And Harry Dominating the fuck out of him. Literally XD lol But Harry will remain a bottom... I can see Harry topping someone only if he's being topped in turn... But I doubt that will happen, but you never know lol Hey! Did you see my new poll?
  4. Ooooh, that's an interesting idea <.< It's got my muse thinking, that's for sure XD lol Hmmm... Let me think on that. I might have to put this other idea on the back burner anyway since my muse doesn't like it right now. As long as the fickle little thing keeps liking WTL, I'll be happy XD lol I like Succubus fics, actually, and have been wanting to do one... and there are some kinky plot bunnies that wont let me be that would like to incorporate some things into a fic, and having a Succubus Harry would blend quite well... Would it be wrong to make a fic that's mainly PWP just to get the kinky bunnies to leave WTL alone and let me keep a plot to it? XD lol
  5. He's not going to be a dragon, I can tell you that but...well, you'll see XD lol He will have dragon-like wings though, and an affinity with reptiles, but that's all I'm saying... Definitely lol I miss Raven too! I've actually been quite concerned, but didn't want to come off as overprotective/mother hen... which I am RL to my friends, so it's no surprise that it would transfer over to online ^^;; lol ... I hope our little Raven is okay *hugs pillow*
  6. I LOVE Halloween Town! And yes, that quote is definitely a fave <3 I can't wait until the movie comes on again, just so I can re-watch it <3 I don't watch much TV (I like books better), but when I do... I want it to be worth while <3
  7. That... would be freaking HILARIOUS!!! But Harry could get revenge. There is something special about the bed in Syren's vault and Harry's mates are going to find out... the hard way XD lol
  8. ... Sometimes you scare me Oo; You haven't had anyone talk to you about these things IRL have you? <.< Because either you're a RL friend, or we're too close to being on the same wavelength to be "normal"... Then again, no one has EVER accused me of being "normal" lol
  9. Okay, updated a few more responses and now I'm going to pass out XD lol I have work early in the morning lol Note: I'm so not a morning person, but I can pretend to be! XD lol
  10. ... Hmmmm... I kinda like that idea. Lemme think about it And compared to Harry, all of his mates are going to be more muscular XD lmao And the twins having their nipples pierced... OMG! Molly's reaction would be priceless. I... might not be able to help myself with that one XD lol
  11. Don't worry, it's a good thing ... in this case at least XD lol
  12. Okay, updated title of the next chapter and answered some reviews <3 Sorry DSC, but you only got one word from me But that's okay, because I chat with you all the time! XD lmao Now I'm off to work <3 Talk to you sometime tomorrow <3
  13. The school motto is my fave. If I ever get a tattoo (which I wont because I'm afraid of needles ;; lol) I would want to get one of a sleeping dragon with the words "Never tickle a sleeping dragon" under it... or maybe the Latin translation would be better... it would make people ask questions XD lol I can't tell you if you're right or not, just sayin' XD lol You'll find out soon enough lol And I hope the chapter wasn't too confusing or anything... I know there was a lot of information, and even more to come, and I don't want to lose anyone due to information overload @.@ lol I've had that happen before, it's not fun XD lol Then again, it was my fault for checking out a book that was halfway into a series and they were just recapping XD lol
  14. Posted unbetaed and unedited version... having computer issues, something about scripts not working, so I'll have to edit it when I get home... Hope you like it ^^;; lol Not what I had planned, per se, but... eh. Next chappie will be better... after all, there IS a bed in Syren's vault XD lol
  15. Dang this chapter is long <.< lol Just finished. I'll post it tomorrow <3 Or later today, rather...
  16. I suck at challenges, as you can see. Remember, the challenge that inspired WTL was for a HP/DM fic... I can't keep to the "guidelines" of a challenge to save my life ;; lol Ah well... But yes, your challenge/request did help to inspire what I'm working on That would be interesting. I'm willing to try reading just about anything, except kids having sex. That doesn't sit well with me at all. I prefer they be 18 or older, and 16 is probably as young as I'm willing to let them be... though Ginny in the fic will be grabbing herself a mate, she won't be doing anything sexual until she's 16 or older... I know back in the "old days" girls were getting married at the age of 13 and whatnot, but... I dunno... Just seems weird.
  17. That's exactly what has been playing through my mind all day XD lol I LOVE pushy/Dom bottoms But it wont be for this fic... actually, I have another fic I'm working on as well (though I haven't posted it) and ... yeah. Kind of a combo of animagus, Creature!Harry, and kinda Cockwhore!Harry for the Dark XD lol I find it rather amusing and it's better for me to work on more than one fic at a time to keep my muse going But I wont post the other one just yet because I don't want to do completely erratic updates ;; lol I'll wait until I'm further along with WTL...
  18. See, I do check things out <3 lol Yep! To each their own is my philosophy too! <3 lol
  19. *giggles* You and your love for anthro Interesting challenge, I hope someone takes you up on it <3
  20. Okay! Updated my review responses and gave the tentative title for the next chapter <3 About halfway done with said chapter, I hope to finish and post it by sometime Monday <3
  21. I'm alive! (Just so you know XD lol) But super busy... I was supposed to have a few days off, but that's not happening at the moment. But it's all good <3 No matter what I'm going to set aside some time to work on the story tomorrow... *huggles*
  22. And I can't seem to stay awake... Lovely. A sure sign my body needs rest and will take it whether I want to or not XD lol Well, there is always tomorrow. I'll try and work on it more tomorrow. I might just have to take a week off, even though I don't want to. Ah well, if there isn't an update during the week then there will be one no later than next Sunday (if RL allows it XD lol) I'm going to bed now <3
  23. I have to admit, that would be pretty interesting XD lol But I have an idea that's somewhat along those lines and... Okay, now you're really weirding me out XD lol How did you know that Harry's mother was from a Squib in the Slytherin line? That seems like too much of a coincidence XD lol (I don't mind mentioning this now, because it's in the upcoming chapter XD lol) And, funnily enough, because he is in fact going to be blood related to the Black family, and Sirius appoints him the heir, so it will fall on the Black sisters to take care of him until he is officially of age... or married... I don't know which is more amusing, Harry's reaction to the news, or the twins' reaction.
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