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Everything posted by Silvyraven
Fuckpole Twat waffle Cuntaculous Pusslicious Cockmeats "His mighty meat waved in front of him like a hand saying hello." "Her fluids poured out of her twat, splashing onto the floor beneath them." (now I have no problem with wet sex but this one makes me chuckle.)
Wow, you guys came up with some I didn't even think of and agree with. There has only been one time where a story was cut off, never finished, and I could not get angry. Other wise yeah, unfinished stories are just a HUGE pet peeve of mine. Especially the really good ones cause you just pull your hair out wondering where it's gonna go.
I'm worried if I tried writing it myself I would just screw it up since I have NO experience writing in this fandom. I would really love to see something, ANYTHING in the transformers movie universe. I really like the idea of Human/Bot pairings. I see a lot of Sam/Bee, but I was wondering about other possible pairings. I would really like to see Bee with a female TBH, and really anything Optimus is hot. Other wise with bot on bot. I kind of like the idea of Rachet and Ironhide, I dunno why but they seem to fit. Well Ratchet and anyone really seems to work. So yeah I would try my hand at writing a transfic, but I am sure I would butcher it and be burned at the stake for my crimes against the fandom *L*. So thats kind of the general of things I would like to see. The actual bunny that keeps hopping around in my head is: Ratchet is working on one of the other Autobots (at this point I really don't care who, anyone!) and things go from proffessional medical, to sexual experimentation. Add on if desired but not neseccary, this has played out in my head multiple ways: They get caught, or there is someone watching them that they are unaware of.
I tend to find stories I like after they are already completed. I usually will leave a "singing the praises of" kind of review and then ask if more stories are going to be written. If I am fast enough and get to a story while it's still being written, I try to be as helpful as possible without being mean. Stories I WONT review are the ones where the author is "If you don't review it I wont finish", Or I will only post the next chapter after I get (insert number here) reviews. In fact most the time I wont even bother to read them.
Pet Peeves: Non-Native English speakers without a beta: (please not the WITHOUT A BETA) I have nothing against people that are multilingual. Nothing wrong with someone that English is not their first language. However, if you are going to write a story in English find a native English speaker to read over your work with a fine tooth comb. There are lots of stories out there that I am sure are amazing, but I cannot read them. It's similar to the uncanny valley effect only with words. I know something isn't right but I can't quite put my finger on it. Using words from a language you do not speak: I don't care if the main character is Japanese or not. If YOU don't speak the language, please do not butcher it by trying. If you want to indicate someone is speaking in a different tongue just put *'s around it or make it italics or something. The only thing worse than reading broken Japanese is hearing people speak it. This goes for all languages, the only reason Japanese is singled out is because that is the main language this happens in. Not using a Beta I am dyslexic, if I didn't use a beta anything I write would be impossible to understand. I have to run my forum posts through 2 spell checkers and hope for the best most the time. So yeah, just because it looks ok to your eyes doesnt mean you haven't missed something. I can read a story 5 times and miss a spelling or gramatical error, cause I know how it SHOULD sound in my head and sometimes I may not really SEE what I am reading. Fresh eyes are a good thing. Sexual Orientation: Unless the original creator has come out and said (insert character here) is (insert sexual orientation here), then I think that is one of those things that is up in the air. Unless it's specifically addressed, you don't know so have fun with it. If it is specifically addressed then as an Author it is your responsibility to put Cannon OOC at the top of the story. People will make a character a certain orientation because thats what they want when the cannon is clearly the opposite. Writing a story for the reviews/reviewers: This one is a sore subject for a lot of people, but I see it more than I like. A story starts out and it's really good, then it changes and if you look at the reviews you know why. In order to please the reviewers and get more reviews the Author is writing what is being suggested instead of what they had originally wanted. This usually results in a steaming pile of crap that the Author is unhappy with. I get it, reviews make a person feel good. They are like the sprinkles on a cupcake. It makes it all better, but you know, that cupcake is just as tastey without them. What should bother me(bothers everyone else) yet doesn't: Mary Sue/Gary Stu: you want to write an off the wall self insert that is the most awesome of everything then you go right ahead. I have no problem with this. I find these stories are actually entertaining and there is a place for them. Some of them are bad, but that doesnt mean the Mary Sue is bad, just that nothing was going to save that story. Cannon OOC: This has to be done right. If it is marked at the head of the story that the Cannon is OOC then I am ok. Sometimes you just want to experiment. Maybe give them a side to their personality no one ever thought of before. I could give examples of where this was done and was absolutly wonderful (made the cannon even more real to me) but I don't want to embarass anyone or anything. Being OOC is not always a bad thing but there is a fine line that you have to walk. You make the cannon too OOC and it's no longer that character. Plus if there is a warning right at the top, it's my fault for reading on and I have lost my right to bitch.
Why Mary Sue Litmus Tests Suck
Silvyraven replied to Harley Quinn hyenaholic's topic in Original Character Development
I have actually put myself into the limitus test once, just out of morbid curiosity. Apparently I am a Mary Sue, but my RP character isn't... O.o... W.. T.. F? So yeah I take these tests with a grain of salt. I figure they are a nice guideline if I am unsure if the character I am making is too over the top, but then most the time I don't care. I tend to get an idea for a character and run with it. Mary Sue/Gary Stu be damned. If people don't like it, Its not like i have their eyes taped open forcing them to read it. Probably why I don't post anything I write. I write for me cause I like it. I write my dreams cause they are hot/interesting and I write stories that are fantasies, things I would love to have happen. Are they any good? well I dunno. Is the character a Mary Sue? well since it's me sometimes I guess it's a self insert which is just as bad or something. um.. I think I was trying to make a point and lost it.. hold on.. *shuffles around* Ok, yeah.. Honestly I wouldn't take any of them seriously. You should always write for you, not for anyone else. If you like it, then thats really all that maters. -
hello all, I have been off and on FF.net (since it started) and AFF.net for a while. I have gone under multiple pen names um.. lets test my recollection and see if I can remember them all. Blaze_KBA, Pyreiel, Pyromantic, Silvanna Ravenwing and Silvyraven. I am sure there are others I just cant remember them. I have in the past written FanFic for TMNT, DBZ, WWE, and WoW. I have also done a few origial stories. Nothing I have done is currently posted anywhere (that I am aware of). And while I was told it was all quite good I am pretty sure by todays standards it's total crap. I have been considering writing some new stuff but I am not really sure just yet. I like to read and leave reviews on the stuff I really like. I will have to remind myself to leave more reviews. Anyway, um, not really sure what else to say.