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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. ^ Is a fountain of wrestling knowledge < Knew some of the stuff in taker's little rant( ) but not much... < Is listening to very cheesey eighties music V Has a secret crush on Cory Heart and his sunglasses... but only at night
  2. 1855 I think everyone just needs a hug...
  3. boring
  4. Nope... guess I missed my cue! Poly?
  5. no... I can't say that I've done that... or had any interest in doing that... oh well. I have never fallen out of a boat! ( )
  6. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am upset I had to go back to work today. I am wishing for a winning lottery ticket so I don't have to go back tommorrow. I am remembering that I'd have to buy a ticket to win.
  7. ^ Is making me very hungry with all this cookie talk < Is seriously neglecting her fic... and trying to come up with a good excuse for not writing. <Doesn't have a good excuse. V Has an excuse I can borrow, but its not a good one.
  8. Helen Hunt (double points! woohoo )
  9. New York
  10. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am just home from the hospital (okay, really, its been like a day but still...) I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.
  11. (double post)
  12. Asylum
  13. nope, just me. SweetMisery1?
  14. ^ Is obviously delusional right now, because she knows that's so not true! < Is procrastinating on a fic right now, while simultaiously picking the gross veggies out of my gross mircowave dinner... gotta learn how to cook. V Always eats their veggies
  15. Conventions
  16. I have.... actually just got out yesterday. Bloody out of control throat infection.... *grumble* It's not fun. I have never owned a Pez dispenser (Oh and BTW PW... catching things on a fishing trip?? From what I understood its just sitting in a boat and drinking anyway! )
  17. Nope but *waves like a maniac* good to see you! quamp?
  18. ^ Is a HUGE acronym fan, but one can't love them enough really. < Has a fondness for acronyms. <Has finally posted a new chapter and is absolutely giddy about it because she hasn't considered that this means she has to work on another new chapter now... VThinks their reality is nicer than mine.
  19. Congrats Corvis! good to see someone was productive with their time away! I have to say I'm thrilled the site is back up. I've got some stuff to post but... unfortunately, like PW, I will no doubt be distracted by the boards all over again! *sigh* such is my fate I suppose.
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