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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Oh god... we're doing this again? okay... 1963 - Martin Luther King delivers the "I have a dream..." speech
  2. ^ Is far more productive than I have been recently. < Wishes she had anything done on her fic... < Is now too tired from work and stupid ignorant Calgary hockey fans to be productive on her fic. V Is wondering what my beef with Calgary hockey fans is.
  3. Ummm... guilty-ish I saw a fight in the parking lot outside the bar... very entertaining. Has broken something over someone else's head
  4. Son of a Witch (book)
  5. Guilty... broken down car, ride to gas station etc... you get the picture. I'm practically a saint... Has gotten a song stuck in someones head
  6. ^ Wow.... good guess! < Is redheaded and sexy (or so I've been told) < Is frightened by the sheer number of fake redheads... they may be trying to take over. V Is fully aware of the cartoon phenomenon known as "Fat guy and hot redhead wife" (ie Wilma and Fred, Peter and Lois etc)
  7. Yup! I'm ba-ack! Hmmm the crystal ball says... Nanaea?
  8. failure (been having black outs.... )
  9. Hero (song by Mariah Carey) (don't worry about the wierdness... pretty sure its happened to everybody by now! )
  10. Guilty.... it was a wedding and well... lets just say when they got divorced about six months later, no one was surprised. Has broken something in a store and walked out without telling the staff.
  11. Nope. me again... I think I'm here a bit too often actually... .... nahhhh. Alright how about... Poly?
  12. ^ Should talk to my boss about those paid sick days for me! < Is getting over the physical sickness... the mental on the other hand... I'm pretty sure I'm stuck with that! V Revels in mental sickness
  13. I have... luckily it was a short flight (hahaha puns...) and I was young so I healed faster back then. I have never learned spanish
  14. Paint it Black (song)
  15. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am feeling a bit better, thanks Poly! *waves back* I am not getting anything done at all today... I am neglecting my fic horribly.
  16. no, just me... and it was a lucky guess. Poly?
  17. Life on the Sun (song)
  18. Life on the Sun (song)
  19. Maybe later... and it was nothing bad quamp I promise how about Nanaea?
  20. Not guilty Has tempted someone to cheat on a significant other.
  21. Neither have I... but then I've never been on a long flight with anyone I'd want to join the Mile High Club with! I have never held a balance on my credit card
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