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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. I am no longer allowed to find that as funny as I do!
  2. Awww... gee thanks! *blush* and you aren't in trouble... unless you start playing I spy. red?
  3. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am a fan of scrabble. I am unable to say that I've ever played online.
  4. Depends on my mood... and the weather. Red (at least the ones I like) is sometimes just too heavy in the heat. Prefers import beers to domestic
  5. I am no longer allowed to laugh at my own writing
  6. I AM PHOENIX!!! I mean daz... redsliver?
  7. Xavier (any X-Men movie)
  8. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am happy to say I had a short little brain storm
  9. Flowers
  10. I am no longer allowed to say I have no ideas.
  11. Oh occasion... but they're never that bad. Likes cheap fruity wines
  12. Alright, that one works red?
  13. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am going on a oreo run/smoke break
  14. I am no longer allowed to be impressed by new socks
  15. Very guilty. I did professional theatre all through junior high and high school. Has stage fright
  16. As the crow flies? Does that really work there? red?
  17. Bike
  18. Me either... except in high school when it was an excuse to skip class. I have never stuck to just beer on a drinking night.
  19. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am thinking of running to 7/11 for oreos now.
  20. ^ Knows anything is better than that last train wreck of a Superman movie. V doesn't understand why Brian Singer left the X-Men series for that pile of crap. V Thinks I'm totally wrong.
  21. Only if "properly motivated" how do you motivate sugar junkie fangirls?
  22. (oh once or twice ) Back in the USSR (song)
  23. Yuppers! red?
  24. (mmmmm....) Anderson...
  25. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am agreeing.... I am now fantasizing about Anderson Cooper again
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