Okay, just finished, and I really enjoyed it! (I'm ignoring everything about it fic wise of course! ) but... a few things about the previous posts...
About Harry having Lily's eyes. Okay, so there wasn't much, but it did, in my feeble little mind have a huge part to play in a very emotional moment in the book... Snape's death. The last thing he says to Harry is "Look at me" so the last thing he sees as he dies are Lily's eye. Now, call me sentimental, but that's pretty freakin' powerful (if not important to the plot).Okay, on to Dumbledore. Yes. I kinda wanted to kick him in his dead ass for most of the book. But, in "King's Cross" (which by the way, while I was reading I was thinking 'if this has all been a dream, I'm going to kill someone') I kind of got it. the only way to win was for Harry to choose to give up his life for others, and by making that choice he was able to save himself. At least, that's how I read it.
Alright and point #3. It was truly the little things in this that I loved. I will admit that the middle however many chapters did feel kind of like "Tralala lets all go on the deadly camping trip!", but hey, could just be me. Like I said, the little things... George making jokes about the hole in his head (btw, Mad, don't worry... I'm totally ignoring that! He's still got both ears in our world ), characters that we haven't seen in ages coming back either for the wedding or for the final battle (*sigh* yeah for Oliver!). I didn't really need the epilogue and it felt a bit tacked on. Grand that everyone ended up happily married and breeding like rabbits, but I felt that everything had tied itself up rather nicely. Oh and in my head, Teddy Lupin was raised by his grandmother, Andromeda. But that's just in my head, I have no quotes on that one.
K, I think that's all from me for now... if you'll excuse me I've been up for far too long!