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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Clean
  2. 3889 (that was very cool! )
  3. Because They ate well and exercised. Why?
  4. Eat it (song)
  5. Yak
  6. Garbage
  7. Because they were old. Why?
  8. Take it Like a Man (song)
  9. Trouble
  10. Oscars
  11. Because they inherited it. Why?
  12. Only You (song)
  13. Today
  14. Sexy
  15. 3883 ()
  16. Because they're rich. Why?
  17. I Only Have Eyes For You (song)
  18. Try
  19. Actor
  20. Because the owners aren't picky. Why?
  21. Mr. Brightside (song)
  22. Theory
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