Alright, I hate point out another ill of our society again, but here goes. Yes, AA is a great thing, when it works. But discrimination isn't just about skin color or sexual orientation or sex. Sometimes, the hatred that some people hold toward a certain group can't be seen. Not so long ago in North America you could easily see signs that read "No Jews need apply" or "No Irish need apply". I myself (and I'm not that old people) have actually been called a dirty fucking Pollack. I've personally never been turned away from a job or school because of my heritage, but I know my father was in his youth, and the rest of my family faced it, and no one cares about that, because gasp we're white.
The point of this little rant, if your wondering, is that AA is a good idea in theory. But if you are admitting unqualified people because of their skin color etc, the whole system could suffer. Think about it, would you want to be treated by a doctor (of any color, white, black, green, purple)that went to med school because of a quota?
Until we live in a society that actually looks at ones achievements instead of ones skin, sexual orientation or ethnicity in general, we're all in trouble. And you all know what that means; We're all in trouble for a very long time.