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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. That's me! Trae?
  2. Once Upon a Time in Mexico (movie)
  3. Guilty, but I was nice about it. G/Ng Has ninja'd someone
  4. Not Guilty. I knew it would happen eventually. G/NG - Has forgotten to vote.
  5. I have. Many many many times. I have never traveled further than three hours to go to a concert.
  6. Wasn't that the guy from Star Trek? Dipping now.
  7. Yes, I think he is. Why can't mother-in-laws call when hubbies are home?
  8. Inker (If you haven't seen Chasing Amy, its not nearly as funny. )
  9. Trim
  10. Yes indeed! Trae?
  11. Because they've been altered to be so. Why?
  12. Bitten (Book)
  13. Well.. sort of... I don't know what everyone's veiws on fetus v. child are so... Guilty or will be in seven months? G/NG - Has wondered what the stirrups at the end of the exam table are for
  14. There was nothing cheesy about the ninties... angsty maybe, but not cheesy! I have never gone to a "reunion tour" concert
  15. Does something smell like rotten sushi in here? Mmm, cheese.
  16. I'm sure I can come up wtih something by then. Are you going to set up anything big?
  17. Routes
  18. Tram
  19. I'm here too... sporadically, but I'm here. Trae?
  20. Because some tastes are just too persistent. Why?
  21. Twice in a Lifetime (tv show)
  22. What kind of noise do alien sex toys make? Squid is a little chewy.
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