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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Disillusioned (????)
  2. Divvied
  3. Well, I don't drive so it's never really been an issue. I have never tried archery.
  4. Detrained
  5. Me either. Tim Hortons forever! I have never been a big fan of donuts
  6. Hey! If you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at! I still wish I had the artistic talent to give him a little superhero outfit!
  7. disenchanted
  8. Because there is a thin line between pain and pleasure. Why?
  9. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am hoping the situation gets better for Leonhart. I am not sure what to make for dinner tonight...
  10. Not guilty. G/NG - Has waited to the last minute and prayed that little elves will show up at the house and wrap all the presents.
  11. dethroned
  12. Because torturing others is an easy way to entertain oneself. Why?
  13. Alright.... who wants to get tee-shirts? Come on, voles are cute see... Someone could draw a little cape on him, maybe a mask and we can call him UBER-VOLE! Protector of AFFites all over the web!
  14. Mustang Would it make you feel better, Nik, if I confessed... I do the same thing!
  15. Ahhh the word "terrorist". Its one of those words that people accept as evil and move on. What about the French Underground during WWII? To the Nazis they were terrorists. And the IRA? I don't see Bush and his cronies wagging war against the Irish. And what about the Americans themselves? Don't you think the Brits saw them as terrorists during the war of Independence? Terrorist to one group, is a freedom fighter to another. Funny how so many seemed to have forgotten that over the last five or six years. Anyway, it's good to see that there are people still willing to stand up for what they believe in. Oh and for those of you who haven't, read the original graphic novel "V for Vendetta". Trust me, it kicks that movie versions ass.
  16. K-Kiso Hey no worries... I just thought for a second I forgot the alphabet.
  17. Drudged
  18. Having never had a real tree I feel I cannot fairly judge. I have never bought a small cup of coffee.
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