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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Because souls are stored on the inside of a person. Why?
  2. How was dinner? Think about it.
  3. The Man in the Iron Mask (movie/book)
  4. Floating
  5. Not most peoples opinions. Is it wrong to care about opinion of those you care about?
  6. Because it would give you a poking feeling. Why?
  7. What if we appeal to their compassion? That's the ugliest tie I've ever seen.
  8. Iron Eagle (movie)
  9. Rapids
  10. Both. Don't we all wonder strange things all the time?
  11. Because they are the easiest way to suck souls. Why?
  12. Then what are we going to tell them? Once, maybe twice.
  13. The Fly (movie)
  14. Bend
  15. I doubt it, I've never tried. Is that something you do with your spare time?
  16. Because flourescent lights aren't burning chemicals, they're burning souls. Why?
  17. Couldn't we just tell them Uber-Vole is poisonous? Alright, you're right.
  18. Indeed it is. Trae?
  19. Guilty. G/NG - Wants to visit Jurassic Park
  20. You Learn (song)
  21. Leg
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