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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. I bought an inflatable sheep once... but it was for decoration at a bachelorette party, so I don't think it counts. G/NG - Wasn't aware one could buy inflatable animals.
  2. Young
  3. Cuff
  4. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am shocked to hear that from you Red! I am admitting that I was expecting some rant about the evils of women.
  5. Red Dragon (book/movie)
  6. Not guilty. G/NG - Had an imaginary pet as a child.
  7. Yup. How's the snowed-in life? Red?
  8. Nobody on this forum. Who would want to wait around for something?
  9. ^ Now knows my secret. < Knows that the secret isn't big enough to worry about. V Wonders what V will stumble upon next!
  10. Me either. I have never bought someone a sex toy.
  11. Atom
  12. Food
  13. Wilma Flintstone
  14. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am wondering which side of the family carries the demon gene...
  15. Not guilty. I gave up on the one bunch of movies I wouldn't see on principle, and actually, I really enjoyed them. G/NG - Has owned a pet that freaked people out.
  16. I think both tests are equally important. Do the guys have to pass any tests?
  17. Good mornin... afternoon! Red?
  18. ^ Is correct when speaking of dinner. < Is not so sure about the metaphor though... V Believes every good metaphor must be true.
  19. Umm I have, wouldn't it be to... and this is just a shot in the dark... DANCE?? I have never eavesdropped on anyone arguing.
  20. ^ Has little faith in the wordiness of the outside world. < Is far wordier than she needs to be most of the time. V Isn't quite wordy enough.
  21. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am taking that advice to heart... sort of!
  22. Why, thank you! Trae?
  23. Exorcist
  24. No, not unless you're into necrophilia. Are you?
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