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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. The Wind in the Willows (book)
  2. Ummm some would say guilty... but I like my Fruit Loops. G/NG - Is listening to music that a majority of the population wouldn't recognise.
  3. If I actually find any money, sure. What do you think your chances are?
  4. ^ Is very generous with the... umm... job offers. < Is sure there's a market for prego porn... but doesn't really want to be a part of it. V Is now looking for prego porn.
  5. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am congratulating Red on his post, and on his orgy update (very nice! )
  6. ^ Has provided my hubby with all the info he needs for when our kids hit their teens! < Is fairly sure that her father had that application handy at all times when < was a teen! V Is looking forward to torturing their own kids the same ways they were tortured!
  7. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am thinking I really like "Male Order Bride"! I am bowing to the genius of Nanaea.
  8. Sure, I think there's one in my purse here somewhere. Should I clean my purse out?
  9. Not guilty. G/NG - Has a sweet tooth.
  10. Guilty! G/NG - Has a fast food addiction.
  11. Bits of string and glue. Are there better ways to make a point?
  12. The Winter Lodge (book)
  13. I have. I hated Troy. I have never been very good at making deadlines.
  14. Tailor
  15. Carrie Bradshaw
  16. Right
  17. ^ Is not alone on the embarassing father front. < Has a very embarassing father when < was a teen, but now he's not nearly as bad... < Isn't sure if he's changed or < has... V Knows that our opinions of our parents behaviour change as we get older.
  18. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am also a fan of Helena Bonham Carter. I am patiently waiting for my mother so that we can go shopping... for more stretchy pants!
  19. ^ Is very misguided. < Is not named Bubba, and doesn't know anyone named Bubba. V Wants to legally change their name to Bubba
  20. I am she! Red?
  21. Ummm... the solstice and Prince William's birthday are actually June 21st.
  22. Guilty I guess... being that normally, I do all the chores anyway. G/NG - Doesn't ask for help directly, but hints that it is needed.
  23. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am announcing that I made the smoothie all by myself.
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