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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. ^ Will slip up eventually... < Isn't really that upset about it... but hopes that all the decent Slytherins will still talk to me. V Is laughing at the idea of decent Slytherins.
  2. 4445 (very nice, Mad, very nice! )
  3. 4443 (and... *drumroll*)
  4. Me either. I have never had a knack with house plants.
  5. Thank you! Nan?
  6. The Other Man (song - Sloan)
  7. Not til just now. Should I have?
  8. Climb
  9. Near
  10. ^ Knows my weakness for things that bubble! < knows that's only one of many weaknesses! V Knows more than is good for them.
  11. Nancy Reagan
  12. Me either! That's just wrong. I have never wanted to study dragons (hubby does though! )
  13. That'd be me! Nan... or she who now knows my dirty little secret?
  14. I have. I have never been sorted into Hufflepuff.
  15. As have I! Nan?
  16. Me either... mainly because I can't get someone pregnant without a donor and a turkey baster. I have never been sorted into Gryffindor.
  17. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am not going to directly tell who (yes who) I dreamt about, only that it wasn't a main character, and he's a (gulp) Gryffindor! I am also leaving clues... can you guess? (ie... I'm in the mood for Quidditch! )
  18. Well, no, being that I'm not American. I have never been to a private school.
  19. I have and I do on a fairly regular basis... I have never had a digital watch.
  20. Not guilty. G/NG - Realised recently that a character that you really like is very under-used.
  21. Actually, yeah, now that you mention it. Why do you think that is?
  22. guilty. Spiders. *shudder* G/NG - Has more than one phobia.
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