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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Willow
  2. Not yet. Trae?
  3. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am wondering if Trae and Nan are going to use their knowledge for good or for evil...
  4. ^ Is an evil guru < Thinks ^ should start an evil school where he can pass on his evil knowledge to the next generation of evil. V Knows that only evil parents can truely pass on the evil knowledge.
  5. Umm... well, I live there, so yeah. I have never been to Texas.
  6. Orgasm
  7. Positive. Trae?
  8. Yup, I'm here... untill Dad takes me for lunch anyway. Red?
  9. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am hoping all goes well at the dentist for Nan. I am understanding her pain, as I had the same thing happen to me when I had my wisdom teeth pulled.
  10. Okay... well, this list is incredibly short. I was with Poly in the Snape and only Snape club for a lo-o-o-ong time. It is connected to my own of Alan Rickman. And Poly, don't feel bad. I think my squee may have actually made it out of my mouth during GOF. I'm not proud of that, but it happened, let’s move on. Now, until... oh... YESTERDAY (!!!), that was it. I had an appreciation of Lucius/Issacs, but there was no squee-ing involved. And then, my brain turned on me. My Slytherin-ness developed a weak spot and I developed a slight squee moment for... gulp a Gryffindor. If any of you have had problems dealing with your own moment of weakness you can join me at S.W.W.G (see my sig for details. Oh and I'm pronouncing it as "Swig" as in... dear god I need a drink! ) But yes, it happened. Now, in my own defense, we aren't talking about Harry, or any Weasleys. It does however seem that my slight jock fetish has caught up with me and I have developed a slight Oliver Wood... thing.... Okay fine. So I'd ride him til he screamed Now being that this is a fairly new thing for me, we'll have to see how far it goes... I haven't yet watched the first two movies to see if I will actually have a fan girl moment. But Nan did provide me with a pic that made me sliently squee. I'll keep you all updated. PS Red's taking bets in the the "I am" thread in the Forum Games. Please don't take full advantage of the poor guy! PPS... can one take a walk on the Light side??
  11. Finally, yes. Red?
  12. Yes
  13. Lie to Me (song - Bon Jovi)
  14. ^ Is wrong. < Knows evil glare is on the list, but is with ^ and prefers an evil laugh. V Has practiced their evil laughter.
  15. The US border... actually, I have. I have never been further south than Sydney, Australia
  16. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am pointing out that, not including me, there are at least two other people who know full well who it is. I am sorry, Red.
  17. Self-serving
  18. *gasp* NINJA!! I'm not changing anything! You may be able to register as the most demanding person in an uncaring universe, but I think you'd have alot of competition on that one. Who wants to compete?
  19. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am squishing that idea right now, it is NOT Neville Longbottom.
  20. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am about half way through my new chapter for MSV. I am wondering if the MSV version of Hogwarts needs a new flying teacher/quidditch coach...
  21. ^ Will lead the fight! < Is totally on board for the three day weekend. V Would simply support more holiday/long weekends.
  22. Heaven (song)
  23. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am not surprised!
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