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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. (oh no... how did I get stuck with "O"?? ) Oliver
  2. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am so tired of paper work that I could scream! I am just back from an appointment with our lawyer about our mortgage.. and I have writers cramp now!
  3. Not by name, no, but by hair color, yes. Red?
  4. Because your professor is a sadist. Couldn't that be a good thing eventually?
  5. Red, why are you bleeding all over the carpet? Oh, that'll be gone in no time!
  6. Guilty... but at this point, I really do need more sleep. G/NG - Knows the discomfort of trying to sleep while pregnant.
  7. Envy
  8. Elves
  9. ^ Is half right. < Doesn't threaten any animals because well, < lives in a far sized city and doesn't have pets, so the situation doesn't arise very often. V Wouldn't threaten animals anyway.
  10. Robin Hood Prince of Thieves (movie... I hate Kevin Costner.)
  11. Me either. I have never been to the Middle East.
  12. Irene Cara
  13. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am amazed by that as well. I am on my way out the door! *waves* I am sure I'll be back later.
  14. Nope... unless she ninjas me! Nan?
  15. My Big Fat Greek Wedding (movie)
  16. Gordon Lightfoot
  17. Big Fish (movie)
  18. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am hoping everyone else had a good night too!
  19. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am feeling very stiff and sore and tired. I am admitting that I had far more fun last night than I thought I would. I am sure that's because one of my husband's friend's wives is also pregnant so I wasn't the only one not getting blitzed.
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