I am thinking Leon and the kids will see it eventually.
I am thanking my backspace button today, as it seems I can't type!
I am hoping that this non-typing thing will fade soon.
^ Should be told that the sniffling will go away soon!
< Is happy with her infection and will keep it even if someone comes up with a cure.
V Is thinking the same thing.
I am imagining that was pretty entertaining!
I am just thrilled that I got out of the house last night and saw Shrek the Third!
I am very entertained by that movie too, and,
I am recommending it to everyone!
^ Knows the truth about Canadian guys.
< Knows one must develop a resistance to them... but eventually one gets through...
V Thinks they sound kind of like the common cold.
^ ... Is really wrong.
< Is able to resist now only because of <s own tall, dark and handsome Canadian that she can't resist either.
V Is wondering what it is about tall, dark and handsome Canadians.