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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am thanking Nan for the hug, but warning her that I may be a bit on the sweaty side.
  2. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am sending my sympathy to Ada... that's got to be uncomfortable. I am suffering as well, as I can't open my windows without here horrible music and a bunch of dirty yucky men screaming obscenities at each other. I am hating the fact they they are building more condos right across from me. I am having difficulties typing today.
  3. I am no longer allowed to yell at the construction workers outside my house to shut the fuck up... even if it is 6:30am.
  4. Lester B. Pearson (to bring in a bit of Canadian Content)
  5. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am welcoming all the newbies aboard the crazy train. I am warning them that all the regulars around here are nuts... myself included. I am seriously sleep deprived and having a bit of a writers block which is making me a bit I am sure I'll get over it soon.
  6. I am no longer allowed to daydream about hitting my mother in law in the face with a decanter while at the dinner table.
  7. Me either. Too bad... I have never won the lottery.
  8. Guilty. G/NG - Dislikes their in-laws.
  9. How did you do that?? Red?
  10. hoodwinked
  11. Train
  12. Not having to spend time with the wicked witch of the west, or as my husband calls her, mom.
  13. Piotr Rasputin
  14. I Wanna Be Sedated - the Ramones
  15. The Man Without a Face (movie)
  16. Because he couldn't focus. Why?
  17. Sorry... was I supposed to be paying attention?
  18. ^ Is correct. < Is guessing it has something to do with obscure anime v Knows better than < does.
  19. Umm... lets see. Well, I love Harry Potter and by extention of that, the Potterpuffs. I also have an addiction to cheesy eighties teen movies, such as the Breakfast Club. Now I came across an avatar that combined these two loves, how could I resist! So there it is.
  20. My husband told me about this today... and suggested that since we didn't get a honeymoon... god he's the best! Anyway, I can't wait! My head feels like it's going to pop... Ummm... Is there going to be a quidditch pitch?
  21. There's a cheesy eighties power ballad with my name in it that I think is horrid... can I sue??
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