I am with Ada on the husband front... he'd better be buying me flowers or something!
I am actually having a few crackers to keep myself going.
I am a little sad that the dress I was going to wear tonight doesn't quite fit anymore.
Guilty! I love it! We even had a big band at our wedding. I had to get another dress so that I could dance properly!
G/NG - Has had someone try to teach them to dance.
I have... but as I have proved lately, I have a way of being unsensitive when I'm upset or frustrated with someone.
I have never liked leaving voicemail.
I am also staring at a blinking cursor... how the hell are the MSV gals going to get into that bloody office!!!???
I am not worrying about dinner cuz hubby's taking me for sushi, despite hating the stuff himself.
^ Is a lucky gal.
< Is living in an over-priced city... and is patiently waiting for the bottom to fall out of all of it.
V Knows that's what happens in oil country.