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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Did you hear that Lyle Lovett is actually gay? That's something I'd pay to see.
  2. Poppy Pomfrey
  3. Not guilty... we have a 1990 Topaz... I'm sure the GPS would melt in that car. G/NG - Owns a piece of shit car.
  4. Probably. Does Disney have mob connections?
  5. Yearly
  6. Because he didn't like crunchy food. Why?
  7. We've Got it Goin' On - Backstreet Boys
  8. Serenity at Sea: John Ford and the Araner (video... and thank you IMDB!)
  9. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am thinking Leon needs to remember "Everything in moderation". I am having a hard time getting off the pop music kick... but as I am the only one in the house with the ability to work the stereo, I'm not doing anything about it!
  10. ^ Is stealing jokes from "Grease" < Thinks that the cheerleader/jock thing is simply convenience... they're at all the same events all the time. V Thinks that < might be onto something.
  11. Me either. I have never really tried to get anything published.
  12. Corey Hart
  13. I'd be paprika... cuz I'm spicy and eastern European. If I were a country...
  14. Spiders
  15. Yes, I did... and do, every time I look at the video collection. Do you think I could sue for emotional damages?
  16. Yesterday
  17. ^ Again knows the truth. < Loves the jocks... and thinks that may have bled into her HP interest. V Thinks it's necessary for cheerleaders to like jocks!
  18. Guilty... very very guilty! G/NG - Wonders how much dirtier their mind would be if they didn't write.
  19. I like the evevator guy one, but that's it... or is that 7up?? I have never really been good at remembering what commercials are for.
  20. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am thinking that will be very entertaining! I am singing along now to the cheesy pop... but very quietly.
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