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Posts posted by SereneLies

  1. So, I have been having this recurring nightmare for about the last two or three months and I decided, hey, what the hell, lets interpret it.

    Basically, at the beginning of the dream, something different is happening each time. This time I was being chased. But the thing is, the dream always ends the same; I end up sitting somewhere that is almost like a bed and I am frozen in terror. I can't scream, I can't run, I can only sit there - and there is ALWAYS this feeling of an evil presence drawing steadily closer. Now before I never had an indication that it was evil but for my own gut instinct, but this time my cat was with me and as I felt the evil come closer, my cat started growling and hissing.

    Anyway, I looked up keywords that described my dream here and this is what I got:

    Anything moving toward you in a dream usually signifies that you are becoming more aware of it, feeling it more intensely. So being chased in a dream usually denotes that you are feeling something you fear more intensely and are trying to avoid confronting it. This is not usually a good policy, as you can never get away from yourself.

    If you are chasing something it shows what you are making an effort to gain in life, but the thing you are pursuing might be difficult to arrive at, possible because of your own feelings about attaining it.

    Inability to face or cope with those emotions, fears, ideas or urges represented in the dream. It is important to find where you felt that sort of terror in the past. This releases its hold on you. This is not easy, because many memories have never been verbalised, or occurred either prior to learning speech, or when you were under anaesthetic.

    Evil is 'live' spelt backwards. In dreams the sense or presence of evil is often depicting those things you have so repressed that they are no longer properly alive and healthy. They therefore need meeting and being brought into proper recognition and expression.

    Urges such as sex, that frighten us, or we have been taught to be ashamed of, may appear as devils or demons in your dreams.

    You may have felt a lot of affection from a cat, and so associate it with sensual, or even sexual pleasure. It can also represent your need to care for someone or be cared for, to have close physical contact.

    For some people a cat is a substitute baby, it can therefore depict the strong maternal feelings and desires. Or a male cat can represent male sex drive.

    The term 'catty' refers to a spiteful woman. So if the cat in your dream is angry it might depict yourself if female, or feelings about a female friend.

    Because cats are independent and often alone, they may represent the secret part of yourself, or independence

    Personally, I think its the plot bunnies attacking, because at the beginning its almost like a storyline except I am involved.

    *grumbles* fucking plot monsters are disturbing my sleep now :)

    What about you guys? Any strange dreams and interpretations? Why not share (that way I don't feel like an idiot)?

  2. I know that; at first I thought maybe I wasn't getting alot of readers (*shameful whisper* Reviews) which is why I tried so hard to come up with an attention grabber

    :) Apparently that wasn't enough


    I really need to work on my story, although I think I am doing okay

  3. If anyone is curious I did figure out a new name and summary although I am not quite changing it yet

    But I figured this would work

    Title: Paradigm of Sacrifice

    Summary: Caught in Naraku's twisted web of illusions and deceit, Kagome's only hope lies with the demon lord, Sesshomaru. However Sesshomaru's resolve wavers when a crucial decision must be made; a choice between Kagome's life and his freedom WIP, WAFF, M/F, MC

    P.S. 250 characters for summary not enough :)

  4. So, I am writing a fic for the InuYasha fandom and I have had at least one very faithful reviewer for this story. This person usually reviews the day it is posted and I have had the new chapter up for about three or four days now...

    Now I am thinking, it was over two weeks since my last post; do you think two weeks between posts is a turn off?

    How long do you have before your story is not considered worth the wait?

    Maybe it's just the review whore in me acting up :)

  5. I am attempting to write a yaoi fic right now and I know what its like to not be entirely sure of yourself; but I agree that it is annoyong when people write comments that belittle their work. If you are insecure about what you have written, and you want to let people know, then say that.

    But at least give people a chance to decide whether they like it or not; don't automatically give them negative feelings...

  6. I know we have a suggested reading option in the archive but I think it would be great to have a category in the forum for this as well;

    not just a place where we can discuss stories on the site though, but a place where people can suggest online stories or mangas to read.

    Its a great way to promote someone's work and it also builds a common interest in that work and possibly could generate discussion between members on pairings, cannon pros and cons, likes and dislikes about the suggested piece. I would really like to see that

    Serene Lies

  7. Situations like this are very touchy and unfortunately you tend to get people who are very pro-life to the point of zealous in their beliefs, and then you get the the people who honestly don't give a flying fuck; it would be easy for them to say "goodbye" if they had an inconvenient pregnancy.

    I myself am pro-life to a point, but it is only where my body is concerned. I can't say I know that I would keep a child that was born by rape, no woman can no that until it happens, but under any other circumstance, even if it was my own stupidity, I would keep the child and put it up for adoption (at this age anyways) but like I said, thats a personal choice.

    What people need to understand is that the choice to keep a child is something that belongs solely to the mother. I am not saying I necessarily agree with abortion but like I said, it is up to the woman who has been impregnated as to whether they want to go through with that or not.

    In a situation like this, however, the girl is screwed either way. She is nine years old and has been impregnated; that right there is wrong - her decision what to do afterwards should not be judged by others.

    But I think you are going to have people out there who would be disgusted by the abortion just like the woman quoted here, and you are going to have people who would have been disgusted if she kept the baby; You can't please everybody, which is why you have to do right by your own conscience

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