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Sin Acies

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. School
  2. Because that's the way Walt Disney wanted it. Why?
  3. ^ is relentless.
  4. Hall
  5. Wonder
  6. Sin Acies

    I Am...

    I am pissed my internet connection was down all day yesterday. I am glad its been fixed.
  7. Dance
  8. Princess
  9. Tornado
  10. Me either, I've actually never had stitches. I have never had an injury that required medical attention (and as I don't like hospitals, I'd have to be unconcious to get me in one).
  11. ^ is crazy if she thinks I know anything about marrage or kids < does not currently have an SO, much less children V probably has kids.
  12. A hug from a good friend you haven't seen in ages.
  13. Because he was spoiled rotten. Why?
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