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Posts posted by EveKnight75

  1. My problem is that I have a habit of sticking to small fandoms. It's hard for me to find archives, fanlistings, etc. that cater to them.

    Right now, I post here and on FF. If I find another area to post, I will.

    If I weren't so busy, I might create my own archive one day, but I'd probably have an extremely low number of hits.

  2. I think I understand where Solaris is coming from. When you work on a book for 20 years AND it's your first book, you develop a strong sentimental attachment to it.

    You can't bear the thought of it being changed in any way, no matter how loyal a fan the fanfic writer or how good the fanfic. You're just that attached to it.

    The Terry Pratchett approach is the best one. It'd be harder if you have a regular habit of reading fanfiction, but it's possible by working hard at disciplining yourself.

    I think I'd be able to do it - but I probably wouldn't want to because I'm slightly masochistic.

    It's not quite as bad with any following books. You can distance yourself enough to be comfortable with fanfiction of it. The emotional distance is what it comes down to - it's hardest to let go of your first child but it becomes easier with each following child.

    Honestly though, I'd say watch out for the movie renditions. When it comes to butchering a book, they can be worse than fanfic authors at times - especially due to the monetary profit and larger audience.

  3. I'm still here, I'm still a mod.

    Read Jaxxy's post carefully and draw your own conclusions. I know you well and you know us well. Go ahead and try to accuse me of emotional manipulation via this post. Please.

    I don't have to post a long argument defending myself and the rest of the former forum staff. You know how we've operated.

    If Jaxxy reads this and chooses to fire me, that's her prerogative. The more I see, the more convinced I am that I need to stay.

  4. Please note that the following rule has been erased and shall no longer be in effect:

    Please try to keep your posts on-topic. It's OK to respond to someone else on the thread as long as part of that same post is relevant to the purpose of this thread. All too often, a thread degenerates into a personal conversation between two or three people and it throws the entire thread off. If I see this happening, the members in question will will be warned right before their posts are deleted. We have a PM system in place for a reason - please use it.

    I trust you guys not to veer wildly off-topic. So I'm not going to bother. If there's a series of off-topic posts, I'll split it into another thread and you may keep the conversation going there. We'll call it the Sidelines series. The threads will remain here so I can maintain control over them (i.e. keep adding to them). If a Sidelines thread remains inactive for three months, it shall be deleted and PMs will be sent to everyone who participated in the Sidelines.

    I hope that the Sidelines system works out for all of us. I'll try to keep them in here. However, I am not familiar with the current staff. Many changes are being made to the forum systems. If a Sideline thread is moved out of here, I can guarantee that it is not a deliberate action on my part. Perhaps it is not my action at all.

  5. Some of you may have noticed that I am one of the few forum moderators that has not resigned. Perhaps I am the only one at this point in terms of being a regular poster as well.

    I wasn't here on October 21 when all of the forum mods resigned. I had a very busy weekend. My mom threw a party on Saturday, but she twisted her ankle. My sister was bed ridden due to back problems.

    I didn't want to throw the party, but my mom insisted so I ended up doing all of the cooking and cleaning.

    I finally returned today (Monday) to witness this nasty surprise.

    I'm still here. I don't know whether or not I shall resign. For the moment, I am staying.

    I'm still weighing my decision and appreciate any input you may have. You may PM me about this.

    I understand why the rest of the staff quit. I don't blame them. However, I do miss them. They're my family. You're my family.

    In light of these events, I have changed some of the rules. Please read the new rules in these forums and sub-forums. One important change has been implemented in the WC rules.

    As for site news, please keep this in mind.

    I am only a forum moderator. I may know a thing or two about the changes, but I still have very little information and it is tentative at best. I will try to answer what I can, but there's not much I can answer in the end. If you want news about the site, look to someone with an administrator title. The only person with a moderator title who'd have any info at this point are animehead, demonakasha, and snowfall. They are not forum moderators, but site moderators.

    If I choose to resign, I shall post a notice of resignation here myself. If there is news of my no longer being a moderator but an official post was not made by me, know then that the resignation is not voluntary.

  6. Hi! I'm EveKnight75, the moderator here at Writers' Corner. The basic rules have already been posted above. In this post, I will tell you about the purpose of this forum and talk a little about myself and my moderating style. In additional posts on this thread, I will post information about additional rules. If you have any questions, please feel free to send me a PM.

    Writers' Corner is a place for writers to discuss the art of writing. Talking shop, so to speak. Here, we cover different aspects of writing, such as writing styles, problems we encounter in our writing and solutions for them, and writing strategies. Because we are an adult site, we also discuss adult aspects of writing. This includes adult vocabulary, tips for writing erotica, and discussions about sexual/psychological deviations in writing. You can use this forum in addition to the Writing Tips section in the Resources archive at AFF. If you want to gather research and feedback for an article you plan on posting there, this is a good place for that.

    If you want advice on a general/broad-range aspect of writing for a specific fic you're working on, come to Writers' Corner. If you specifically want a beta to look over that aspect throughout the fic, then it's obvious that you should post in Fiction Betas.

    If you wish to ask for writing advice concerning a specific fandom, please post in the forum corresponding to the archive your in which your fandom category is located. This forum is for writing advice that can apply to all fandoms, not just specific ones.

    There are certain rules about posting that I haven't mentioned in the main rules. Please read them and keep them in mind.

    • Please do not double-post. It annoys most of the members. If you'd like to quote more than one person, you have to do it within the same post instead of posting back-to-back within the same thread. Use the Edit function as often as you like. If you don't wish to have your edits announced, uncheck the Add the 'Edit by' line in this post? option in the posting area.
    • At this point, the board doesn't nest quotes and doesn't allow you to automatically quote multiple posts. You can highlight and copy text into your post during each edit. If you want to quote a second person within the same post, you can add the post's details manually. In the opening tag, use the following format:
      . The date and time can be found at the top of every post. If you want to nest quotes, use:
      person you're quoting[Q U O T E]quote that person has cited
      [/Q U O T E]
    • Personalized font faces and colors are accepted, as long as they're legible. I use a personalized font and color, but it's OK because as far as I know, no one has any trouble reading my posts. If you have trouble reading someone else's post because of the color or font, let the person know in polite terms. If someone gives you that complaint, try to be reasonably accomodating. This rule applies to me as well. To save you some trouble, we've already determined that this font and color combination is hard on the eyes.
    • Please try to keep your posts on-topic. It's OK to respond to someone else on the thread as long as part of that same post is relevant to the purpose of this thread. All too often, a thread degenerates into a personal conversation between two or three people and it throws the entire thread off. If I see this happening, the members in question will will be warned right before their posts are deleted. We have a PM system in place for a reason - please use it.

    There's also a rule about posting graphics here. I do allow links to graphics, as long as they are in good taste and are considered legal within the United States. I myself live in Canada, but because the site is hosted in the U.S., it is restricted to the laws there. As of yet, there are no international laws governing the internet.

    What I mean by the graphics rule, is that you are allowed to post a link that includes a picture of two people having sex, depending on your reason. If the picture is part of an article that discusses human sexuality, or it's something like the Kama Sutra, discussing the mechanics of a sexual position, I'll accept it as long as you're discussing how to write a realistic sex scene. Use your judgement before posting pictures/links to pictures that may have questionable content. If you're not sure, show me first and I'll let you know whether or not it's OK.

    If you post graphics simply for the sake of trolling/spamming/causing a scene, I'll have to warn you and ask you to delete it. If I don't receive a response after a week, I'll delete it myself. Do not ignore my warnings or try to openly defy me on that matter.

    I hate having to call out others, putting members on probation, or banning members. Please don't give me a reason to do any of those things. I tend to give out repeat warnings where they're required. I like to have faith in the members to do the right thing. I also enjoy helping out other members whenever/wherever I can, and I will help you out if you need me whenever you're in any of the forums I am moderating.

    In general, I'm what you call a "nice" moderator. I don't abuse the power I have, nor do I intend to. I allow a lot of leeway in posting, as long as it's within the rules.

    I've noticed that I rambled on a bit about users who'd break the rules. Sorry about that. I have to put emphasis on that when discussing rules. However, I have not really encountered that much bad behavior on these forums. Most of you are well-behaved intelligent adults who get along well with the majority of the other members, and for that I am glad. I just hope that it stays that way.

    Well, I think that covers everything. Wait... for those of you not familiar with my posting style, I always use a special font and color. I rarely change the font and color, and it's always readable. For those of you who are familiar with my posting style, you know that it's just me and it's not a mod thing. Now I've covered everything.

    Welcome to Writers' Corner! I'm EveKnight75, and I'll be your friendly, intelligent, and slightly insane moderator during your visit.

  7. I've already stated that you are not to start threads to personally thank reviewers, to do it through PMs and e-mails instead.

    I realize that we can no longer view the e-mail addresses through profiles while logged in. DA and the former mods implemented this because members were being spammed by each other. I've seen this sort of harassment take place actively on the site and have been victim to it myself so I do understand why it is necessary.

    I'm afraid there is nothing I can do about this. I myself have chosen to put my e-mail address in the public area of my profile. You are free to do the same. You can also leave your e-mail address in the body of a review.

    There's a third option in some cases. Some members choose to receive anonymous reviews. Any e-mail addresses left by logged-out reviewers will only be visible to the author. You can leave a review while logged off. Leave your registered pen-name and e-mail and leave a note in the review stating that this is your pen-name on AFF.

    I know that it doesn't solve the problem of trying to contact someone else. However, it does leave you available for contact. If someone wants to thank you for your review, they'll be able to do so. And that's a start.

  8. I remember one term jumping out at me:

    "Any icon added to the list becomes automatically available for any member of AFF to use in his/her profile."

    In other words, there's no such thing as a personal icon. Basically, it goes like this:

    - You send a picture.

    - They examine the picture.

    - They decide if it's gonna go on the list.

    - If it's on the list, it's fair game.

    - If it's not on the list, you can't use it on your profile either.

    I don't remember which address it's supposed to go to. I think it's admin@adult-fanfiction.org. There's a size limit for the avatar. I think it's 100 square. Maybe it's 75 square.

    EDIT: I've just found out that the FAQ stated that the max avatar size is 64 square pixels. Thank you, Painful Retribution.

  9. I don't think it's necessary to get it.

    Please allow me to spew some overstated wisdom.

    *Every person has a different fetish. One person's fetish is another person's squick. What it all comes down to is how we treat each other. Give out sufficient warnings. Don't berate someone for your own squick. Don't attempt to rape someone with your fetish lest you be castrated for it.

    The whole thing about a fetish is that it's not normal or easily understood. Perhaps it's not meant to be. There are times when you can try to explain your own fetish as clearly and rationally as you're able until you're blue in the face and the person on the other side still won't get it.*

    That's OK. I like to read incest, but I have boundaries within it. One partner can't have authority over the other, they have to be similar in age, they both have to be physically old enough, and they both have to consent.

    So by default, I stick to stories involving either cousins or siblings (most of the time). I don't quite get why parent-child or family rape would be sexually gratifying to anyone. I understand the psychological fascination and how it would make for an interesting storyline, but that's about as far as it goes. I've had others try to explain it to me so I understand just a little bit more but I don't think I'll ever fully understand.

    As long as we respect each other's tastes, why should that ever be a problem?

    In the same way, I've seen debates between farm-bestiality and domestic-bestiality. Valid arguments on both sides, but they don't necessarily pick up on each other's sub-fetish. Then again, you don't get bestiality, period. That's kinda the point, isn't it? I don't get it either, but I've got nothing against reading it.

    On the domestic side, there may be one argument that you may somewhat understand. Your pet isn't just an animal to you. Your pet is your friend, and you're acquainted with his/her feelings, personality, and little quirks. The pet transcends animal and becomes a person to you. On that one side, sex is acting on love. On the other side, it's unique and interesting because it's not straightforward to perform the act. It creates a whole new world of sensations. Why can't a person have the right to indulge in a fantasy world wrapped around the concept as long as they never act on it in real life?

    As for your question: of course we're all perverts! Why else would we be here? It's just that we're all perverts in slightly different ways, that's all.

    Afterthought: Read the first Jungle Book story ever posted on AFF. Answer the opening question in context to that. Good luck. Please note that the warning that is there now wasn't there until after I pointed it out in an archive check report.

  10. Spring is my favorite season.

    Other than that, I don't believe I have a favorite anything.

    I like many many colors and many shades within each hue of the rainbow and grayscale. Baby powder pink, tangerine red sunsets, the aquamarine tropical oceans, warm brown chocolate, the pale yellow of sunshine in the kitchen, pure white canvas, the grey of a stormy sky, magic black. (I feel poetic).

    Sometimes I like a certain color in one respect but not another. For example, I like puce silk bedsheets but I shudder at the thought of puce silk on a bridesmaid.

    Many people online are under the impression that my favorite color is green. (Gee, I wonder why). That's not true.

    I use a green pen to write most of the time (if I run out of green, I'll use purple as a back-up). Even then it's not the neon variety, but the medium-dark variety. The habit carried online.

    Usually, I start to get eyestrain headaches after writing non-stop for several hours, but for some odd reason it's never quite as bad with green ink. I'm not sure why but why not stick with a good thing? I use purple as a back-up because it also works well at preventing eyestrain (though not as effectively as green).

  11. A troll is someone who posts an intentionally stupid story for the deliberate purpose of irritating others and/or incites/encourages a visible flame war.

    Under these definitions, I fail to see how this person is a troll. Bad writer, yes. Extremely immature, yes. Troll? No.

    The only viable complaints one can make are that this fic belongs in Crossovers and that the disclaimer fails to mention that the author does not profit from the "story".

  12. Too true...

    On Canadian Thanksgiving, I splurge during dinner. On Eid, I splurge all day for two days straight. During American Thanksgiving, it's 4 days. Don't get me started on Christmas and New Years.

    Turkey's guaranteed during Thanksgiving and Christmas. Depending on when Eid falls, we make masala turkey.

    I think the biggest splurge is going all-out on dessert (chocolate fondue and tubs of ice cream, anyone?) The only diet is the one where I watch my sugar and that goes out the window.

    I guess I'm actually worried this year because I have to do some amateur modeling this year for my university, a health organization, and a multi-cultural organization. Not worried about the face that much (no acne yet, thank god!), but there's only so much camouflaging that can be done for the stomach.

    Who cares? Food is more important than modeling. It always has been and always will be.

  13. The turkey was good. Very good. In fact, it was barbecued because the weather was all summery.

    I get to eat turkey again next month (Thanksgiving USA), and during the winter holidays. Come to think of it, I get to eat turkey at the end of this week because we're making two for Eid.

    No wonder I gain so much weight during this time of year.

  14. From what I can remember from the article, the following tags are acceptable:

    <b>. <i>, <u>, <s>, <br>, <p>, <h>.

    I've tried using the <hr> tag, but it never seems to work for me.

    The very basic font editing tags should work. At this point, I say don't use any fancy fonts and you should be fine.

  15. And if it is safe, why aren't they applying it to something more beneficial like cars? I mean, the bigger complaint is about fuel prices and toxic emissions and all that junk. Why not create the electric car and just get it out of the way?

    There's plenty of people who want longer-lasting laptop batteries - me included - but I'll settle for 30 hours or days over 30 years.

    That, and we're all constantly warned about the health hazards of radioisotopes. Combine that with the male infertility scare and you're getting a sizable portion of the laptop demographic who wouldn't be willing to use the batteries.

  16. I've known about the heart benefits for a long time.

    The thing is, the health benefits come from the actual cocoa itself. The closest we can get to it on the market is dark chocolate, but the health benefits become drastically reduced at this point. Both dark chocolate and the cocoa we buy on the market happen to be cocoa beans that have been processed to hell, so the amount of polyphenols present is negligent.

    The only truth we can take out of this study is that dark chocolate is the least harmful of the three. Even then, chocolate doesn't cure anything and can harm you if you overindulge.

    This is coming from a chocoholic.

  17. You're kidding, right?

    Between the movie, the series, and Angel, she's only had 5 steady "boyfriends". Parker was an absolute fluke. Ford had been her boyfriend before she became the slayer. There was Pike in LA when she first became the slayer. No sex up till then. Then there was Angel, but having sex at 17 with a guy who you've dated for over a year isn't slutty.

    She might have gotten into it too soon with Riley, but I remember that they were under a spell the first time.

    I actually count Spike even though there was nothing official between them because it was steady and sturdy in its own way.

    After she moved to Europe, she was dating someone known as the "Immortal", but from what Andrew told Angel and Spike, it was a steady thing.

    All of Buffy's relationships were screwed up in some way or another. That's because she's screwed up - and is it any wonder?

    I'd say her relationship with Spike wasn't much beyond sex, but at that point that's all they were really looking for. An outlet for their pain and frustration.

    I'd say a whore is someone who's having sex with at least 3 different people at the same time and none of them know about each other. Having a high libido doesn't make you a whore if you're monogamous about it and your partner is both willing and understands the situation.

    Just out of curiosity, how old are you? The way you phrased the question makes you seem rather... young(?)

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