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Everything posted by Kimba147
Yay! You are a god send! I have sent you an email with further deatils. Thank you so much!
Now offering Beta services to seeking Authors
Kimba147 replied to SerenityxStar's topic in Become a Beta
Hey there. I am trying to reach out to some more experienced betas to find someone to help me....you sound like you could fit the bill, so here it is: I need a beta for an original vampire story that I have been told, by multiple sources, has potential. The main pairing is a straight couple...of course we will be sure to throw a homosexual in the mix, if only to make the male lead uncomfortable. I need you because I want this to look good. Proffessional. It has always been my goal to take this particular one some place higher than my own computer. I won't bore you with every detail here, so if you were not interested right off the bat, feel free to skip this. However, I have posted my plea for a beta elsewhere and there are main plot ideas and specifics of what I am looking for in a beta here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/inde...showtopic=12746 *NOTE: For now, that is all, but it is mentioned in there that someday I would like to publish this. If that is too much ambition for you, I completely understand. We can talk of the particulars of that down the road when the time comes however. Thank you very much! -
My, my. We are popular aren't we? Well, I'll add in my lot and get straight to the point. I need a beta for an original vampire story that I have been told, by multiple sources, has potential. The main pairing is a straight couple...of course we will be sure to throw a homosexual in the mix, if only to make the male lead uncomfortable. I need you because I want this to look good. Proffessional. It has always been my goal to take this particular one some place higher than my own computer. I won't bore you with every detail here, so if you were not interested right off the bat, feel free to skip this. However, I have posted my plea for a beta elsewhere and there are main plot ideas and specifics of what I am looking for in a beta here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/inde...showtopic=12746 *NOTE: For now, that is all, but it is mentioned in there that someday I would like to publish this. If that is too much ambition for you, I completely understand. We can talk of the particulars of that down the road when the time comes however. Thank you very much!
Hello everyone. I have gotten a beta for my fan-fic, but I need something a bit diferent for this story. This is a story of (what could be) epic proportions. But it needs help. I first got the idea for this story when I was in like, seventh grade. So, the stuff I have written is good, but PG. I'd like to change that. Summary This story is not of just a vampire, but, The vampire. Sven Von Fredericks.The oldest. The strongest. Only, he doesn't know it. And in his mislead naiveté he locks himself away, only to be awakened by a girl... But she is no ordinary girl either. Melinda Harveinheight is poor, kind, and has to deal with teenage hormones. However, there is something powerful lurking deep within her. Something strong enough to draw in an unfeeling, cold, ancient vampire an entrance him. Their bond is unconventional, but strong. Together, they set off into the great unknown. Meanwhile, durring Sven's long slumber, a growing resistance to the old ways has emerged within the vampiric community. The {Insert cool sounding name here, because I haven't come up with a good official title yet} has been killing off young vampires. But why? Sven and Melinda meet those who are on the run from {Nameless Orginization} and learn that not all is as it seemed to be... What I Need Again, I want to take this basic, yet already good story, and turn it into something great. If I were to become a professinal author, this would be the story I would publish, so I need someone who is willing to work hard to make this thing shine. I want to change the language used in this from restricted and somewhat archaic to something more modern sounding, which will probably be the hardest part, simply because there is much to change. I have multiple chapters made, but I have not finished the story, so who ever becomes my beta will get to help me lead Sven and Melinda into tomorrow after a certain point. I need it to be witty, smart, funny in the right places, and descriptive enough to send someone wheeling into the world of the vampire and not let them out untill the very last bite (mwahaha). I am not a little girl any more, so I want to take this fairy-tale and make a novel (Metaphorically speaking, for now) out of it. Which means that I would like to put some more adult-ish aspects in it. Maybe not hardcore smut (simply because if I/WE decide to publish this one day, we would have to take a lot of that out...I wouldn't be against it for just posting on here though...) but something. {To serve my own fangirl-ism, while the main focus is on a straight pairing, I am making one of the side characters gay. I do not demand that he has to have sex scenes however, I do it more to make the lead male role uncomfortable. XD} I need help with this one, and I hope someone is willing to go far for this cast of misfits and make them into a legendary team. Thank You!!
Do song-fics work? Yes. But only in the right situation. There is a story on fanfiction.net that did it wonderfully. It was a multi-chapter fic about Edward Elric and Roy Mustang. The story was beautiful by itself, but, in the last chapter, the author acctually wrapped up the story with a song that the two main chracters danced to. Also, throughout the fic, there were continuous references to a song that Edward had sung, where the characters were using the lyrics as metaphores and seeing the different meanings the song could have. This fic was exelent in it's use of music and well worth reading, despite the fact that there really isn't any hardcore smut. Read it here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2783898/1/Full_Circle
In all the stories I have written, I have NEVER known how they were going to end. Weird, I know, but true. The trick for me is not know how it is going to end neccissarily, but when. Knowing when enough is enough, when to stop, and how to wrap it up is the best way for people like me to end a story. When I feel the chracters have reached the peak of their glory, changed in all the appropriate ways, developed their relationships with each other and overcome the initial major plot hurdle, that is when I know that it is going to end.
Some not totally comfortable with sex between two people yet. They have yet to find the balance of the right words and flow and have trouble defineing the lines between 'passionate love-making' and 'a quick fuck.' But, (and this may sound a bit weird to newer writers) if you just can't get it down when your characters are supposed to be doing 'the nasty'...try it with one. That was the best thing I ever did for myself. The first fic I wrote tried to have this wonderful, heart-breaking sex scene and it wound up being one character trying to use every possible variant of the word 'fuck' and the other was practically vomiting roses with all the crappy, flowery description. After that, I wrote a new one were it was just a guy getting off. I mean, almost everybody masturbates. You know how it feels and what you think about, so it isn'tall that hard to come up with a good scene after you get past the initial awkwardness. If you are not up to exploring the world of kinks, but you still want to have a good scene, cheat. Use your own sexual experiences and try to see it through the eyes of your chracter. What would they think about it? Hell, it might not be very original, but it will give you a solid foundation and an overall enjoyable sex scene.
btw, my email is purplelightning147@hotmail.com
You have an email waiting in your inbox dear!
Oh...*is sad that she didn't get to you first* Should you find yourself with some time, I have a Fullmetal Alchemist AU fic (revolving around the Roy/Ed pairing-though there will be others for plot's sake) that I believe has potential, but needs some cleaning up...While I don't consider myself at beta level, I will be completely willing to offer my services to you and any fic you might need help with in exchange for you helping me out. I have helped edit some amature short stories before...I would deffinately get it done fast and be honest in my oppinions. Anyhow. Back to me begging for your services. I wont bore you with too many details here, but if you are interested, here are some links: (The request for a beta and overview of the story) http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/inde...showtopic=12637 (The chapters I have posted that you can see my writing style and weaknesses from) http://anime2.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600022955
I am looking for a beta that is good with descriptions and helping to flesh out my story details a bit...also, I am really bad at catching unnessicary details/sentences that don't flow well, so that would be helpful too.This is my first shot at a smutty fan-fic, and I feel I could use some help conveying emotion...I am horrible with hot sex scenes for example, but I really want to include them in this story.It already has chapters up for editing. The basic story goes: Ed is a gang member, in the up-and-coming State Alchemist gang. He stays in the gang to make money and have protection for his younge brother, Al. He goes to a rich, conservative school, and sticks out because he is different. Roy is the Student Council president with hopes of turning the school around, from a quiet upper-class high school into a powerful contender at the forefront of education. Unfortunately, poor Roy finds himself oogling the most infamous goth ever-Ed. Al is struggling with Ed's gang affiliation because he feels there is a rift growing between him and his brother because of it. EDIT: Beta has been found! These are the main things that we notice right off the bat. There will probably be various pairings and twists for the plots sake later on.
This is my newest fic. I have never written one before this, but it turned out surprisingly good. Title: Love-The Impossible Science Author: Kimba LionHeart Rating: Adult+ Summary: Roy and Ed go to the same school, but belong to vastly different social circles. Can they overcome prejudice for the awakening feelings within themselves? Preview: (From the first chapter) Covered in piercings and tattoos from head to toe, clad in black and chains, the resident Angel of Goth cared nothing for other people. He simply swaggered to and from campus everyday without a word to anyone. Students watched out of the corners of their eyes as he passed and shuddered in revulsion. His numerous studs and rings had earned him the nickname ‘Fullmetal’, a high ranking member of the S.A. (1) gang. His eyes had earned him my desire, bordering on obsession. I, Roy Mustang, had no chance with Fullmetal Feedback: [Review by Baroqueangel ] I can't believe this is you first story. It is really well written and I'm very interested to see where you're going to take it. [Review by greedxed ] I really like this. I look forward to when Ed falls for Roy ^^ And how they will work things out ^^ Fandom: Anime-Fullmetal Alchemist- Roy/Ed (hints of Ed/Al) URL: (first chapter) http://anime2.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600022955 Thank you SO much for taking the time to look at this fic. It is an ongoing story, one that I am very fond of. I am having a lot of fun writing this, and I appreciate your support. Sincerely Yours, ~Kimba LionHeart~