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Posts posted by WesleyY7

  1. Ok, thank you for all your help.

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. It was never finished, if that's any comfort. I don't know why it would be, but trying to look on the bright side. I remember reading somewhere you can email the author for a copy. I'll see if I can find anything. :)

  2. So, a friend pointed me to this story:


    Daddy's Little Girl, Sirius/Hermione BDSM relationship where Sirius has Hermione call him Daddy. And now I have discovered a new kink. The power-play aspect and pretend chan is awesome.

    Would anyone happen to have recs for stories similar to this? I prefer het, but am open to slash.

    My friend is trying to track down a story where Draco is dressed as a little girl Harry and/or Ron has him call them Daddy, so if you know of that story, I'd like that link too. Thanks everyone!

  3. I'm looking for a Draco and Hermione Fic. This one has an evil Draco and he forces Hermione to marry and become bound to him. They are still in school because Draco takes her down to the Slytherin dungeouns for a party and forces her to have sex with him

    She tries to take birth control pills to stop her from getting pregnant but Draco finds out and he puts a stop to it. They end up having kids and the last chapter is set at Kings Cross where they see their kids off to Hogwarts

    I have not seen this story in forever if someone could find it I would greatly appreciate it

    I think you're looking for Sold. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600014135

  4. I'm sorry I had to make you feel bad. It sucks when authors pull there story even thought I understand the motivations most of the time. Part of me is glad she pulled this one, and her Veela wip, because at least I'm not tempted to reread it and then get frustrated that it's incomplete.

    If it's any comfort, the author has an excellent story she left up called Seven Times: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600023150 It's nothing like the other story, but it's still really good.

  5. It's not on ff.net, but I did find one that may be it on Granger Enchanted.

    Serpentine Seduction


    Haven't read it, but it seems to have all the same characters. Your summary is better than their's, so I may read it after all.

    I also found two other Hermione/Marcus/Adrian stories, both by the same author

    Sweet Revenge with Draco added http://quietones.org/archive/viewstory.php?sid=346

    Rapture with Lucius added http://inell.livejournal.com/230783.html#cutid1

  6. I think the fic you're looking for is Sold by GryffindorClutz. It's a Marriage Law fic with an extremely possessive Draco. The final chapter in the story is the one at King's Cross. And while there isn't a threesome with Blaise, there is a moment where Draco has Blaise sit and watch while he pleasures Hermione.

    Your post did make me think of another story with a similar theme that I love. Uncoffined by the awesome Lady_of_Clunn. Hermione is in an unwilling (of sorts) relationship with Draco and Blaise shows up in the story from time to time. (Don't want to spoil too much.) I love the author's stories and she writes some good dubious-consent scenes.

    Enjoy. :)

  7. That's sounds like Tender Vengence by margotlefaye. She's awesome and writes some really sexy dark, almost evil Draco. Most of the chapters of the story, along with others, are on her insane journal, but the newer chapters are now updated at the new Dramione archive Hawthorn & Vine. You have to be a member to read the adult stories, but there's plenty of amazing ones there.

    margotlefaye's stuff is fantastic and I always seem to forget about her when I rec stuff. Hope this is the one you are looking for.

  8. You didn't list any criteria other than good stories, so I'll just list some of my faves.


    Anything by =136512&sort_column=title&sort_direction=ASC"]Musyc, especially Ardent Bonds (Draco likes to dominate) and South of Stockholm (Not your typical Voldemort wins, and Hermione is Draco's captive. Has a sequel too!)

    Sage/everythursday is another favorite author of mine, but most of her stuff is under locked communities or archives with memberships. Her epic Parade of the Sun is 25 chapters and unlocked. The Seeker was written for the HP BDSM challenge. It's really good, but it does have a little Draco/Pansy too.

    The Fool, The Emperor and The Hanged Man is a long fic with Dark Harry and Draco/Hermione working to take him down.

    A Dowry of a Single Galleon is considered a classic Marriage Law Fic.

    In the Darkness All Cat Are Grey has Draco making the best of a darkened room.

    A Pound of Flesh - Hermione comes across an Oblivated Draco in Muggle London where he works as a stripper. Sounds silly, but is really good.


    Never Again - Hermione is Blaise's roommate is surprised by her reactions to his relationship with Draco. (Draco/Blaise too)

    Dirty Little Secrets - Hermione sees something she's not supposed to.

    It's Always the Quiet Ones is an archive for D/Hr/B stories.


    My favorites are all by Laura Smith:

    Mother of Invention

    Chocolate Kisses

    Best Laid Plans (This one so needs a sequel!)


    To be honest, Sirius has always struck me as someone who didn't come out of Azkaban with all the cards he went in with. My favorite Sirius/Hermione stories usually have a darker/kinkier edge to them.

    Daddy's Girl - Hermione tries to figure out why she needs a Daddy. Heed warnings.

    A Visitor - On Halloween, Sirius comes back to the living and fulfills one of of Hermione's darker fantasies.

    Tempation - While in Grimmauld Place, Sirius is tempted by Hermione. (It was during OotP, so she was supposed to be 15, but author upped her age to 18 to be safe and made it an AU.)

    Cherries - Mainly Sirius/Hermione, but lots of other pairings too. Sirius, with the help of Kreacher, makes Hermione his. Crazy, amazing, weird, emotional, hot, disturbing, addicting. Read the warnings...all of them! :)

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