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Posts posted by WesleyY7

  1. Dramione has plenty of talented authors with wonderful fics. Are you looking for a particular theme or type of story?

    I would suggest you join Hawthorn & Vine and read through the top 20 favorite stories there because there is plenty of quality stuff there.


    Also, Accio DHr is a good resource if you're looking for particular type of story. http://dhr.accio.nu/ Crack broom is good for recs too. http://crack-broom.livejournal.com/tag/draco/hermione

    ldymusyc favorite author right now.. http://archiveofourown.org/users/Musyc

    Her Shelter and Sanctuary series is phenomonal! http://archiveofourown.org/series/9506

    Sage is another favorite, but most of her stuff is locked at H&V. Two that aren't: The Seeker http://hp-ssc-fest.dreamwidth.org/2202.html and Kingdom By the Sea http://dracobigbang.accio.nu/fics/12-1.htm

    Here's an awesome Titanic AU http://bunney.dreamwidth.org/6668.html

    Some of my favorites on AFF?

    Claiming Hermione - 7th year AU. Draco and Hermione are Head Boy and Girl


    A Wonderful Caricature of Intimacy - Hermione marries Draco to help him keep custody of his son.


    The Fool, The Emperor,and the Hanged Man


  2. Don't know of the one you're searching for, but SalonKitty has been writing an excellent Luna/Harry (and others) fic called Girls&Boys. Like the summary says, it's mostly those two, but they do get around a lot. She hasn't updated in a while though. :(


    Edit: She also completed a 34 chapter Harry/Luna fic called Mad Snorkacks and Englishmen.


  3. Hey! Draco/Hermione/Blaise is one of my favorite threesome. (Along with D/Hr/L and D/Hr/P.)

    Here are some of my favorites from this archive:


    Puppet on a String - This is my favorite! Unfortunately, it's abandoned, so it never fully reaches threesome status. Blaise returns from America with a voodoo doll charmed for the Head Girl. The boys uses it for their own nefarious purposes. Chapter two is hot!!!


    Never Again - Hermione is Blaise's roommate and finds his relationship with Draco terribly arousing.


    Dirty Little Secrets - Hermione walks in on the two boys in a compromising position in a broom cupboard, so they need to punish her to keep her quiet.


    In the Hands of Monsters - The two Slytherins take what they want, even if she's unwilling. Definitely dark.


    Watching - This one includes Pansy too. Hermione sees the three Slytherins getting it on and is asked to join the fun.

    Aside from Monsters, none of them are that dark. It's very hard to search this archive. I'd recommend It's Always The Quiet Ones as it's mostly this threesome and it has a more detailed search function.


    Here's a rec list of just your threesome:


    Two livejournals:



    Read and be inspired! :P

  4. This sounds a lot like Tainted Love, an amazing WiP that was unfortunately removed by the author due to personal reasons. Blaise and Hermione were cousin. Hermione was suffering effects from the curse Dolohov shot at her at the Ministry in 5th year. Ron was actually very supportive of the close bond between Blaise and Hermione. Pansy was in the story a lot. And Harry was suffering from some possession from Voldemort and was convinced Ron and Hermione had betrayed him.

    Such a great story! Grr!

  5. I'm on the hunt for a particular Mr. Darling/Wendy story. I think it came out around the time of the last Peter Pan film. (The one with Jason Issacs as both Mr. Darling and Hook.)

    I don't remember Mrs. Darling being in it, so she had either died or was out of town. I don't even remember if it was pre or post Neverland. Detail I do remember is Mr. Darling was in charge of helping Wendy get ready for bed. Or maybe she was sick and he had to take care of her?

    Later on, he came into her room after she had fallen asleep and takes advantage of her. I think he feels particularly guilty about it, but can't stop himself.

    Thanks in advance for your help!

  6. I was never a big fan of slash, but I've slowly begun to like it and I hate that it's because of chan because it makes me feel so guilty! (I don't think it has much to do with the age, but chan is pretty much the only time the characters have any type of sexual innocence and naivety. You read anything above second year, and everyone knows as much about sex as porn stars!)

    A few links that were sent my way when I first was looking:

    http://www.thesilversnitch.net/tss3/search.php?searchtype=advanced - The Silver Snitch III Search for chan under the warning and whatever rating you prefer

    http://www.walkingtheplank.org/archive/search.php?searchtype=advanced - Walking the Plank Mostly Snape/Harry. Search for chan under the warnings, but the chan has different levels


  7. You Gotta Breathe by Kyra4 comes to mind. It was written in 2003, so it's rather old, but it's a classic in the D/Hr fandom. It takes place in sixth year and Hermione is attacked and raped by Voldemort at Hogwarts. I forget how he manages to get in, but the attack is in the very first chapter and Ron and Harry literally see it happen right before their eyes. Hermione is with Ron at the time, but it ends up being D/Hr toward the end.


    I actually like Beautiful Things Come from the Dark a bit better. Hermione is attacked and raped (again, poor girl) on the grounds of Hogwarts by a Death Eater. 7th year, she's Head Girl, Ron and Harry are out on the Horcrux hunt. Draco ends up finding out first. Excellent fic. Blaise creeps me out in it.


  8. A good WiP is Girls & Boys http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600022799&chapter=1

    It begins with Harry and Luna, but more girls join in as the story goes on. The last chapter had Harry dominating Hermione and it was just delicious. I cant wait for an update!!

    I remember reading one on another site about Harry getting Veela bonded to Fleur's sister during Goblet of Fire. The two of them had sex with each other and other girl every chapter. Have to search for that one though.

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