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Everything posted by WesleyY7
Tentacles by Guardian of the Light. It's been deleted from this site and the internet.
That would be FunFair. The story was deleted though. Have no idea why.
Here's a rec list of fics before they began Hogarts: http://dramioneficlists.tumblr.com/post/18056260547/dramione-fics-pre-hogwarts
As children? What age are we talking about?
That's Out of Control by wildcatdc. She pulled the fic from the internet. http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296845989 A loss to be sure, but she did rework the story for an original story. https://www.nobleromance.com/Books/186/In-the-Devil's-Arms The synopsis has a scene from the fic that is pretty much exactly the same except for the name changes. Devlin Marchand and Helene Gaudent.
I did not know about that feature. Thanks for telling me because it was driving me crazy! (Driving me crazy in the Why is a December 29 post on top? type of way.)
I don't know this fic, but I am wondering why this keeps popping up at the top of the forum every day. Is it being updated?
That was the Tentacles series by Guardian of Light. He deleted his stories from AFF and a Google search doesn't show anything on any other sites. Sorry!
Parenting Class maybe? http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2064124/1/Parenting-Class
I think you're looking for Tainted Love by Kerri something. It was not complete and she removed it from the internet. The only story she left up was Seven Times, which is really good.
Just found an old Arthur/Harry story. I don't think it's the same one you were talking about. My Good Boy Part 1: http://web.archive.org/web/20040820165954/http://www.livejournal.com/users/srtcfics/12196.html My Good Boy Part 2:http://web.archive.org/web/20040820170101/http://www.livejournal.com/users/srtcfics/12461.html
Daddy Kink is a new kink of mine, but unsurprisingly most of the stories I found are Harry/Draco. I'd love to see more het pairings use this kink! Care to post a link to the Arthur/Harry one? I did find a few. I've only read the Sirius/Harry ones. Harry/Neville series: http://archiveofouro...rg/series/21352 Game, Sirius/Harry: http://blossomdreams...156.html#cutid1 Colored Black, Sirius/Harry: http://hp-kinkfest.l....com/78947.html I'm surprised there aren't more. This kink would fit well with a dark Dumbledore.
Have you tried Cherries? http://hp.adultfanfi...hp?no=600018486 Very, very, very kinky and dark. Sirius becomes obsessed with Hermione the summer before their 5th year. Kidnaps her and keeps her in a secret room at Grimmauld Place. Remus joins in later. Filled with crazy magic, TONS of dirty talk, House Elf brainwashing, and almost every kink you can think of. It's actually a well-written story and makes you think too. This is the story that prompted me to get an account here.
The only one I know off hand is Daddy's Girl on LJ: http://entrenous88.livejournal.com/697709.html
The second one is Out of Control by Wildcatdc and it's been removed from the web.
Have you read Folie a Deux. It's Harry/Hermione, but it has a wonderful dominant Harry! The plot is fantastic and realistic as well. It deals with friendship, marriage, adultery, postpartum depression, and so many other issues. It's also hot, hot, hot! Can't wait for an update. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600025401
So frustrating how many Harry/Scorpius fics there are, but I've only seen a few with Hermione. One is called Family Traditions, but I don't remember if it was a threesome or first one Malfoy, then the other. You have to be registered for the site, but they have some great stories: http://malfoymanor.grangerenchanted.com/themanor/viewstory.php?sid=22 Another one I remember is a series called "Relieving Boredom" in which Hermione has sex with every generation of Malfoy, inlcuding Abraxos. Here is the author's page on ffn: http://www.fanfiction.net/~laurielove
I made a post of my favorite Hermione/Twins recs http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/13855-searching-for-hermione-and-the-twins/page__hl__%2Bhermione+%2Bfred+%2Bgeorge Hope you like some of them.
Oh, I adore illuminare's work!! I wish she'd write more. The only two S/HG spanking fics that come to mind are actually two of my favorites for the pair. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600023323 Bad Little Miss Granger, is only a single chapter, but I'm holding out hope for more. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600025636 Dangerous Escapism is actually Snape/Hermione/Fleur. He has an Imperioused Fleur spank Hermione for him, so maybe this could be Snape spanking by proxy? This story so demands a sequel!! Hope you like.
Two of my favorites: What Malfoys Do Best -http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3083992/1/What_Malfoys_Do_Best Hysterical. D/Hr are married and Draco is dealing with his wife's moods and then she goes into labor. One-shot. MargaritaVille - http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4306188/1/MargaritaVille Draco and Hermione break up. He escapes to an island resort to forget her, but then finds out she's pregnant. It's a few chapters long. Others: Ordinary People - http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4001815/1/Ordinary_People Draco and Hermione are sex buddies, but then she develops feelings for him. They break up, she realizes she's pregnant and they go from there. Kind of OCC with all the Muggle stuff, but an entertaining read. Reprecussions - http://quietones.org/archive/viewstory.php?sid=264 This has been a WiP for ages, so I'm going to wait until it finishes. I read the first few chapters. Hermione gets pregnant when Draco rapes her, but he's spelled to do it by House Elves, so he kidnaps her to make amends and make sure she does get rid of the baby. It sounds a lot darker than it is. On Chapter 40 right now. Here's the pregnancy tag on the dramione live journal: http://dramione.livejournal.com/tag/request%3A%20fic%20recs%20%28pregnancy%29 And dhraccio.nu http://dhr.accio.nu/tag/themes/pregnancy?p=1&filter=alpha&browse=all
The only D/Hr/R/H fic I know of is Bound By Duty. It used to be up on AFF, but know it's on the author's website: http://softobsidian74.blogspot.com/?zx=7381cb39d4567293 Is this the one?
I forgot the name of the first fic, but the second one is Gabrielle's Thank You. It was written by GuardianofLight. (I think he also wrote those tentacle stories.) It seems all of his stories have been removed from AFF and most from the net.
You may be looking for Out of Control by Wildcat something or other. Were Draco and Hermione older and Hermione had divorced Ron? (Ron was actually rather abusive and cursed her so she could no longer have children.) Draco had been married to Astoria (who also was into BDSM), but she had died. If that's the story you're looking for, it was removed from the internet because the author wanted to publish some of her work. Sad, I know because it was a sweet and sexy story. If that's not the story you're looking for, then I'm eager to read the on you are!
It's The Fool, the Emperor, and the Hanged Man by ianthe_waiting. Excellent story! I also love her Charlie/Hermione one. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600015377&chapter=1