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Everything posted by chilepie

  1. Maybe something along the lines of the best stories in the cannon verse, AR and AU. There's always the classic yaoi, yuri, het thing but I think it's a little over done and would only add to the friction that exist between the fans of each.
  2. chilepie

    The AU thing

  3. Title: Diplomatic Relations Author: Maldoror Summary: Rock Lee: Diplomatic Envoy to Sunagakure. There are so many ways that could go wrong. But Lee is determined to succeed! And to befriend the feared Kazekage too, while he's at it. Good thing Lee loves a challenge...(eventual LeeGaara) Rating: Adult ++ Status: complete Link: http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544200885 Short description of why you liked it: It's very rare to find someone that really takes the time to know the characters in Naruto and not warp them into the shape they would like them to take in order to ship their pairing. However Mal-sama took Lee and Gaara just as the mangaka wrote/drew them and painstakingly led them to a natural feeling relationship. All throughout this fic, you never get the sense that she's ignoring any part of the charaters personality or quirks; in fact, she compounds on them. The entire thing is incredably written, has little turns of phrase that would make an English major proud and makes good use of the cannon world.
  4. It may sound strange but when I'm thinking of names for my OC's I think about the character's parents. Ultimately, unless the character is an orphan, it's the parents that name the kid. So I give my OC some parents, give the mommy and/or daddy quirks and go searching some baby name sites for names that would spark the parent's attention. It adds some dimension to any OC I care to develop. If they don't like their name then they can always change it or shorten or do whatever it is we ourselves do to the craptacular names our parents picked out for us. For example, one of my OC's mother was an English major and very into classic literature so his name was dubbed Dardanius at his birth. However......who's going to go around telling people that that is there name? So he always just says his name is Danny.
  5. chilepie

    The AU thing

    In some ways it gives you more freedom to write in your own world but at the same time you have a major restriction to keep your chosen victims...err....characters personalities cannon. The worse thing you can find is where someone has warped a beloved character beyond all recognition just to fit the storyline they want.
  6. Over bound manly men, frankly, scare me. I'm talking about the ones that look like they got a hold of bad steroids and didn't know when to stop taking the protein shakes. On the other extreme, I can understand people's love of shota but it's not for me. So pretty much if the man in question falls in the middle of them, I'll go for it. It all depends on the characters personality and if they are written well.
  7. chilepie

    The AU thing

    I'm surprised sometimes at the force of people's opinions on AU stories. I can understand the opposition wanting to preserve the purity of the original manga/anime but I get frustrated when they won't hear out the ones that like to write AU. I find nothing wrong with it myself (and not just because I write almost exclusively in AU). For me, it's like a challenge. I keep thinking about what I can do with certain characters to fit them into the world in which I've made up. Or even how can I make them seem real enough to live in our own world. I have an aversion to messing with cannon. Especially if a manga isn't finished. I really just want to see what the original artist is going to do....where they're going to take things....then imposing what I want to happen on it. (agian, personal preferance) Now, I love it when writers can spin a good cannon story in the original verse. I've tried in my own personal fandom of Naruto and, in my opinon, sucked at it. So I'd like to hear from you. Do you like AU? Hate it? Only like it in some circumstances?
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