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Gertrude Flint last won the day on November 12 2013
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Weasleycest, Pottercest, Malfoycest, D/s, slave-pet, Daddy, BDSM, humiliation, first times, chan/minor, spanking, non-con, bestiality, creature-fics, Dom!Snape, Snape/Draco, Snape/Harry, Lucius/Draco, Lily/Harry, Arthur/Ginny, Harry/Molly, Bill/Ginny, Percy/Ron, Lucius/Harry, Sirius/Ginny, Harry/Hermione.
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MilesGerulphus started following Gertrude Flint
Kudos to Fluxalux for this totally entertaining idea! I'm seconding the hope that someone picks it up. Cuckold fics aren't really my thing, usually, but I'd read this one if it happens -- so much potential for some hilarious perviness here.
How about some classic Lucius/Harry? This one's pretty awesome. Title: Droit Du Seigneur Author: Amanuensis Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry and Draco's wedding day. The wedding night will not be what they expected. Pairings: Harry/Lucius (non-consensual), Harry/Draco Words: 16,988 Posted in 2004, Complete.
Think I recognize your first misplaced story. ("Harry is taken in by Voldemort and Pettigrew replaces him at Hogwarts...") Could it be this one? Title: Choosing Loyalties Author: ntamara Rating: M or R Summary: Ten minutes before Hagrid arrives to tell Harry of his wizarding parentage and destiny, Harry is kidnapped by a Voldemort controlled Quirrell while Peter Pettigrew casts a doppelganger spell and takes Harry’s place. HP/SS, SS/LV, others implied.(including LV/HP) Chapters: 16 Words: 71,665 Posted in 2003, Complete.
Basic Challenge Someone does something naughty to Hermione while she's Petrified. That's in the several weeks she spends lying motionless in the hospital wing (2nd year, Chamber of Secrets). Who? Any of the following: Ron and/or Harry Fred and George Snape Draco Malfoy (optional Crabbe and Goyle) Lucius Malfoy Gilderoy Lockhart Madam Pomfrey Ginny-possessed-by-Riddle other character(s) of your choice Does what? You decide: anything from a quick peek under Hermione's skirt to all-out using her as a sex doll. Perhaps Ron gropes a breast or slips a curious finger under her knickers. Or Lockhart tries to cure her and his spell goes twistedly wrong. Perhaps Madam Pomfrey has some very special procedures for keeping her Petrified patients thoroughly clean, inside and out... Conditions any rating, any length from one-shot to chaptered no OCs please Hermione is aged 13 1/2 when she's Petrified, but go ahead and write AU to make her older if you want. Hermione must not get un-Petrified as a result of whatever someone does to her in your story. She must stay Petrified until cured by mandrake-based potion, as in canon. assume that Petrified people have normal body temperature and soft skin - they're not cold, not turned to stone, just unconscious and can't move. Petrified people in canon aren't aware of their surroundings, and that's the advantage for whoever does whatever to Hermione: she won't remember it at all. However, if you want to write AU and have Hermione fully conscious while immobilized, go ahead. OK to include other Petrified characters if you want (Colin, Justin, Penelope).
Harry Potter/ Jasper Hale Slash: No Fanfiction.net stories
Gertrude Flint replied to a topic in Harry Potter
How about a little PWP one-shot at AO3? Stamina by CloudedCreation Rating: Explicit Warnings: Dom/sub, Marking, Blood Drinking Summary: Harry really liked his stamina. 26 May 2012 Words: 792 -
Is there a way to download stories to a e-reader
Gertrude Flint replied to a topic in General Staff Questions
Fanfictiondownloader.net I've been using this to download long stories in .epub format, but it also does Kindle format and others. Just a suggestion. -
Title: A Dubious Affair Author: SoftObsidian74 Summary: It's not Hermione's fault she's cheating on her husband Ron - Harry makes her do it. Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape Fantasy, Rape Roleplay, Infidelity Published: 2013-09-02 Completed: 2013-11-02 Words: 55741 Chapters: 10/10 Title: Avenging a Wand's Loss Author: UlforceDiizoid Summary: Harry makes sure Hermione pays for what she did to his wand in Deathly Hallows. Abuse,COMPLETE,Humil,M/F,Oneshot,Oral,RapeFic,UST Posted : 2011-05-30 Chapters: 1
Oooh yes, I look out for these stories too! Handsome Tom is all well and good, but there's a greater challenge in writing a believable hot!Voldemort. Some writers get it right. Here are a few stories that spring to mind... Try anything by ladyoflilacs, who writes a great snakey Dark Lord. Freefall By: ladyoflilacs A voice whispers to Harry in the still of the night, when he is on the verge of sleep and at his most vulnerable. A retelling of Deathly Hallows. Rated M for Harry/Voldemort slash. Rated: M - Chapters: 31 - Words: 189,564 - Reviews: 1,239 - Updated: Feb 7, 2013 - Published: Sep 17, 2011 (in progress) In Somno Veritas By: Ansketil and ladyoflilacs "Are you often in my dreams, Harry? I have not touched your mind since our little encounter at the Department of Mysteries... and yet here you are... saving me in my nightmares." AU!HBP - LV/HP Rated: M - Chapters: 10 - Words: 163,345 - Reviews: 284 - Updated: Nov 4, 2013 - Published: Feb 8, 2013 - Status: Complete This "Mirrored" WIP also has a fine snake-faced Dark Lord. DH AU: Harry polyjuices himself into Voldemort for the Gringotts bank robbery, but he gets stuck that way, and then the real Voldemort captures him... Mirrored By: brainstorm1001 What was going to happen to him was something terrifying; all his instincts were rebelling against his decision but Harry resisted. Now it was his turn to make a sacrifice and ensure their survival. Compliant with the DH up to the events in Malfoy Manor. Rated: M - Chapters: 12 - Words: 65,917 - Reviews: 505 - Updated: Sep 20, 2013 - Published: Oct 28, 2012 (in progress)
Just saw a fic where Molly catches 14-yr-old Harry wanking and spanks him... OK, it's stern maternal discipline, not sexual, but this should warm the bottom heart of any Harry/Molly fan. Well-written corporal punishment fic. Harry Potter and the Old Wives' Tale By: Rupert Hayes Summary: Harry and Hermione are spending the holidays at the Burrow. Mrs Weasley finds it necessary to punish them in order to teach them some of the facts of wizarding life - that differ from the traditional facts of life taught to muggle children. Rated: M - Words: 6,471 - Published: Feb 9, 2008 - Status: Complete
This HP/ASP fic is really well written! (Note: Minor1 warning: Albus Severus is 13.) The Potter Family - Harry & Albus Severus By: Times of Bliss Summary: It is the start of the summer holidays. Harry and Albus Severus are at home. Alone. Warnings: HarryxAlbusSeverus. Chan. Slash. Incest. Chapters: 11 - Words: 11,910 - Reviews: 108 - Updated: Jun 6 - Published: Sep 5, 2012 - Status: Complete P.S. If you're into het Pottercest as well, the same author's started a Ginny/James story.
Diizoid reacted to a post in a topic: Want a review for your HP story? Let me review it in Nov-Dec. 2013
JayDee reacted to a post in a topic: Want a review for your HP story? Let me review it in Nov-Dec. 2013
JayDee reacted to a post in a topic: Want a review for your HP story? Let me review it in Nov-Dec. 2013
Diizoid reacted to a post in a topic: Want a review for your HP story? Let me review it in Nov-Dec. 2013
BronxWench reacted to a post in a topic: Want a review for your HP story? Let me review it in Nov-Dec. 2013
Update: I'm extending this 300 reviews thing into December. Links to HP fics still welcome! I'll review anything! Hi! I'm challenging myself to write 300 reviews in one month on Harry Potter fics rated R or higher. I'll review every R/NC-17 Harry Potter fandom story that anyone asks me to read in November-December 2013. Any HP pairing, any kink. Just tell me where the fic is, and I promise you'll get a review of at least 100 words. Any HP pairing, any genre/kink/squick, all OK - including but not limited to: M/F, M/M, F/F, groups, genderbending, cross-gen, minor (chan), rape/non-con and dub-con, BDSM, D/s, mpreg, incest, slavefic, creaturefic, darkfic death/torture, watersports, necro, bestiality, any fetish and so on. Some answers to the questions below would help, though you don't have to answer. When I review your story... Do you want me to say what I like about it? yes/no Do you want me to say what I don't like about it? yes/no Do you want me to "be nice"? yes/no Do you want me to be brutally honest? yes/no Do you want constructive criticism? yes/no Any special instructions? Anything you particularly want in a review? More details about this HP smut reviewing thing I'm doing in November-December: http://gertrudeflint.livejournal.com/9242.html
Whoa, sheer coincidence at play - just after posting these Harry/Lily thoughts, I came across an example of the crazy!Lily type of character described above. It's here: "Of Magic and Folly" by Phantomhive Harry/Lily isn't supposed to be this fic's main pairing, but there's only one chapter posted so far, and it's all about a 9-year-old Harry who sleeps in Lily's bed and is trained to pleasure her. Crazy!Lily calls him by his dead father's name and makes Harry call her "wife". How's this sound? Another fic with a similar crazy-bereaved Lily and young Harry: "Jakosta" by Aisling. Speaking of crazy!Lily, I'm thinking of trying to write a "Neville is the Boy Who Lived" AU where Lily is alive but in St Mungo's. And I really wish someone else would try something with the scene in late DH where Harry summons the spirits with the Resurrection Stone. What if only Lily turned up, instead of all four of them? And what if she's determined not to let Harry die a virgin?
Just bumping this one up the page, because I'd also like to see more Harry/Lily. Comments on Guest_bill560682's request: not interested in all that complicated stuff about galleons and dollars (boring), but this idea sounds good: that Lily sees James in Harry and has Harry sleeping in her bed and starts having sex with him very young. Maybe use another set-up for the same situation? What if James gets killed in Voldemort's attack, but Lily survives and raises Harry on her own - but she's kind of crazy with grief and uses him as a James-substitute, she's in denial about James's death and thinks Harry holds his spirit or something (James has come back to her through Harry) so she calls Harry by his father's name and raises him to pleasure her in bed, or makes herself his complete slave and slut, and maybe has Harry's baby as soon as he's capable of getting her pregnant. So then what does Lily do when teen Harry starts taking an interest in other girls? And how does Ginny (or Hermione or Luna) react on finding out that she has to share Harry with Lily? So anyway, I've got a bunch of ideas for Harry/Lily stories, and one of them I'd like to keep and write myself, but here's another one that I'll never write - so anyone is welcome to use these notes as a challenge or bunny or whatever. Harry resurrects Lily with sex magic Now this has to be when Harry is pretty young, like 14-16, so he is quite naive about sex (a virgin) and about dark magic too. He doesn't really know what he's doing or what he's getting himself into. But he's desperate to find some extra help against Voldemort, so when he reads about an ancient obscure necromancy spell to "resurrect great champions from the past" he decides to bring back his parents, starting with his mother. Even though Hermione warns him that it's too risky, Harry doesn't listen. He's sure he can handle this. But when he does the midnight ritual and casts the spell, he realizes too late that all those old-fashioned words in the old spell-book, like essence and union, actually refer to sex and bodily fluids. The magic is getting him hard and preparing him to fuck and claim the person he brings back from the dead. Now Harry's panicking and wants to stop, but it's too late to stop the ritual without dying: Lily's spirit is already there, and her body's taking shape - it's becoming solid around Harry's cock, and the magic is forcing him to move and thrust, so he is fucking his beautiful mother as she's brought back to life in a new body (looking exactly like she did when she died). And when Harry cums inside her, that's what the book meant by the "essence" that will bind and hold Lily in the world of the living - as long as she keeps getting it regularly. The powerful ancient necromancy spell has bonded Lily to be her son's slave, dependent on him for her new life, addicted to his cock and craving his cum. How freaked out is Harry by all this? Very, but he can't bring himself to send Lily back to death by refusing to fuck her. How soon does he learn to enjoy owning and dominating her? They figure out that Lily needs at least three doses of Harry's cum every day to stay alive and okay. If she doesn't get enough, she feels lots of pain and starts fading/withering away. She also feels intense pain if she ever tries to disobey Harry. Should Harry try to keep Lily hidden? Difficult. At first he tries to keep her in the Shrieking Shack, or in his dorm under the Invisibility Cloak. This is too awkward to keep doing, so he needs to reveal her existence. But how can he explain all this to Ron and Hermione, or to Sirius, Remus and Dumbledore? If Harry already has a girlfriend (going no further than kissing before this), how does she react to the news about his mother? Harry could end up with Lily as his slave, plus a girlfriend-then-wife (Hermione, Ginny, or Luna), with one or more other witches joining their family later as sister-slaves to Lily. What happens when Snape finds out? Will he try to get Lily away from Harry? Or do a deal with Harry, so they can share Lily or she can be loaned out to service Snape in exchange for favors to Harry, even if she doesn't want to have sex with Snape at all: Harry orders her to do it and she must obey. Snape could teach young Harry some new and kinky ways to enjoy Lily. And maybe the key to defeating Voldemort somehow lies in a Harry/Lily/Snape alliance - even if they have to fight Dumbledore as well. What if Voldemort captures Lily, aiming to use her magical new body to direct a curse against Harry (Voldemort/Lily rape scene), but this somehow backfires and sends Voldemort into the world of the dead instead. (Bonus if you like James/Harry slash too: In an effort to solve the Lily problem, Harry might get desperate enough to do something even more risky - trying another bring-back-the-dead spell, slightly different from the first one, aimed at James. Oops. It turns out to be sex magic again, only this time the bond makes Harry a slave to the resurrected James...)
Anyone's welcome to try writing these! Just leave a link here if you end up turning any of these ideas into a story. Birthday sex: Weasley family tradition of giving sex as a birthday present to each other. Or maybe the birthday person is allowed to demand sexual favors from the others, no limits; this might involve the brothers and Ginny only, or the parents too. Or you could reverse that and make it so the birthday person has to be everyone else's slave-toy for the day. Bill/any other Weasley: with the classic "have sex or die" plot device. So the two of them are trapped somewhere by some spell, and Bill the curse-breaker knows the counter-spell -- but it requires sex. Both surprised by how much they enjoy themselves. Weasley bukkake, all brothers coming on Ginny. (If any artist feels inclined, I would so love a picture of this!) Weasley brothers establish their own tradition: as each brother starts Hogwarts/reaches puberty/graduates, the older brothers do some sort of initiation party where they teach him "all he needs to know." Start with Bill/Charlie, then Bill/Charlie/Percy, Bill/Charlie/Percy/Twins, Bill/Charlie/Percy/Twins/Ron. You could stop there with a slash story, or go on to write het when it's Ginny's turn. Arthur/Ginny or Molly/Ginny: either Mum or Dad catches little Ginny (age 10-14) masturbating. Mum or Dad spanks her, but then relents and shows her how to "do it properly." Arthur/Ginny: a loving Daddy/daughter D/s relationship, starting very young; Daddy pampers Ginny a lot, but he's strict in training her to obey and pleasure him -- punishes her when necessary (spanking, caning, humiliation); he might allow one or more of his sons to join in and enjoy Ginny under his supervision, as a treat/reward. Ginny must be slave-minded, consenting and happy to serve Daddy. Molly as control freak, deflowering all her children as soon as they reach puberty, because she doesn't trust anyone else to do it properly. Goes from Bill through to Ginny. Percy/Ginny: In Chamber of Secrets year, possessed!Ginny wanders out at night to release the basilisk, and gets caught by Percy the prefect. Then Percy gets seduced in the corridor or the Gryffindor common room, with Tom secretly controlling everything. And Percy is all angsty-horrified by how slutty "Ginny" is and how good it feels.