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Everything posted by PGadoury

  1. I just got into the Harry Potter fandom and my question is whats with the Harry/Fenrir pairing? I mean he really never even met the Death Eater so whats the facination? Im just curious is all.
  2. Could some one please write a oneshot or a series of oneshots that include Ichigo with the girls from Soul Society and Hueco Mundo. Im looking for threesome or twosome pairings with a fair amount of kink. Anal, oral, fist whatever you can think of just no masochisem, and as always the longer the better. Pairings Id like to see first of obiously kurosaki with: Unohana Halibel Sun -Sun Apache Nel Youroichi Matsumoto Soi Fon If those girls could come first, and all the others afterward. Thanks
  3. Could some one please write a NAruto and Yakumo lemon. She's from the Naruto filler arc. Either that or a NAruto Yakumo Kurenai lemon. Thak you
  4. Im certainly not trying to insult people who write MM fics or arn't the best writers out there. I happen to be a grade 'C' writer. However I think some people mignt agree that when you read a story where there is no good grammer and spelling. This also includes writing a naruto fic or whichever fandom you choose and spelling the characters names wrong 'naruto' as 'Natuto' or 'tsunade' as 'sunate' I really have seen this before, or a sentence that is obviosly a not a scentence under any stretch of the imagination. There is a spell and grammer check that usually comes with the writing program. I just think that if the writing is that bad chances are the author didn't but much effort into the story besides getting the idea out there. Which when its that bad its really hard to understand the idea. To reply to the the quote 'It takes guts to post fanfiction that everyone can critique' I agree I would just think that if you were trying to get everyones oppinion on your work. You would try your best to make the ideas come out and that you would try to make them as clear as possible. These are your ideas and there is nothing wrong with writing a lot to make your idea clear. Thats all Im saying. As far as archive size is concerned. I realize that everyone has an idea and you have to search for the one that interests you. Sometimes it's just a little frustrating when you look around and there arn't many fics in an archive or fandom that you like and all the good stories don't seem to fit your genre.
  5. Thats why I don't drink. I figure if I don't get drunk I mignt end up with someone worth while.
  6. I have no friends either but Im almost afraid to go out and ask "hey want to be my friend and talk about smutty fanfics". Plus my only life out side of college is surfin the net.
  7. I have been seaching through fanfics for a while on both fanfiction.net and AFF.net and there is so much yaoi. Now I certainly don't have a problem with yaoi or homosexuality in general but I think. 'Man I can't find any really good stories that don't have yaoi in them or they are just so badly written I want to rip my hair out. I have to sift through hundreds upon hundreds of fics before I can find one that is well written whether its yaoi or otherwise. I don't know about anyone else out there but I really wish there were more well written stories out there regardless of wether or not there is yaoi in them. Most yaoi or yuri I have seen basicly says whoever loves whomever because they are hot. Then there is the story that every other word is either a swear or isn't even spelled right. I really wish there were more stories that were better written (definatly more Hetero) or that the relationhips could be better developed. Im not really a writer I posted a story once and it was so bad I took it off, but I think fanfiction is not only to spit out your ideas but also to practice good creative writing and writing in general that needs to start though with trying to write well to begin with, have it betad if you have to, and try to improve while your writing. Well thats the end of my rant I can only hope some people agree with me.
  8. Im looking for someone who would consider wrting a one shot or a series of one shots which pair naruto up with girs from the naruto world in either twosomes threesomes or moresomes. Preferably the first two. Also I hope you can keep an open mind about incest and older girl younger guy pairings. The girls Id really like to see are; Koyuki, Toki of green country, Shion, Tsume Inuzuka Kurenai Yuhi Tsunade Shizune Mikoto Uchiha Kushina Uzumaki Temari Yugao ANBU Ayame Ichiraku Yakumo Kurama Im not really into yaoi but I don't mind a MFM, MFF, or FMF pairing or if you you include an OC as long as the girl is interested in Naruto mainly or both. Also please include some anal, or other fetish, and make it fairly long. Also please keep it in the Shippuden or later Arc. Thank you very much to whoever decides to take up this challenge and I definatly review
  9. As the topic says Could someone please write a Naruto Princess Koyuki and or Princess Toki oneshot fic. Nothing special just sufficiantly long and perhaps some anal and other fetish. Thanks There really isn't enough of the filler characters and some are kinda hot.
  10. Could someone please write a Naruto Tsunade Shizune oneshot fic. Nothing special just sufficiantly long and perhaps some anal and other fetish. Thanks
  11. God Ive been coming to this site for a few years now and this troll yesterdays troll and the third one are like the first ones Ive seen. Iam worried that the admin are gonna have to make this a pay site in order to keep these trolls away. BTW this latest asshole is going by the name of MegaSchlicker.
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