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  • Archive Profile
  • Archive Penname
    Accidental Suicide Bomber
  • Gender
  • Location
    Aurora, IL
  • Interests
    uhhhhh, lots. Obviously including writing. I draw, read books, listen to music, watch random tv shows, enjoy anime, play a variety of video games, and occasionally play with stupid random generators.

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  1. I am Avon. My Penname is Accidental Suicide Bomber (feel free to ask why). I adore: slash fluff romance non slash adventure angst science fiction fantasy fluff fluff TF2 slash and did I mention fluff?
  2. After Effect- Jackal Queenston- Poison in a Killer's sketchbook
  3. 7364
  4. Too true. I gave up on honest critique for some time because fanfic writers have proven time and again that they go postal if you point out even the most insignificant flaw (like spelling errors or a misused word). I had to quit beta-reading for two RL friends because of this, after they had asked me to look over their work.
  5. Ignore the little e-demons and focus on what you want and need to do. If they are dedicated fans they will understand. If they are incapable of comprehending the fact that bills must be paid and homework must be done, then they are selfish brats. IY,YGO, HP, and Naruto fandoms seem to have a problem with this.
  6. If you don't feel lyrics would hamper the narrative go ahead and use an appropriate snippet from the song. I advise against using the entire song if a few lines will get your point across. An alternative to adding lyrics is to make a playlist.com playlist for your fic, and adding a link to it at the top in your Author's Note. The readers will experience the proper mood for the fic without any lyrics breaking the flow of the narrative.
  7. Sometimes it can be tough to take a harsh review. I haven't gotten one over the internet yet, but I have gotten MANY in person. It's especially tough when the person doing the review does not stop to think about the emotional impact their review has on the author. Then the valid points brought up get lost in harsh wording, and it makes it difficult to not treat the review as an attack. We authors would all be better off if reviewers would politely tell you that something needs improving. I think it would help if people read the reviews that were already made, to avoid "parroting" about the same mistakes over and over. It can get old seeing the same thing mentioned over and over again. Stop telling me about old mistakes and let me know about the new ones please. Five people have already stated that problem A needs addressing, I don't think a sixth person needs to tell me about it when I probably have another problem that needs dealing with. It never gets any less painful to get a harsh critique regardless of how many you get. The only thing that gets easier is picking yourself up afterwards.
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