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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/2012 in Posts

  1. ApolloImperium

    Labor of Love

    Oh my… It’s been a long week! Getting back into the swing of things after returning from Dragon*Con has been hard. It’s always fun being among what I affectionately term ‘my people’ and hard to come back to everyday life, but earning a living is a necessary evil so now that I’m back and settled in – September’s news! Apollo goes to Dragon*Con (And comes back...) Minors and AFF PayPal Balance & Donations Archive Clean Up & Moderation Status So speaking of Dragon*Con – What a wonderful three days! Where to start? First and foremost, I had a great time representing the site in a couple different ways. I got to meet up with one of our advertisers again, Kiernan Kelly. She’s a blast to talk with and one of our advertising programs biggest fans. I have to give her a huge shout out for mentioning us at panel after panel and handing out tons of advertising cards! Like many of you I’m sure, I’ve always been wary of associating my real name with the site so last year was a huge step forward and this year made me realize why I do it. At one LGBT writers panel when Kiernan introduced me as the owner of AdultFanFiction.Net, there was a round of applause – To say I was stunned is an understatement. I got to speak with some awesome people and speak at a marketing panel to offer our services to those there. I’ve got a few people that are seriously considering campaigns with us, so look for new banners in the coming months! My next shock came Saturday evening. Normally Kiltblowing is Friday and Saturday so I miss this panel, but I had the chance to attend Whedonverse’s adult fan fiction panel. One of the first questions was of course “What is the weirdest pairing you’ve ever seen?” Since Rule 34 is alive and well, you know if it’s strange, we have it here. So I stood up to answer the question and when I introduced myself as the owner, I was invited to join the panel up front to an even larger round of applause than the night before! The other ladies and I had a blast talking with the crowd about crazy fandoms, kinks, stories and other such nonsense! Someone even wanted a picture with me cause I’m Apollo – Talk about an OMG kinda moment! I also learned something that night that I had long suspected, but warmed my heart to hear. The users there loved the fact that we are strict on our tagging policy and that we are active in moderating the site. They know that we respond and they appreciate that fact! Every so often we get positive emails and thanks, but to hear it verbally and face to face really means the world to me and makes it easier to do what we do. The other good thing that came from Dragon*Con was being able to sit down with an industry lawyer. I learned a good bit about DCMA and how it applies to the site, so please keep an eye out for updates to our ToS in the next week or so. He gave me some great tips and ideas about how to keep the site safe while we gather the money to turn this into a business and not just a hobby site. We reviewed the basics of how we run the site and he confirmed that we are taking the necessary steps to protect ourselves legally, with the exception of the DCMA stuff, but that will be rectified soon! Right now as it stands, I am personally liable for the site. If the site gets sued, I get sued. Every day I take on the responsibility for our content and our users. This is something I’m glad to do as I feel that we provide an outlet for you, our readers and our authors, but because of that, there are things that I must do as well to keep my liability to a minimum. One of these steps is actively hunting for minors on site. As I’ve harped about in past news posts – If you aren’t 18, you should not be here. It puts me in danger legally. We had a period of time where past moderators didn’t do that and now we have to go back through old memberships on top of the new to find people who registered while under age. This is not optional. If you registered before you were 18 years old, any pre-18 content will be deleted. If there is nothing associated with the account, it is simply removed. If you are still under 18, then everything goes. As I said, this is not optional. This is to cover me in case some angry parent finds their child on the site and decides they want to go after me for all that I’m not worth. We don’t like doing it, honestly we don’t, but we have to. I cannot stress this enough. Please don’t be upset with us when we remove your content or content that you enjoy reading because someone couldn’t follow a simple rule. I’d rather deal with your anger than having to sit before a judge. In more routine news, we are currently sitting on war chest of $563.88 with September’s bills paid. Hopefully we will see a return on our investment in Dragon*Con in the coming months as we finish paying our coder and will be able to afford a lawyer that will help us turn this into a business to provide that extra layer of protection for myself and my staff. If you’d like to contribute to either the site’s monthly operation or our legal fund, please see our Donation page for more information. If you’d like to donate specifically to helping the site incorporate, please note that in your donation! Beyond that, moderation continues slow and steady. See what’s been done here! Happy Reading & Writing! Apollo & DG
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