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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/24/2010 in Posts

  1. This is the first original fic I've ever posted. It was an idea I've had for a while and I figured this would be an easier way to answer reviews and some questions you guys might have. So hopefully I'll be hearing from you guys soon.
    1 point
  2. So I'm watching a movie I had recorded off TNT Saturday and an ad for James Patterson's newest book. I've always enjoyed his Alex Cross series to I actually watched it instead of fast forwarding only to hear the following words from his mouth: "Buy this book or I'll have to kill off Alex Cross. Its very good by the way..." *head thunks* Really Mr. Patterson? You are a New York Times Bestselling author! Do you really need to sales whore to sell books??? So with out further ado, here is the letter I wrote to conform to the 600 character count. Feel free to use it for your own letter! Contact Link for J.P Mr. Patterson, I saw the commercial today for your new book & I am very disappointed in you! You, a NYT Bestseller, resorted to the lowest of behaviors – “If you don’t buy my book I’ll kill off the main character.” I lost respect for you after seeing that. It doesn’t matter if you meant it in jest, that type of behavior is unacceptable from a published author like yourself. It’s not accepted on major amateur fiction sites, so why should it be acceptable for you? Shame, shame, shame. I’m going to have to truly consider if I want to even bother reading any more of your books. Sincerely,
    1 point
  3. lawlz, I'm glad you're someone who just already agrees with the bullshit blood elf magic addiction crap. I mean, aside from everything else, even just calling it "addiction" is bullshit, as if they could possibly be "weaned" off it or something. I mean, what the fuck? "only the very young and very old die without it, everyone else can handle it." so like, all newborns, and all of the oldest and wisest die. yeah, okay, that's tooootally something that they can handle right? pfft, they don't need to find a replacement or anything. oh, you mean all elves experience debilitating headaches for the rest of their life? pfft! they just need to sweat it out! gah. and the overnight change from "stalwart, honorable denizens of nature" to "bloodthirsty psychos" is bullshit too. so much bullshit all around! haha I mean, I think the biggest piece that I have trouble swallowing is the absolutely retarded idea Blizz had to just like... what, wipe out the entire race with Arthas's undead campaign? I mean, it's one fucking line of "and not a single elf survived" and it... what? what purpose did it serve? to erase one of the most iconic of the Warcraft races? much less instead of just retconning it themselves to be like "oh not a single elf that faced Arthas at the Sunwell survived" they're instead like "oh only 10% of the entire race survived!" which is just like, insanely low! I mean jesus christ! you'd think that, after that, they'd be even more batshit-crazy protective of every single elf left, regardless of whether they were Alliance or Horde. much less the high elves cutting ties and shit. some places make sense- I mean, the Quel'Lithin elves are all super-buds with the wildhammer, and they're two infested plaguelands away from Quel'thalas so really they'd stay neutral. the EPL lodge though? what the hell blizz? why too lazy to just change their models? to make up 1 or 2 new quests, or even turn it into a cool quest hub that actually explores the entire zone right before Strath? ah well. anyways. the bullshit with Garithos, fuck, let's not forget that either. everyone all writes about how the blood elves "betrayed" the alliance, but I mean, FUCK COME ON. the humans were going to execute Prince Kael'thas, the only leader left. the human prince lead an assault on their kingdom, after the humans failed to do absolutely anything to stop it. and I mean, seriously, god damn! if anything, the elves had to choose between two bowls of shit for their alliance, and honestly, it makes a shit-ton more sense for them to be like "well okay, at least this side has a powerful hero that likes us slash actually does something to try and help us rather than just piss and moan and be a little bitch like Varien Wrynn." hah, I mean, I was a little "erm" about them joining the Horde too, but really, if you think about it, their animosity of the dwarves and night elves, hatred of the humans, irritation with the whole group and then utter horror at them all for allying with "blue-skinned demons" would make them be like "well, okay, the orcs were bad, but they at least were possessed by evil. we don't like trolls, but these aren't stupid forest trolls, so meh on them, and at least the tauren seem cool so whatever." haha or at least that's how it makes sense to me. the forsaken, if don't right, to me would actually make the most sense for being buddy-buddy with the elves, as like, fucking half of them SHOULD BE ELVES. you know, what with Sylvanas being an elf, and "her heart is still elven" or whatever, so you know... yeah. Sylvanas. character derailment. but, (speaking of dark rangers) a dark ranger IS a banshee dude, it's just one with a corpse attached and yeah, I know that dudes can be banshees, but even if they couldn't, dudes can still be shades, which is basically a banshee anyways so it totally stands to reason that there could be a male dark ranger. and I wouldn't even mind losing Kael'thas and Illidan (which I can't believe they didn't just make gay for each other, that woulda netted them some attention) if they had just done cool things with them you know? like, instead of just being all like WOOO I"MA CAAAARAAAZZY NOW MOODLE DOODLE DOO! they could have done, oh I dunno, like fucking anything else. gah. anyways, enough about elves. on to the parts actually related to your fic! edit okay actually the other thing could go better here. this is just for fun debate. so like, I'd argue that nothing the high elves do is a rejection of nature (and by extension, of rangers). it seems to me that, based on the plethora of "the high elves love nature" stuff that's pretty much everywhere, there wouldn't be any particular animosity between the mages and rangers. if anything, the high elf approach of "if it's useful and gives power, pursue it" to training would have them simply be as open and accepting of ranger/druidic approaches as they would be to just about anything else. part of it to me stems from the fact that they'd essentially be doing what their kaldorei cousins did to them before, i.e. being smarmy bitches for no reason, but another part of me is like "well what the fuck happened to all the druids who went with those exiled elves?" I mean, there were brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, parents and children who had druidic training/talent/spark who would have left with their loved ones when the exile came. druids should exist among high/blood elves, though with exceptional rarity perhaps (certainly not enough to just be an "adventurer class). anyways. yeah, I can see what you mean in that the mages of Silvermoon would look down on rangers in the walls, while the reverse would be true outside. it just seems to me that the whole threat of annihilation from the trolls, the "unity in the face of adversity" thing, (the ability to look down on all other races ) would serve as a powerful uniting factor for the elves, by and large preventing "animosity" from developing, especially when the rangers provide such a basic and necessary function (i.e. keeping back the angry, angry, angry trolls!). I mean, it's just something that strikes me as a little bit truer to their new blood elf ideology (and I'm not saying that's anything that should be included, blech) and since you seem to actually a thought or two in your head I'd like to hear some more of your thinking is all.
    1 point
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