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CL Mustafic

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CL Mustafic last won the day on February 2 2017

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  1. So I’m not going to be around much for the next month or so (not that I’ve been particularly present of late anyway) because I’m moving to GERMANY!!! So you kids play nice while I’m gone and hopefully the German internet company won’t take the whole 3 weeks it says it will to hook up my service. Auf Wiedersehen!  

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      But… @BronxWench that’s how a move is supposed to go, and sort it out “later”.  :devil:

    3. BronxWench


      The daft bugger has learned that not doing it my way just means twice as much work for him, and crappy dinners for a month. :D

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      My parents will *still* search for boxes for something based on the room the item was in from a house that was moved out of 25 years ago!  So, yeah, I know how it goes.

  2. Yay! I’m so happy and excited for you!
  3. I saw this post and was going to pass it up because it’s absolutely embarrassing how many WIPs I have that are in various stages of writing and editing, but, maybe, if I post this it will shame me into getting my butt back in gear. (sort of like when people post pics of their pets with a sign around their neck, you know?) I have 37 WIPs and yes, I’m (sorta) working on all of them. Of those, 8 are finished and awaiting editing so they can be sent to the publisher or self published, 14 are half to three fourths finished and the others average anywhere from 3 to 6 chapters. The sad thing about this all is that even with all these stories unfinished, I can’t stop myself from starting new ones. *hangs head in shame*
  4. Some days I really miss the old Shout Box. I used to get great title help in there from the users. Now I’m stuck trying to title my own stupid books. :bash:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CL Mustafic

      CL Mustafic

      @CloverReef Me too. Having to click the box to open it is apparently too hard for me also. lol

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I usually leave the chatbox open in another tab, sometimes with the sound notification on (this depends on the how-much-I-want-to-be-interrupted factor).

    4. BronxWench


      I miss the shoutbox, and the staff chat, too.

  5. I’ve read through the comments and I get what JayDee is saying but I also see the problem you just pointed out Melrick and it’s a valid concern. I know this would probably be a big hassle but could you do a NSFW picture forum and make it so no one can put x-rated pics in threads outside of that forum? So instead have them post them in the picture forum and provide a link to it instead within whatever thread they’re responding to? That way, people browsing regular threads wouldn’t happen upon them but it would stop other people from redirecting offsite to somewhere harmful? Just a suggestion, sorry.
  6. I’m looking for a couple of betas who would give me an opinion on my new series. It’s a MM evolving into a MMM, shifter romance with werewolves. The first and second books are done and each run about 50k words, give or take and I have plans to write a third. I’d like people who could commit to reading all three. I’m not looking for intensive beta reading. I need opinions on the general plot and such, not grammar help or anything like that. If you enjoy shifter books, you’re the person I’m looking for. The first book is already contracted for publishing in the summer of 2019 and they’re just waiting on me to get them the second to set the date for it also, so I’m offering a free copy of the books once they’re published, and if you’d like I’ll include your name in the acknowledgements. Please either comment here, send me a pm or you can reach me by email at bangbangramallama@gmail.com
  7. Well, it’s late but I finally posted my Halloween story. I’m sorry, it’s crappy but anyway...Happy Thanksgiving! :D

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Hey, the turkeys are likely very scared right now, advocating we try ham instead.

  8. Ever feel like you don’t have a clue what you’re doing? 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. BronxWench


      @Desiderius Price If you were with my kids today, you’d be thinking fondly about cats yourself, trust me.

      In my next life, I want to be a gay man with an allergy to diapers.

    3. Tahn


      Cats aren’t all they’re cracked up to be when you have 5 -_-

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      And here I thought I was mad with only 3….

  9. I totally intended on writing a Halloween story but then Tahn put a plunny in my head and I ended up writing a Backdoor Politics short story. *shakes fist at Tahn* Maybe I’ll get to that Halloween story today. *sigh*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      @pippychick  Feel free to read/review those that were posted :)


    3. pippychick


      lol, I will, I promise… but Backdoor Politics is one of the best stories I ever read. I can’t help screaming over this. Seriously :) Even if it is gone midnight here, and I am knackered, and my bed is covered in crap… *sighs* It can wait. The crap, I mean. It’s like, a page long. It’s either this, or some old nineteenth century ghost story that I’ve been keeping on my kindle. Or another few pages of an Anne Bronte novel. I’m going for this before bed. *nods* It will finish my holiday off nicely.

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I base my oneshots in my universe because with as much stuff as it covers, there’s a lot of little points that are great fodder for a oneshot.  (Though I do have to be careful, Dale’s Game is the result of last year’s holiday fic.)

  10. Hello again! Okay, who’s ready for the last chapter? Just let me get these replies done and you’ll get it. From Lisa on October 22, 2017 Wow. Just...wow. I had a feeling Jeff was some sort of 'creature', but wasn't sure what kind. It's amazing that after all those years of being best friends and being together all the time, Alan never saw Jeff's anger directed toward him, so he never knew. I would imagine Jeff is scared that Alan won't ever want to see him again, since now he knows he's not fully human. Or whatever. Ok, on to the next chapter. From Lisa on October 22, 2017 Vampirism. Very interesting. lol So, I'm guessing Jeff's dad feeds off his mom, but Jeff hadn't gotten any of Alan's blood yet, so whose blood is it in the fridge? Awesome chapter, CL and Tahn! Oh wow, I get two reviews from Lisa this time! It was a little weird but I think Jeff hid it from Alan because he was afraid this exact thing would happen if he knew...but, I think Alan had to have some idea that something was off with Jeff, he just chose to ignore it because it was easier that way. Yes, Jeff’s dad feeds off his mom. The blood in the fridge is from the blood bank. Until Jeff has his someone to feed him, he needed blood to make the food he eats stay down and any old blood will do for that. She even uses the donor blood to cook for her husband too. Don’t ask us, we’re just making it up as we go along. Thanks for reviewing! From Thirdly on October 22, 2017 Wait, how is this the last chapter? Are we getting an epilogue? A sequel? It can't just end right there! There's so much that still has to happen. Alan has to come clean with what he was told and they have to kiss and make up… I think there was some confusion because though there are 7 chapters, there was also a prologue so there’s one chapter to go. We wouldn’t end it like that, we’re not that mean. Thanks for reviewing! From HideAndGoSeek on October 22, 2017 Uuuuuugggghhhhhhh I need to read more of this!!! It's so good and every chapter is a tease! I love it all though More is here! We’re so glad you like it! Thanks for letting us know! From MonaMina on October 22, 2017 Oh holy hell Batman!!! I love the whole chemical make up matchy thing...Very cool. And that's what was making them love each other too? So so sweet...They are literally made for each other. 'SIGH' I can't wait till they see each other...This was a bit of a cliff hanger... but a really good cliff hanger! Pleeease update soon! I gotta know what happens next❤️ It’s my fault the update took so long because it was my turn to do the replies but I was out of town. *hangs head in shame* We hope the cliffhanger wasn’t too hard on you and hopefully this last chapter will give you the warm fuzzies. Thanks for the review! From Alora on October 26, 2017 I love this story. I needed something with a cute'n'fuzzy edge to it and this has done the job *so* well. But now I've binge read all the chapters. And I need more. Don't make us 'make do' with some gross, liver tasting protein shake - give us more!! We’re so glad this story hit the spot! And yeah, liver tasting protein shakes sound awful, blech, so here you go, a chapter instead. Thanks for reviewing! Chapter 7 is up now!
  11. Y’all are only supposed to review when it’s Tahn’s turn to do the replies, didn’t you get the memo?!?! LOL Just kidding, you know we love you and your reviews. Okay, so here it goes: From HideAndGoSeek on October 13, 2017 Oh man I feel so guilty reading more of your amazing work becauze I'm such a shitty editor/beta/helper/friend but omg you have a gift and I'm addicted. This story is so good (like I knew it would be) and I can't wait to see how this one plays out. I hope everything is going well with your publishing! No worries! We’re glad you like this one and I’m all over here that you like my stuff. Publishing is going good, two more books coming out this year with three scheduled already for next year. It’s exhausting but I’m having fun doing it. Oh, and I’m going to send you an email so be on the lookout! Thanks for reviewing, you know they are the only thing that fuels us! From QueenAyame109 on October 11, 2017 Ahhh I'm loving this! I can't wait for the next update!! ❤️ Ahhh we’re so happy to hear that! Next chapter’s up, thanks for the review! From Lisa on October 10, 2017 I'm so glad Jeff finally apologized for acting like such an ass. It must be such a relief for Alan that he doesn't have to avoid him anymore. I think Jeff is lonely and he wants more friends, but he doesn't know how to make them. I think he scares them away before they can become friends. Jeff knows Alan's the only friend he has now. As for Alan -- good for you accepting that date with Seth! I am sure Jeff is NOT going to take this well. I'd be curious to find out how their threesome-prom date with Sarah turned out. This was another great chapter, CL and Tahn! Yeah, he’s a moody little sucker but I think it’s because he’s going through some stuff. Oh, you bet Jeff isn’t going to love the idea of Alan on a date. The prom went great, they danced and partied into the night and Jeff wasn’t even terrible to Sarah. Thank you for reading and reviewing! From MonaMina on October 10, 2017 Oh NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! That girl better not be fucking with them...He said she was always nice but asshole friends can pressure people into shit and if she was dating an asshole before and friends with people that were assholes...Maybe she has the asshole gene in there somewhere? And I wish something would happen with Jeff already!!! They are so in love and now this other guy is moving in on Jeff's territory...He seems nice but I already love Alan and Jeff together! I'm hoping something happens where Jeff has to come to Alan's rescue and...I don't know...Finally let me know what the fuck is going on with him!!! Anyway...Update soon please❤️ Nah, Sarah was a nice girl, it’s rare in high school, I know, but she was just nice to them. Don’t worry, I’m sure everything will work out in the end. And you’ll soon find out what’s up with Jeff. Thanks for the review and we’re so glad you’re enjoying the story! From Dedicated Quill on October 10, 2017 This is so much fun! I love the slow build and am dying like everyone else to know more about Jeff. I also really love their characterizations and the flashbacks. Flashbacks can be tricky, but they work really, really well here. The tone is perfect, it reminds me of old Amelia Atwater-Rhodes books, like this would fit right in along side hers in the world she created. Can't wait to read more! First off, have to say, we might have squeed a little after seeing your review. We both love Loser so it’s kind of cool that you’re reading Cold Blooded and don’t think it sucks. Flashbacks are hard to do right but this story couldn’t really be told any other way. The big reveal is coming soon there are only a couple of chapters left. Thanks so much for the review! That’s all for today, folks! Thanks for reading and reviewing! Chapter 5 is up now!
  12. The power to make vegetarians run away in horror but then on the flip side, you’d mesmerize the meat eaters and that would probably give you mind control powers.
  13. You are so excellent at it! You’re one of only fanfic writers I love because even when I’m not familiar with the show or book you’re writing about, I can still enjoy your stories. You make it feel like it’s not just an offshoot of something else because you make it your own and are so damn good at it. And football sucks anyway.
  14. When I started writing it was because I had a story to tell, I had no idea it would be one that would sell. Now, I write because I can, because I like to, because it’s the one thing I can do that’s just for me, because Tahn likes my stories even if no one else does, because there are still stories to be told, and lastly and least important to me right now, because my publisher wants another book. I think there are as many reasons for people to write as there are people who write. No one has the exact same motivations or things that drive them to put words on paper and saying there are only two is being very narrow minded about it.
  15. Maybe an outdoor hot tub on the deck? I can’t see anyone actually wanting to have sex in the snow at all let alone after having been out in it for an extended time. How would you feel anything. I mean, you know how your fingers get numb after a bit? Now think nipples in the same situation. Can’t say that’s sexy at all. Frostbite on your titties would suck massively.
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