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Advice about guns needed


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So I'm writing a fic where the characters have and use lots of guns but I have never seen or touched a gun in real life. Can anyone help me out? I need info about hand guns and shotguns, like different names and details like if one is heavy, or even what its like to shoot one. Anything would be helpful. Thank you!

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I can't give you much advice, but I'll do what I can. Well, guns are relatively heavy since they're almost completely made out of metal, with the smallest commercial guns weighing about a pound or so. The bigger the gun, the heavier it gets.

Also, ammo size increases by number. So, the smallest I've worked with was .22 with the largest I've seen being around .50 or .60. There is a bullet size called 9 mm, but I can't really remember where it fits into the size scale.

Recoil when you fire depends on the ammo size as well length of the barrel(s). The bigger the ammo number, the more the gun will recoil. The longer the barrel(s), and I mean handguns when I say barrel length, the more recoil. You mostly feel the recoil in your arm(s) since you tend to hold handguns with one or both arms, away from your body.

When it comes to shotguns and larger weapons like that, I think it only really depends on the size of the bullets since they're all large. The recoil is lessened, or easier to deal with, since you rest the butt of the gun on your shoulder and your torso takes much of the impact. Plus many shotguns/rifles come with stands that you place on a flat surface, so the recoil doesn't effect you as much.

Another thing to watch out for is flying bullet casings. Those things are really hot after you fire! it really sucks when they fall in your clothing!

I hope this helped some. :] I'm sorry I can't help with specific brands and whatnot.

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Just a thought: If you're feeling adventurous and can spend some time and money, find and call local gun ranges: see if someone can give you a quick lesson on safety and let you fire a few rounds (hopefully from a few different weapons). At least where I live no permit is necessary if one's at a range with someone who is licensed.

The last time I fired a handgun was over twenty years ago, and actually doing leaves a lifetime impression of what it feels like. If you plan to be descriptive about what firing feels like it should be a little help. I'm guessing you wouldn't use too much of that specific detail, since the feeling of shooting at a person may be more important (as one possibility), but it couldn't hurt. :)

Even if someone offers to let you learn and shoot for free I'd still offer to pay for the ammo; bringing some donuts or whatever to say thanks is a nice touch too. Take a notepad in case she or he gives you a lot of information.

One place where you can get technical specifications and maybe some reviews is the Guns & Ammo site (which I looked up just now for this reply. :))

In any case, good luck. :)

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Instead of rambling on and on about guns and shotguns and rifles, I'm just going to offer you something more intuitively informative: Guns And Gunplay Tropes. It might not be written in a serious tone, but I find it easier to read and far better of an introduction to the subject than paragraphs and paragraphs of technical information. Every trope out there tells you if it's based on reality or not (and if not, how does shit work for real). If you prefer dryness, there's always Wikipedia.

EDIT: As an aside, it works better for what you're looking for (adding realism to a fic), to focus on what matters to the audience. Just pretend you're at the supermarket, walking down the aisle, and that every trope is a product. Just pick and choose whatever you feel like adding to your story.

Edited by Shadowknight12
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Thank you all so much for all the great info! I will call shooting ranges by me to try to see if they'll let me shoot. I'll also check out those websites. Anyway thanks again! I really appreciate it!

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Just a thought: If you're feeling adventurous and can spend some time and money, find and call local gun ranges: see if someone can give you a quick lesson on safety and let you fire a few rounds (hopefully from a few different weapons). At least where I live no permit is necessary if one's at a range with someone who is licensed.

The last time I fired a handgun was over twenty years ago, and actually doing leaves a lifetime impression of what it feels like. If you plan to be descriptive about what firing feels like it should be a little help. I'm guessing you wouldn't use too much of that specific detail, since the feeling of shooting at a person may be more important (as one possibility), but it couldn't hurt. :)

Even if someone offers to let you learn and shoot for free I'd still offer to pay for the ammo; bringing some donuts or whatever to say thanks is a nice touch too. Take a notepad in case she or he gives you a lot of information.

One place where you can get technical specifications and maybe some reviews is the Guns & Ammo site (which I looked up just now for this reply. :))

In any case, good luck. :)

Fairyslayer : I asked my brother to take me to the gun range and teach me to shoot his shotgun but he declined saying he wouldn't want me to shoot him if I got mad one day, why do men distrust women with guns? He goes with his friends all the time. Does he think I'm going to be on my period and just lose it and start shooting people?? WTF?

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Fairyslayer : I asked my brother to take me to the gun range and teach me to shoot his shotgun but he declined saying he wouldn't want me to shoot him if I got mad one day, why do men distrust women with guns? He goes with his friends all the time. Does he think I'm going to be on my period and just lose it and start shooting people?? WTF?

Keep calling around until you find someone (a woman or real man) who's willing to help. Don't even mention your plans to him in case he'll try to sabotage them.

No offence to the Giant Douche from the Horsehead Nebula, Station J-12, but you're brother is a total John Edward.

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Fairyslayer : I asked my brother to take me to the gun range and teach me to shoot his shotgun but he declined saying he wouldn't want me to shoot him if I got mad one day, why do men distrust women with guns? He goes with his friends all the time. Does he think I'm going to be on my period and just lose it and start shooting people?? WTF?

If I had to take a wild, wild guess, I'd go with emasculation. He probably thinks that if you outdid him at that, his ego would be shattered like the fragile glass it resembles.

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My dad used to LIKE to take me shooting.

Ditto. That's how I know getting hit with hot bullet shells is a bitch. ><

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Well all he accomplished was making me dead set on learning how to shoot!! Now I have to not only learn but be better then him just to make my point :)

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Well all he accomplished was making me dead set on learning how to shoot!! Now I have to not only learn but be better then him just to make my point :)

And that's exactly what he deserves. Look up tips online, I'm sure there's a ton of them that he doesn't even know about. ;)

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