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  2. it’s a sense of entitlement that gets to me. My free time, not going to submit to schedule/demands (which is why I thought I hated writing for many years before I got into Harry Potter fanfiction, there’s a big difference between assigned writing & free writing). My current potter story’s now of drinking age, and I stumbled over a plot point I was having trouble deciding on how to show it… that stalled me, I delved into originals, and came back. And when I restarted, I re-read and realized it needed an overhaul. A happy little accident in the rewrite, and it’s a lot richer of a tale now than it was then.
  3. Thank you for being understanding. I’m sorry this answer is coming 2 years late but I’m getting back in the swing of things and I’ll keep updating the story on Ao3. For some reason I can’t access my aff account. https://archiveofourown.org/works/14911751
  4. Thank you for speaking up for the story while I was taking a break. It’s weird to think I started this fic in 2016 and it’s been 8 years. I must admit it fell off the back burner sometime in late 2021 yet here we are, three years later, and I’m fighting with the 19th chapter while the 20th is already planned. Speaking as a reader, writers returning to their fics after years of hiatus makes my day, and there are several fics last updated before 2018 that I still hope will have a new chapter someday. Life happens.
  5. Happy to know you like my writing. The story was on hiatus but it’s not abandoned.
  6. Hi! Sorry for answering after 2 years, I lost track of things, but thanks for the well wishes ❤️ I’m continuing the story but I can’t get on my aff account for some reason, so if you want to read the newest chapters here’s the Ao3 link https://archiveofourown.org/works/14911751
  7. Yesterday
  8. Hello everyone! Chapter 213 is now up and ready for viewing! Enjoy and I hope you all have a great day!
  9. Last week
  10. It’s not your gmail. The password reset link isn’t working properly, but I’ll send you a working link that will hopefully solve the issue for you.
  11. I made a profile here a while back, but I haven’t been back in so long I forgot my password. I’m doing the recovery thing, but it’s not showing up. Does it just not go through on g-mail?
  12. Is this a search for an existing story? If not, what is it, so it can be moved to the correct thread? Please also note that ALL story content belongs in the archive and not in these forums. We have an excellent FAQ explaining ho to upload a story to the archive, right here: https://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/63417-how-to-upload-a-story/
  13. (Jon is sent back to times of the Dance of Dragons : The story starts on the second moon of the year 92 A.C.) Jon Snow faces imminent death at the hands of his own brother, Bran. He's betrayed, paralleling the fate of his ancestors. As he dies, he sees the Night King's chilling blue eyes. Mysterious voices reveal Jon's role as the "dragonwolf" chosen by the Old Gods and Valyrian Gods to prevent an impending disaster. Also know as the Dance of the Dragons. Undeterred, Jon accepts, and he's reborn as Aemon Targaryen son of Baelon Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, marking a new era. The chapter ends with Aemon's birth, heralding his mission to reshape Westeros' fate and prepare the world for the coming storm. What happens when gods throw one last dice to help mankind? It will either change or it will fall, or it shall rise to it occasion.
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