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Pippychick's LotR Fiction - Review Responses


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Wow... thank you for your wonderful review, CL! :) I'll answer each part below:

Chapter 11, yes, Legolas gets found. I didn't see that coming and I made it worse by refreshing my memory of what the uruk-hai looked like in the movies. *shudders* Not my best idea.

If it makes you feel any better, this is one of those ridiculous canon inconsistencies, and therefore impossible. Saruman created the Uruk Hai. Sauron (at this point in time) pretty much has orcs. Though really, I suppose that would be even scarier.

Chapter 12, yes Legolas, you are the reason poor Maglor is being punished and you thought you were so much better than him. But now you get to think about what it actually means to give birth, a fitting little bit of punishment all your own.

Ohh... poor Legolas. But I'm quite sure he doesn't deserve what happens to him next.

Chapter 13, okay, I wasn't really prepared for a birth scene of this magnitude, maybe I should have heeded your warning... Is it bad that for a moment I actually wanted Legolas to go? I knew he wouldn't leave the babies though... I don't have a very good feeling about this at all, Sauron is planning something bad, I can just feel it.

It's an extremely cruel scene. Sauron wanted it like this, and I was thinking that if I was writing m-preg, then there's really only one way it could happen. Sauron is always planning something bad: sadist is too mild a word to describe him. He required an incubator, male or female didn't really matter, though he enjoyed this particular piece of nastiness. And he needed Legolas to survive... for purposes that will become clear later on.

Chapter 14, Urggh, Maglor to take the place of another to save them from suffering even though they're about to die... Why do you torture me so?

Because I needed you to know, despite everything, Maglor still has a heart, and he can't be ignorant to the pain of others. Remember that.

Chapter 15, Okay, Maglor killing Brandir was very satisfying. The fact that he saw how the other prisioners saw him, as a monster, was eye opening I think. But it was nice to see him reunited with Legolas and the babies, so sweet.

Brandir did indeed deserve to die, and for a moment there Sauron had what he wanted from Maglor. But only for a moment. The kids are cute, especially Mithedhel. I loved the parts of this that involved writing him.

I wrote these down after I read the chapters over the last couple of nights, sorry it took me so long to review! I'm still enjoying the story though I have a bad feeling about what Sauron has planned for the babies and also in relation to the two elves and the babies, I see hard times coming for them all. Will try to be better about getting my review posted sooner. :D


Sauron's plans will become clear at the end. I am not giving anything away. As far as I know, no one has ever seen the end coming.

Thank you again for the review(s)! They always make my day! :)

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I really like Thranduil when he's needling Elrond, I think that's my favorite side of him and I like the way Elrond never fails to get a bit huffy about it. But Legolas, *sigh* I don't know why when he's in a scene it's that much better. The dragon story was perfect, you did an amazing job with it.

I can't wait until Elrond has no choice but to take them both on at the same time because I just know that Thranduil will eventually find a way to make it happen. :D


Thank you for this review too! :)

I think Thranduil knows exactly how to get under Elrond's skin. I find it quite amusing, myself. To me, I think Elrond needs someone who can do this, before he takes himself too seriously. Celebrían can do it. Oropher had that ability too, albeit in a slightly different manner to Thranduil.

I'm glad you like Legolas. He's much easier on Elrond than either Oropher or Thranduil, and yet he never fails to lighten Elrond when they're together. He's much more like Celebrían, and I think Elrond senses that.

Thranduil will find a way, no matter what he has to do. It's all he is concerned with right now. But will it work out for him? Is he missing something? Hmm... well he might be but I suspect he'll figure a way through it. :D

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Wow – thank you so much for all of this! I am a happy little writer today! :)

Chapter 16, I love that Maglor has Mithedhel it's like a kid for each of them! Oh Sauron, that was so mean making Maglor do that to the poor boy and then... Urrgh it makes me so mad.

Mithedhel really is like a ray of light. He's the thing Sauron never planned for, and he dispels darkness like the sun.

But then the cruelty, yes, because Sauron always has to make his points clear.

Chapter 17, that punishment was terrible to read and then to find out that Legolas must suffer the same fate? Now I'm on pins and needles waiting to see when he has to endure it. Poor Maglor, I swear he is the perfect tortured soul and even he sees that he's changed. Oh and so ‘Athân, may be more than he seems also?

Yes, Sauron always has some kind of cruel trick up his sleeve. I think, deep down, Maglor knows even here that it's too late for him. ‘Athân is just a child, but since you know Sauron's plans for him, I hope it's clear now that he's possessing the child at times. Another cruel trick, I'm afraid.

Chapter 18, Mithedhel is a breath of fresh air after so much suffering he's so cute and his instincts to run and fight are going to get him trouble I think. Maglor would do anything to protect what he loves, that much is evident to me. I don't know why it surprised me that Sauron would not even blink an eye at using a child as a pawn in their 'game' but it sort of did. Poor Maglor, he just can't win, can he?

Sauron has a need to take away all the things that Maglor loves. He used to love playing the harp, and singing. Those things are only tortures to him now. Stands to reason that when he loves Mithedhel, Sauron will take it away from him.

Chapter 19, Oh Sauron plays dirty and now I'm worried for Mithedhel! And of course he should have woke Legolas up, I'd have been a bit miffed at him too if it were me. ‘Athân is his father's son for sure, the other father of course. I do believe I dislike the little brat quite a bit. You'd think Legolas would take at least some heed in Maglor's warning about ‘Athân, since surely he would wonder what Sauron is teaching the boy and knowing that again he's his father's son and that means he's at least half, um, bad?

I think when he was born Legolas decided there was nothing bad in ‘Athân. He can't afford to think anything else.

Chapter 20, This is so sad, it's like Maglor lost his own child not being able to be close to Mithedhel for his own good. And then even sadder, this chapter killed me! He can't resist Sauron even though he struggled with all his will to hold on to the kid. I loved how you used a house to represent Maglor's mental escape from Sauron, I could just picture it so vividly. And then I don't care, those are powerful words that Maglor spoke! Finally ‘Athân does something that makes me not hate and distrust him. Oh and yes he has learned well from his father, thankful for that at this point.

Sad, yes, and completely inevitable. Except for the part where Sauron finally goes too far, and Maglor escapes him. At least for a while.

Chapter 21, The first half of this chapter was painful for me to read. I just kept hoping (I knew it was stupid to) that he would finally say no but pretty much knew he would give in to Sauron in the end. Then ‘Athân being a brat to Legolas because he will be punished, I want to strangle him sometimes, really why must you make me hate the child so? So there is no escape for Maglor, even the ghosts know that but I'm sure Sauron will punish properly for trying to help Legolas.

After all that he's endured at Sauron's hands, I think the idea of Sauron pleading for his forgiveness would make Maglor agree to anything to stop it. It's like finding out God didn't mean for any of this to happen. So unnerving.

Without Mithedhel, ‘Athân doesn't really want to be left with the elves any more.

Chapter 22, Oh man, the ghost are pitiful aren't they, so sad. I was so worried when they came to the door that they'd just went around in a big circle and ended up back where they started. They're free! Okay this makes me sad just because I know it can't be real, they are either under Sauron's thrall, thinking they're free or Sauron plans to let them get a taste of freedom and then he'll snatch them back making it that much worse for them in the end. And then Sauron's plan for Maglor is revealed, so he really thinks Maglor will choose him over his freedom? He's probably right but I hate that he is... At least Sauron let poor Mithedhel back out where he belongs and I'm glad he knows that Maglor and Legolas are okay.

The ghosts are sad. Most of them are completely insane, but they still know what happened to them. Legolas is free... Maglor, maybe not. Too late, really, and Sauron knows that.

Chapter 23, I knew Sauron couldn't stay away from Maglor... God, I can feel Maglor's need to return, to serve his Master, you've written it so well, that longing where one would think there should only be revulsion and the need to run far far away. The scene with Legolas is so poignant, you can almost feel Maglor's hurt and then his remorse when he in turn hurts Legolas to try to drive him away, I'm so glad that Legolas didn't let it work the way Maglor had wanted it to in the end. Yes he had to let Legolas go on his own but maybe he'd have been better served by telling the truth? So sad.

Sauron can't stay away, though I'm sure he planned to. And Maglor is lucky that Sauron intends for him to “escape” I suppose. The world is too big and there is too much in it. Maglor is frightened, and he does not know how else to handle Legolas except to try and frighten him away. It's all he really understands now. He's forgotten the power of truth and honesty really.

Chapter 24, Okay, you surprised me in this one, I'd have thought Sauron would have collected his slave at his earliest convenience but no, you had to draw it out but to know that Sauron wants Maglor back of his own violation, truly, as a companion makes me happy for some strange reason. I mean, I know that Maglor will still suffer but maybe knowing that he's doing so by his own choice makes it different somehow (even though I also know that he's been so broken and trained that he really has no other choice). Whatever I'm strange because even though it's crazy and insane it's still a sort of love story in the end, at least to me it is and I want them together. And really how could he give up the experiences he's had under Sauron's crazy hands? That would be asking too much of him, to forget all he's been through? I knew he'd refuse them when they asked that of him. Maglor's back and Sauron's pleased as punch no doubt, well we'll see what happens now...

Maglor chooses, and is no longer a prisoner, though he retains all of those other titles, including slave. Sauron has what he wants from Maglor here, but what about the rest?

Chapter 25, Ah I've made it and only with a nightmare or two because of it! I didn't see the switch coming, though I probably should have! I like the change in Maglor, I don't feel the sadness hanging over him anymore. I'm not sure I'd say he's happy, but maybe content with his lot now. But oh, poor Legolas, you left me fearing for his fate and wanting to see what Maglor would do with his own little slave. "Want to play a game?" Scariest line Sauron ever uttered, at least to me it is. I sort of wish you'd have written the sequel because I think I would have enjoyed it.

I'd say of all these characters, it's the ultimate nightmare ending for Legolas. One wonders how long Maglor would be able to toy with him before he realises he's being played. Maglor has had the ultimate teacher, after all.

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All in all very well done! I was dreading what was coming next most of the time but I'm really glad I read this. The ending was very satisfying even though it did leave me wanting more just because I knew there could be... Thank you for telling me not to read this and thank you for writing it so I could.


Thank you for reading, and for leaving all these reactions for me to drink in. I've enjoyed reading your thoughts very much. Dread and satisfaction... *nods* that's a reasonable reaction to this story. :D

Oh and could you tell which one I wrote while a bit tipsy? LOL

Ha! I honestly, really couldn't *g*

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Thank you for reading, and for leaving all these reactions for me to drink in. I've enjoyed reading your thoughts very much. Dread and satisfaction... *nods* that's a reasonable reaction to this story. :D

Ha! I honestly, really couldn't *g*

Are you saying they all sound like drunk ramblings? LOL

Edited by CL Mustafic
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Oh, what a lovely treat, and how much I'm looking forward to this most-postponed moment. Perhaps not quite as much as Elrond, although it did take him long enough to succumb. Coincidences indeed...

What I enjoy so much is the love between the three of them, which is beautifully laid out, in graceful words and imagery. They learn so much about themselves as they explore this love, and even Elrond, teacher that he is, is an avid student. With all the pain that lays behind them and before them, there is this joy, and it's all the more glorious because it retains such gentle innocence.

Beautiful chapter, and I'm eager to see them play.

Thank you Bronx! :)

Actually, I wasn't expecting them to get here so soon, but in a way I'm glad they have. These last few years before Celebrían leaves are ideal. I'm afraid Elrond won't be quite the same after he loses her. Once they've explored here, I think there'll be another Elrond/Celebrían scene. I can't help it. I love the canon relationship.

There is a lot of love between the three of them. How this will play out in the next scene I do not know, but it will be interesting to see how these relationships interplay when they're put so close together. Contrary to how he acts, Thranduil wasn't expecting this. He sent Legolas to Elrond once he thought Elrond had passed him over for good. Time knew better.

Apart from that, the next chapter will be very smutty, verging on pornography. Or it will if I have my way. Let's see.

Thank you for all your compliments, Bronx, and all the reviews you leave for me. They're so wonderful! :hug:

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Okay I couldn't wait to review so excuse the typos. You're such a tease! Now I'll be waiting for the next chapter and praying it will come soon. Oh Elrond, why couldn't you just give in? Thranduil is so evil but right now I love him for pushing his agenda because I want what he wants!

I just can't wait for the next chapter.


Thank you, CL! :)

Ah, yes, I am a tease lately. For the record, I wanted to put this off for another few decades. My muses told me very plainly that wouldn't be happening. Elrond is far-sighted and wise. Deep down he knows where this might lead, and he fears being the instrument of doom for his two lovers. For now it seems Elrond has decided to trust his heart, and the dream he was given. Where there is love, there is hope. Maybe Elrond will get the dream. Maybe they all will. Won't that be a worthy end to all this?

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Thank you, CL! :)

Ah, yes, I am a tease lately. For the record, I wanted to put this off for another few decades. My muses told me very plainly that wouldn't be happening. Elrond is far-sighted and wise. Deep down he knows where this might lead, and he fears being the instrument of doom for his two lovers. For now it seems Elrond has decided to trust his heart, and the dream he was given. Where there is love, there is hope. Maybe Elrond will get the dream. Maybe they all will. Won't that be a worthy end to all this?

Oh yes, the love is there and it's plain to see. I can't remember if I left my thoughts in a review or if I just told you how I wished I could write about elves that lived forever so that I could tell an epic romantic story like yours but then you do it so well that I don't have too because I can just read yours. :D

I can see Elrond's hesitation and I can also see the reasons for it and they are good ones, no doubt, doesn't stop me from wanting to see it happen all the same. ;)

I'll wait patiently for it to happen though (of course I think I only have to wait for the next chapter so that is why I'm being so patient).


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Oh yes, the love is there and it's plain to see. I can't remember if I left my thoughts in a review or if I just told you how I wished I could write about elves that lived forever so that I could tell an epic romantic story like yours but then you do it so well that I don't have too because I can just read yours. :D

What a wonderful thing to say! Thank you! :hug:

I can see Elrond's hesitation and I can also see the reasons for it and they are good ones, no doubt, doesn't stop me from wanting to see it happen all the same. ;)

My Elrond muse is becoming more and more dismayed that all of my readers are on Thranduil's side in this lol. He keeps muttering about being sensible.

I'll wait patiently for it to happen though (of course I think I only have to wait for the next chapter so that is why I'm being so patient).


Yes, the next chapter. It's definitely happening :)

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Ah, Elrond is delicious when he's reluctant, and Thranduil doesn't take no for an answer. There's so much in this that's bittersweet: Elrond's catalogue of losses, and the call of the sea, Legolas' absence, and memory of love. But in the end, to love is to hope, and to heal, and I do think Elrond chose well at the end.

Thank you! :) For this I found I wanted to write a more wild and fae-like Thranduil, given the description of him and his realm in 'The Hobbit' book, where Tolkien himself mentions: “...Faerie in the West...”

I used spring of the year of Elrond's departure from Middle Earth, because I really do get the sense that he stayed to ensure the defeat of Sauron, when he might have left with Celebrían. I think he must hear the calling of the sea very strongly once the War of the Ring is over.

Oh, I did like this one! Elrond is so very much about duty, isn't he? Fierce on all his battlefields, as a warrior and as a healer, and fiercer still in dealing with himself. But somehow, the idea of Thranduil being competitive about their late-night releases is so very perfectly Thranduil.

Thank you! :D

Duty, yes, and I think in those situations Elrond would make himself useful, until he couldn't be useful any more. Clearly, Thranduil tries to steal the whole scene just by remaining alive at the end of the day. I couldn't stop him. :D

My heart just ached for Elrond, and for the enormity of his grief. To have seen his King perish so terribly, and then to be troubled by dark dreams is bad enough, but he was so alone in his misery. Of course, it was largely of his own making, but I'm not at all surprised it was Thranduil who would come to his rescue. “I would have bothered you throughout the journey.” How wonderfully Thranduil. And "The new ElvenKing could take some commands, after all." So precisely Elrond.

Lovely, and thank you!

I'm not sure it's what the prompter had in mind, but when I saw it I imagined this immediately. I think that were Elrond to experience a patch of darkness in himself, it would be this deep and this terrifying. It would have to be, to balance out the power of good in him. But that goodness wins out quickly, as it should. As for Thranduil, he doesn't seem to be able to let me write Elrond at all lately without him getting his phizog in somewhere. ;)

Thank you again! I wasn't expecting any reviews on these little things. :wub:

The next will be a Melkor/Sauron one, provided I can make it atmospheric enough. And evil, of course. Must not forget to add the evil. :devil:

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Thranduil is greedy, and wants to steal Elrond away for himself. He's a wicked elf, that one, but so very pretty and utterly wanton. :D

I'll wait for the evil happily! :D

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Well, that was delightfully chilling. I'm really not at all surprised that Sauron reacted the way he did. I'm not sure anyone would have been able to face that unscathed. His little jest was duly punished as well. Never taunt your Master...

Wonderful prompt piece!

Thank you! :)

That kind of sight invites insanity. Sauron survives it because he is Maia, and also he's special in some other way. I mean, Melkor hasn't made him into a Balrog.

Although, having said that, considering the oodles of fun Melkor is about to have with him, perhaps becoming a Balrog would have been a better fate. I imagine that what Sauron ends up doing with Maglor is probably quite tame in comparison... *thinks about it* :popcorn:

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Ooohh, more evil! ::claps in delight::

I had this terrible thought that Melkor might practice the kind of torture on Sauron that he later uses to transform elves into orcs. And he'd demand Sauron remain on the physical plane while he did it, which would mean an additional layer of torment. It absolutely fits for these characters. What might it mean? Well... for one it might mean Sauron is completely capable of taking Melkor's place later on, becoming the new Dark Lord.

It's a good job my writing list is so long, lol.

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The Summoning - Wow, you did such a great job of setting the scene I could almost smell the blooms! I could feel Elronds profound sadness and longing to sail to be with his wife again and it made me sad. But then of course Thranduil would show up to take his mind off it. I was surprised by the ending. It was all a dream, hum, I wonder if Thranduil has some sort of dream magic?

Once again excellently written and just what I needed before bed last night.

Thank you so much, CL! :)

Yes, Elrond will miss Celebrían more than life once the ring is destroyed and Sauron can no longer return. Poor sod.

Well, as to Thranduil – while I was writing I had the distinct impression Thranduil had been up since the crack of dawn, wandering around in his wood using bluebells to summon one particularly defiant half-elf.

I hope it gave you pleasant dreams. :)

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Ah, Elrond is a stern teacher indeed. But I can see how Thranduil would only seize on that stern aspect and incorporate it into his fantasies about Elrond. Still, an apple for the teacher? Cheeky, cheeky Thranduil...

I do hope your Elrond muse will relent one day. I'd love to see that entire ficlet.

Lovely as ever! Thank you! :D

Thank you, Bronx :)

Yes, I kind of like the irony of Elrond being partly responsible for certain things... it satisfies the evil author in me. To be fair to Thranduil, this is Middle Earth – he can't possibly be expected to understand the temptation the apple represents. Lucky for him (or perhaps unluckily), Elrond appears completely immune at this time.

Oh, the ficlet. I had it there, at the bottom of the story under a heading of its own, and then realised I'm about as comfortable with minor2 as Elrond is, which is not very. It was written in a very naïve style, being as Thranduil is only “fifteen” and a sheltered fifteen at that.

Maybe I'll add it on, and then immediately make myself forget.

Your reviews always make me smile, and this cheered me up on a day when I badly needed it – thank you *hugs*

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Transgressions is such a cool little missing piece! I love seeing innocent young Thranduil and his lifelong adoration for Elrond-- as well as sympathizing with Elrond's inability to respond. As a teacher, I so totally know where he's coming from!

I get so much enjoyment out of thinking about this Thranduil growing up and finally getting what he wants; thinking how much satisfaction and pleasure and fulfillment it must have brought him-- how much investment he has in Elrond, how much love!

And I can't stop thinking of even younger baby Thranduil printing a scrawled bit about going on a picnic with his favorite pengolodh and seeing an elk. X-D

Thank you so much for indulging me on this one, dear-- it must be relatively unrewarding work, with a small audience, and I am both gratified and flattered that you are so sweet and generous to me. <3

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It's adorable! :D

Thank you! :)

Poor Thranduil, having to read all that out. *hugs him*

Transgressions is such a cool little missing piece! I love seeing innocent young Thranduil and his lifelong adoration for Elrond-- as well as sympathizing with Elrond's inability to respond. As a teacher, I so totally know where he's coming from!

I get so much enjoyment out of thinking about this Thranduil growing up and finally getting what he wants; thinking how much satisfaction and pleasure and fulfillment it must have brought him-- how much investment he has in Elrond, how much love!

And I can't stop thinking of even younger baby Thranduil printing a scrawled bit about going on a picnic with his favorite pengolodh and seeing an elk. X-D

Thank you so much for indulging me on this one, dear-- it must be relatively unrewarding work, with a small audience, and I am both gratified and flattered that you are so sweet and generous to me. <3

Thank you :)

Oh, it takes him a long time to get there, but yes... he was quite happy about it. The roleplay scene in The Teacher with the cane is easily my favourite scene (as the author, so I don't know how much that counts). I'm bound to Elrond's pov, but there was this stunning joy coming from my Thranduil muse. I tried as best as I could to get that in.

You're welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

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I just have to say, that glimpse of a very young Thranduil fantasizing over his beloved teacher is completely adorable. It's so innocent, and tender, and I wonder if Thranduil ever forgave Elrond for making him read that aloud, even if Elrond was his only audience.

Thank you for sharing that, and I hope the muses forgive you! :D

Thank you again Bronx! :hug:

So wonderful to wake up to more of your words. Really, Elrond should have sent young Thranduil away upon discovering that, but I think at this point Elrond does love him like a son, and he doesn't want Thranduil to disappear from his life (if that makes sense).

I'm sure Thranduil forgave him eventually. And forgave him for the “timetabling” which amounts to Thranduil disclosing all parts of his life to Elrond, at a time when he's learning to want privacy. They're very subtle things, and I'm certain Thranduil internalised them, because who can he talk to? I'm sure Thranduil enjoyed the increased attention, and I'm equally sure he wished that attention would turn the way of his dreams.

All while Elrond remains completely ignorant of what he's doing. Silly Elrond!

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I'm catching up on a few things since the couch has become my new best friend.

I loved this. Though I felt bad for Thranduil, I do think he handled the situation in the right way. Thranduil's story was so sweet and something I could see an infatuated teen writing (and posting in celeb fiction).

If there are any strange words in this review they are courtesy of my phone's autocorrect.


Thank you so much! :)

Switching between the mindsets of Thranduil and Elrond, there is a vast gulf here. There isn't even a hint of desire in Elrond at this point. Thranduil really is just a child to him.

Lol! My Thranduil muse insists that if there is a 'celebrity' among the two of them, that 'celebrity' is himself.

Really glad you enjoyed it, CL. I love hearing your thoughts.

Apparently Thranduil = Tranquillity. :P

I need no further proof of the evils of autocorrect. That will stand forever.

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Oh, you keep teasing us with this! I swear once day you will have to break down and actually write it. You could write it out and then have Thranduil wake up, that would get it out of your system (and maybe mine too!) You make me so sad for the poor young Thranduil, please?


Thank you, CL :)

Lol.. now I don't know what I'm teasing you with. Is it Thranduil getting his Elrond at last at Dagorlad, or slightly underage Thranduil getting what he wants in his dreams?

I'll write the adult Thranduil at Dagorlad version, and see how satisfying it is. I suspect it will be quite fulfilling. :D

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