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Is there anywhere to find a specific list of acceptable codes to use in the HTML format for the story postings? Is it the same as the ones used for the forums? I ask because I find myself wishing to use certain inflections on certain words, but can't because my knowledge in this regard is horribly limited. I figured better ask here than elsewhere because a knowledge of HTML could come in handy on other sites as well.

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As far as I know from what I've posted, the only allowed tags in stories are <p> (for paragraphs), <br> (for line breaks), <b> or <strong> (both bold text), and <i> or <em> (both italicize text). There's also the <u> tag for underlining text, but I've never had need to use that so I don't know if it actually works.

I think there used to be a list of acceptable HTML tags in the resources section, but since those have all disappeared I don't think there's authorative list anywhere right now.

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Guest echtrae

If memory serves, the list of acceptable tags was.


This may or may not of changed, but this was the last that I knew.

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I just posted a test with some of the tags listed here (among others). the result:

<h1> through <h4> (various types of headers) ALLOWED
<h5> and <h6> NOT ALLOWED
<p> (paragraph) and <br> (line break) ALLOWED (duh)
<b> & <strong> (bolding) ALLOWED
<i> & <em> (italics) ALLOWED
<pre> (monospace 'preformatted' text) ALLOWED
<tt> (monospace teletype text) NOT ALLOWED
<center> (centers text) ALLOWED
<big> & <small> (change font size) NOT ALLOWED
<font> ALLOWED
<ol> & <ul> & <li> (ordered list, unordered list, list element) ALLOWED
<dl> & <dt> & <dd> (definition list elements) NOT ALLOWED
<blockquote> (for large quotations) ALLOWED
<a> (anchor tag-- for links) NOT ALLOWED 
<del> ('deleted' or struck out text) ALLOWED
<s> (struck out text) NOT ALLOWED
<ins> (newly inserted text) NOT ALLOWED
<table> & <tr> & <th> & <td> (various table tags) NOT ALLOWED

and I also noticed more security stuff to note the admins about. D:

But yeah, those are the various allowed and unallowed HTML tags as far as I've been able to see.

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