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Everything posted by NecroNOMNOMicon

  1. If you have any left, let me know and I'll see what I can do (to them)...
  2. Look, it's an out-and-out rave review! I'm so chuffed right now!!!! Loyal reader Mikhail Arbatov had this to say: Mikhail Arbatov 2015-05-24 id # 3000227249 I am not usually into reading these sort of stories but being the curious person that I am I checked it out and lo and behold I am hooked. You've got guts writing this sort of fiction much less publishing it. Cheers for being so daring and taking a chance. You are very creative too and it's very well written with vivid and graphic details including describing the scenery. I hope this continues. Thank you so much, Mikhail! I really needed to read something like this to help motivate me to carry on! I'm so glad that someone mentioned the writing, and not just the plot. Thank you! Keeping reading and reviewing, folks! :Eye: -Necro
  3. Welcome to NecoNOMNOMicon's review replies/discussion thread for the drabble "I'm Half Crazy..." The honor of the first review comes from JayDee (who wrote a Flashfic based on the same prompts): JayDee 2015-05-24 id # 3000070551 ...I can't get that damn Daisy Daisy song out of my head now. When you first asked about a Thomas category on the forums I had a mental image of a naked Sir Topham Hatt. I suppose when you're a big train and you're pissed with a smaller train that's one way to deal with it, but Toby was lucky not to derail! I can genuinely say I've never seen anything quite like that. I am so pleased and proud to hear you say you've never seen anything like this before! Yay! Never for a moment did I consider Sir Topham Hatt's bare bottom making an appearance -- but I did briefly mull giving Toby an mechanical... uh, appendage... with which to terrorize Daisy, but then I figured you had pretty much covered that ground with the Tin Man in your Oz story, so, I went with something else. Toby was indeed lucky he didn't end up doing himself in -- that guy definitely needs anger management! If I'd have had more room, after Daisy went over the side I wanted to give Toby an '80s-style action quip, like, "Betcha wish you'd hauled the milk now, bitch!" Next comes praise from one of our respected Archive Mods, BronxWench: BronxWench 2015-05-24 id # 3000070554 I'll admit that I approached this with trepidation, since the NoSex tag has never been a guarantee that I won't come away scarred for life, but this portion of a largely misspent childhood remains unsavaged, to my great relief. Clever use of the prompt words and a much-needed treatise on the dangers of insulting anyone's carriages. Or cabooses, for that matter. Well done! I'm blushing getting a compliment from you! That means a lot to me!! I'm relieved that I did not scar your psyche or retroactively ruin your childhood (Guess I'll have to try harder next time...) Keep reading and reviewing, folks! :Eye: Necro
  4. There's definitely a part of me that thinks "Damn the torpedoes!" and wants to stay the course, but the Alice material is not something that I had planned to let take over the story anyway; she was never going to be permanent, so I decided to get rid of her early. You're probably right that I am lending too much weight to a vocal minority, but I am still new to this and don't yet have the courage of my convictions In my mind, reviving the character in a different story enough "sticking to my guns" for me. Besides, as I've mentioned, I was a little wary that Alice didn't belong in Quinn's story anyway. (Sort of your point about mixing fetishes.) I am expecting the inevitable "more kids!" comments to start trickling in after the next chapter, though... Off to the drinking pits and whorehouses! Or was that drinking houses and whore pits? Oh, well, I'll figure it out... PS: Regarding the celeb porn material, I stil think it was the right advice, and the right decision!
  5. Sad to say I have another reader unhappy with the addition of the Alice subplot which is now being excised. Olaf had this negative comment: Olaf 2015-05-23 id # 3000227224 Thanks for the warning tag and I should had heeded them. I did read chapter 4 to see what kind of trouble Quinn would find herself but now wish I didn't and am sorry to admit that story is now ruined for me. I am sorry that the Alice bits ruined the chapter for you, Olaf. For whatever it's worth -- as you noted -- I did try to warn you... I rewrote Chapter 5 (currently live) to reduce Alice's role substantially, and she will be exiting in Chapter 6, so I'm hoping maybe you'll give the story another try once Quinn returns to the spotlight in the next new chapter... Keeping reading and reviewing, folks! :Eye: -Necro
  6. Okay, so it took a little (okay, a lot) longer than expected to post, but my version of the "Daisy Damp Delight" challenge is up. Don't worry, it's a quick read; a drabble of precisely 100 words: http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600094733
  7. Pen Name: NecroNOMNOMicon Story link: http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600094733 Type of fic: Drabble Rating: SFW Fandom: Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends Pairing: Daisy/Toby Warnings: ChallengeFic, Complete, Oneshot, Abuse, Angst, MCD, NoSex, Violence
  8. I have a request for a new category... Category name: Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends Section catagory to be in: Cartoons Subcategory: S through Z Do you have any stories for it?: Yes! Please and thank you!
  9. Not hardly. I'll post it in the next half hour or so...
  10. Chapter 5 has just been uploaded!! (Yes, I've added a new chapter already)
  11. Chapter 5 -- that's right, 5 -- of "The Chronicles of Quinn Kane" has been posted. Yes, already...

  12. Alice will exit in Chapter 6. That's how I restructured the story. But there is no going back. I just now posted Chapter 5. Alice is still there, and she plays a key role in what transpires at the end of the chapter. If you were able to deal with Chapter 4, you can handle Chapter 5, because it is much tamer. (I wish there was an instant messenger app here so I could privately tell you what's up.)
  13. I'll take that as a Yes to violence... Duly noted. And don't feel guilty or anything. As I said, I knew I was straying and I should have known better! I'm truncating the minor1 action so I can refocus on what my readers seem to want more of: Quinn x Animals. I'll still work up some youth-oriented material, but in another story series, so people who want that will know where to find it. Hey, Charles Dickens let his readers guide his plot choices when he serialized his novels, so who am I to defy what the people want? And one more thing: Alice was never going to take over, so I wouldn't have had to change the name. She was going to hang around once her father was removed from the picture and become a sort of a pal for Quinn. Y'know, with... sleepovers and playing dress-up and that sort of thing. But Quinn was always to remain the star attraction of the series. Got a favorite animal you'd like to see in the future?
  14. Not as many fans of the minor1 material as I was hoping. Or, they are less vocal. I decided to make that minor1 subject matter its own thing and chip it out of this story to return the focus to Quinn. I might continue to use the name Alice in a future minor1 story, but if I do it will be in her own storyline, not intruding on Quinn. I will keep Quinn in the realm of beasts, not kids! You can safely return to the Quinn story by the end of Chapter 6, JayDee.
  15. I am glad that you liked the non-Alice elements. Because there's more of that in Chapter 5. And you will get some of your questions answered directly, while others will be in Chapter 6. I did an extensive rewrite of Chapter 5 last night/this morning based on the negative reactions, and it's about 1/3 shorter now. (the better to get it out of the way sooner and refocus) I removed one whole Alice scene and reworked the other. Based on what had to happen leading out of Chapter 4, I couldn't quite get Quinn all the way into the foreground of the chapter, but she does have... well, a star moment. Chapter 6 has been completely reimagined, because I junked what I was going to do in order to truncate the Alice storyline. I just figured it out a couple of hours ago and haven't had a chance to write it yet. How are you with violence? It will take a bit to set this story on a new course, but I can get it righted by Chapter 6. What people want to see is more of Quinn doing what she does best. And I want that too. And don't worry about that other story... it was a simple palate-cleanser and I knocked it out in minutes! I have put other projects on the back burner while I retool the Quinn story.
  16. 1. Kim Possible 2. Kitty Pryde from X-Men 3. Zatana from Justice League 4. Hawkgirl from Justice League 5. Tara from Herculoids
  17. Speaking of expressing disappointment, we have these comments from Anonymous Anon 2015-05-22 id # 3000227205 Not quite what I was expecting..... slightly disappointed but will wait to see how this plays out in next update. Anon 2015-05-22 id # 3000227206 I was talking about about chapter 4 not the story itself! Sorry you were disappointed in the latest chapter, Anon. I hope you find the next installment more to your liking. Though, may I ask, what exactly were you disappointed by? Did you not like the new characters? Did you want Quinn to be more front-and-center? Too much travelogue? How do I get back in your good graces? I knew I was taking a chance with this chapter, but I really wanted it to be different from the previous ones. It was a conscious decision. I wanted to bring in some new characters to help Quinn carry the narrative, but maybe she got pushed too far into the background. I also knew it was taking a risk to indulge in all the world-building, too, but I did a lot of research about the Everglades and felt compelled to use as much as I could. Let me know where I went off the rails -- or if you liked the change of pace! (Somebody liked it, right? Right? Anybody?...) Keep reading and commenting, folks! :Eye: -Necro
  18. No problem at all, my friend. Go in peace. That's the reason for the warning tags -- to help folks steer clear material they wouldn't enjoy. I have no quarrel with anyone's personal tastes. Alice and Alan will be around for at least two more chapters, but I'll be sure to give you a heads-up whenever the story moves on from them. Keep reading and commenting folks, even if you just want to express disappointmemt. All feedback helps! -Necro
  19. Besides providing some entertainment with your Daisy story, JayDee, you've also inspired me to try my hand at that same challenge -- although my story is very, very (VERY) different from what you came up with. Not the same at all...
  20. Chapter 4 of "The Chronicles of Quinn Kane" is now live!

  21. Chapter 4 is now online and waiting to be read! :dance: :dance:
  22. I have a fanfic about "Thomas (the Tank Engine) & Friends," a series that uses stop-motion animation, which is, of course, very different from cartoon or digital animation. Should I just post it in the TV section, S thrugh Z? Don't know how much of a demand there is for stop-motion animation, but should it maybe be a section or category or subcategory of its own, since it is something distinct? I only have the one little story myself, so if it's just me then the TV section would work. Thanks
  23. I'm probably going to hold off for a few days to give people time to digest Chapter 4 before adding Chapter 5. As I said, I thought it might be overwhelming as one big chunk, so I don't want to just go ahead and dump two big pieces on the same day.
  24. Just in case anyone thinks my last reply was a bit of a dodge, I'll let y'all in on a bit of behind-the-scenes info... I was working on Chapter 4 this morning and thought I had it all worked out when I suddenly realized that I didn't. The story demanded something more, and by the time I was finished not only was the reworked chapter the longest one yet, it was very, very long! Now, I don't think it's fair to expect readers to slog through a 6,000-word chapter this early in the story, so I'm going to split it into two parts, which may not be equal in size. (Just for comparison, the chapters have been running about 4,000 words each.) The next installment(s) will be a bit of a change of pace, with more world-building and scene-setting. However, there's still non-consentual sex -- but of a very different (and very taboo) sort. Keep reading and commenting, folks! :Eye: -Necro
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